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Nếu hè này em được về với bầm em em sẽ cố gắng vác về. Nhưng mà phải liên lạc với ai ạ?
Nếu nhân rộng ra thành việc thu gom các loại sách không chỉ về Kinh Tế thì tốt quá. Chỉ e không ai kham nổi...
Nếu các anh chị thiếu người quản lí thì em có thể nhờ bạn em. Đảm bảo tốt ạ. Năm nay nó được tuyển thẳng nên cũng nhàn rỗi, giỏi tiếng Anh và hầu hết các môn khác--> trình độ super:D, lại rất đáng tin cậy ạ. Nếu tin em được thì tin nó càng đựơc ạ.:D

Dạ, em hỏi các anh chị đặt 'đại bản doanh' ở đâu chưa ạ?
Ô Em Giang đã chuồn sang NL từ khi nào nhanh vậy???
Mà các đồng chí định mở "thư viện tưởng tượng" đấy à??? :D
Tôi mua mỗi quyển sách hơn $100 tiếc lắm! Ứ góp đâu!!!
Ho Hoang Giang đã viết:
Nếu hè này em được về với bầm em em sẽ cố gắng vác về. Nhưng mà phải liên lạc với ai ạ?
Nếu nhân rộng ra thành việc thu gom các loại sách không chỉ về Kinh Tế thì tốt quá. Chỉ e không ai kham nổi...
Em vừa nhờ mấy đồng chí cầm về hộ một số sách rất hay về lý thuyết giáo dục & một tí teo sách polisci. Chỉ tiếc là trên forum này không có CLB Giáo dục, nên em chả biết post vào đâu để giới thiệu :rolleyes:.
Có ai quan tâm đến thể loại sách này không ạ?
Giới thiệu sách giáo dục

Hic, vẫn chưa tìm được chỗ nào phù hợp để giới thiệu mấy quyển sách giáo dục em vừa gửi ké được về, nên em post tạm lên đây vậy:

Đầu tiên là 2 cuốn sách kinh điển của John Dewey, người được coi là đặt nền móng cho trào lưu giáo dục tích cực của Mỹ từ cuối thế kỉ 19, đầu thế kỉ 20, và có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến nền giáo dục của Mỹ và nhiều nước khác trên thế giới, trong đó có Việt Nam:

The School and Society & the Child and the Curriculum by John Dewey
Dover Publications, 2001
ISBN: 0486419541

Publisher Comments: Philosopher, psychologist, and educator, John Dewey (1859-1952) ranks as one of the most influential forces in the shaping of American education. In his view, education at its best began with experience, but continually broadened experience to achieve the goals of growth and maturity. Deeply interested in educational reform, he stressed the importance of "activity, " "process, " and "growth." The present volume contains two of his shorter, but most influential, works on the philosophy of education. In The School and Society Dewey declared that we must "make each one of our schools an embryonic community life, active with types of occupations that reflect the life of the larger society and permeated with the spirit of art, history, and science." In The Child and the Curriculum he stressed the importance of the curriculum as a means of determining the environment of the child, and allowing the teacher to guide the child in asserting himself, exercising his capacities, and fulfilling the destiny of his own nature. This volume will be of immense interest to educators, psychologists, parents, and anyone interested in the psychology and philosophy of childhood education.

Experience and Education by John Dewey
New York: Collier Books. (Collier edition first published 1963).

In this book Dewey seeks to move beyond dualities such as progressive / traditional - and to outline a philosophy of experience and its relation to education.

Quyển này đã được tải lên mạng ở địa chỉ này:

Ngoài ra còn có một số tác phẩm quan trọng của Dewey cũng đã được upload trên mạng, nên em không gửi về. Những ai muốn tìm đọc thêm về Dewey & Progressive Education có thể tìm đọc ở đây:

Democracy and Education

My Pedagogic Creed
Bên cạnh đó, có một số tác phẩm mới hơn, cũng rất có giá trị:

Chomsky on Democracy and Education By Noam Chomsky
Editor Otero, Carlos
Falmer Press, 2002
ISBN: 0415926327

Publisher Comments:
Education stands at the intersection of Noam Chomsky's two lives as scholar and social critic: As a linguist he is keenly interested in how children acquire language, and as a political activist he views the education system as an important lever of social change.

Chomsky on Democracy and Education gathers for the first time his impressive range of writings on these subjects, some previously unpublished and not readily available to the general public. Raised in a progressive school where his father was principal, Chomsky outlines a philosophy of education stepped in the liberal tradition of John Dewey, more concerned with cultivating responsible citizens than feeding children facts. The goal of education, Chomsky argues, is to produce free human beings whose values are not accumulation and domination, but rather free association on terms of equality.

Spanning issues of language, power, policy and method, this collection includes seminal theoretical works like Language and Freedom, a social analysis of the role of schools and universities in the American polity, and specific critiques of language instruction in America's classrooms today, along with new interviews conducted by Carlos Otero that serve to encapsulate Chomsky's views.

Engaging and incisive, Chomsky on Democracy and Education makes accessible the key insights that have earned Chomsky such a committed following.

Ai quan tâm đến cải cách giáo dục & equality thì có thể tham khảo bài học về một vấn đề nhức nhối phát sinh trong quá trình cải cách giáo dục Mỹ, được tổng kết ở đây:

School Choice: The Moral Debate By Alan Wolfe
Princeton University Press, 2003
ISBN: 0691096619

Publisher Comments:

School choice has lately risen to the top of the list of potential solutions to America's educational problems, particularly for the poor and the most disadvantaged members of society. Indeed, in the last few years several states have held referendums on the use of vouchers in private and parochial schools, and more recently, the Supreme Court reviewed the constitutionality of a scholarship program that uses vouchers issued to parents. While there has been much debate over the empirical and methodological aspects of school choice policies, discussions related to the effects such policies may have on the nation's moral economy and civil society have been few and far between. "School Choice, a collection of essays by leading philosophers, historians, legal scholars, and theologians, redresses this situation by addressing the moral and normative side of school choice.

The twelve essays, commissioned for a conference on school choice that took place at Boston College in 2001, are organized into four sections that consider the relationship of school choice to equality, moral pluralism, institutional ecology, and constitutionality. Each section consists of three essays followed by a critical response. The contributors are Patrick McKinley Brennan, Charles L. Glenn, Amy Gutmann, David Hollenbach, S. J., Meira Levinson, Sanford Levinson, Stephen Macedo, John T. McGreevy, Martha Minow, Richard J. Mouw, Joseph O'Keefe, S. J., Michael J. Perry, Nancy L. Rosenblum, Rosemary C. Salomone, Joseph P. Viteritti, Paul J. Weithman, and Alan Wolfe.
Về phương pháp sư phạm cụ thể thì có 2 quyển của Jerome Bruner:

The Process of Education By Jerome S. Bruner
Harvard University Press, 1976
ISBN: 0674710010

A landmark text, which had a direct impact on policy formation in the United States and influenced the thinking and orientation of a wide group of teachers and scholars. Its view of children as active problem-solvers who are ready to explore 'difficult' subjects while being out of step with the dominant view in education at that time, struck a chord with many. 'It was a surprise', Jerome Bruner was later to write (in the preface to the 1977 edition), that a book expressing so structuralist a view of knowledge and so intuitionist an approach to the process of knowing should attract so much attention in America, where empiricism had long been the dominant voice and 'learning theory' its 'amplifier'.

Toward a Theory of Instruction By Jerome S. Bruner
Harvard University Press, 1966
ISBN: 0674897013

This country's most challenging writer on education presents here a distillation, for the general reader, of half a decade's research and reflection. His theme is dual: how children learn, and how they can best be helped to learn - how they can brought to the fullest realization of their capabilities.

Though good sense on the subject of education is not quite in the man-bites-dog category, it is sufficiently rare to be newsworthy. When it appears in conjunction with cogency, insight, wisdom and style, as it does in Jerome Bruner's book, the result is a heady mixture...What makes this book particularly rewarding is the quality of [Bruner's] insights--for example, he speaks of language as a calculus of thought. What makes his book important is the heightened spirit of ferment that it is bound to bring education.-New York Times Book Review

Giới thiệu qua về Bruner:

Jerome S. Bruner (1915- ) is one of the best known and influential psychologists of the twentieth century. He was one of the key figures in the so called 'cognitive revolution' - but it is the field of education that his influence has been especially felt. His books The Process of Education and Towards a Theory of Instruction have been widely read and become recognized as classics, and his work on the social studies programme - Man: A Course of Study (MACOS) - in the mid-1960s is a landmark in curriculum development. More recently Bruner has come to be critical of the 'cognitive revolution' and has looked to the building of a cultural psychology that takes proper account of the historical and social context of participants. In his 1996 book The Culture of Education these arguments were developed with respect to schooling (and education more generally). 'How one conceives of education', he wrote, 'we have finally come to recognize, is a function of how one conceives of the culture and its aims, professed and otherwise' (Bruner 1996: ix-x).
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Tạm thời em chọn gửi về một số sách như vậy. Đây là những cuốn sách mà bất kì ai quan tâm đến giáo dục đều nên đọc.
Ở đây em còn giữ rất nhiều sách hay khác, những ai muốn tìm hiểu sâu hơn có thể liên lạc trực tiếp với em.

Mới mang về một đống sách Kinh tế, khi nào có thời gian sẽ post một cái list lên trên này để mọi người xem.
Bác Chomsky là bác nào có vẻ nổi tiếng, thỉnh thoảng thấy được nhắc đến chỗ này chỗ kia nhỉ?
Huynh Khac Tung đã viết:
Bác Chomsky là bác nào có vẻ nổi tiếng, thỉnh thoảng thấy được nhắc đến chỗ này chỗ kia nhỉ?

Bác Chomsky là giáo sư ngôn ngữ học ở MIT, nổi tiếng với danh hiệu "leading dissident political scholar", chuyên lớn tiếng phê bình các chính sách nội ngoại giao của chính phủ Mỹ và hệ thống báo chí truyền thông của nước này. Ông này nổi tiếng ở nước ngoài hơn là trong nước thì phải.

Bác nào thích tìm hiểu thêm về lý lịch Chomsky thì vào đây: http://web.mit.edu/linguistics/www/chomsky.home.html

Muốn đọc sách của Chomsky thì xem chỗ này:
Trong khi chờ đợi các con sâu rượu post list sách lên đây, em xin tranh thủ giới thiệu thêm mấy quyển em khoái nhất, đã và sắp mang về, kẻo từ mai phải đi làm bận, không có thời gian bi bô trên này nữa.

Sách em đọc toàn sách undergrad, trình độ cơ bản, sáng sủa, dễ hiểu. :mrgreen:

1) On Democracy by Robert A. Dahl
Yale University Press, 2000
ISBN: 0300084552

In this accessible and authoritative book, one of the most prominent political theorists of the time provides a primer on democracy that clarifies what democracy is, why it is valuable, how it works, and what challenges it confronts in the future.

2) The Dynamics of Democratization: Elites, Civil Society and the Transition Process by Graeme J. Gill
St. Martin's Press, 2000
ISBN: 0312231725

One of the most significant developments in the last three decades of the 20th century was the fall of many authoritarian regimes and their replacement by governments claiming democratic credentials. Although the most spectacular instance of this was the collapse of communism, epitomized by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it had occurred in a much wider range of countries -- from Spain and Greece to Uruguay and South Korea. An important part in this has been played by political elites, which have sought to manage the process of regime change with a view to restabilizing their positions and limiting the disruption. However, the author argues that real democratization has been achieved only in these cases where the management of the transition process has not been left wholly in the hands of the elites but rather, has been supervised by elements from the broader civil society. The Dynamics of Democratization provides a clear and accessible overview of the scale, scope, and character of democratization in the contemporary world.

3) Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World By Barrington Moore, Jr.
Beacon Press, 1993 ed. (first published 1966)
ISBN: 0807050733

"A landmark in comparative history and a challenge to scholars of all lands who are trying to learn how we arrived at where we are now."
-The New York Times Book Review

4) The Road From Serfdom: the economic and political consequences of the end of communism by Robert Skidelsky (khác với The Road To Serfdom của Hayek)
Penguin Press, 1997
ISBN: 0140242198

The Crisis of Communism at the end of the 1980's was hailed as a triumph for Western capitalism, but initial euphoria soon turned to pessimism as the West failed to react adequately to the momentous changes that were taking place in the "new world order." While the demise of established Cold War structures threatened to unleash worldwide pandemonium, the passing of socialism seemed to leave money-making and ethnic violence as the only competitors for the future. In The Road from Serfdom Robert Skidelsky, one of our foremost political economists, reasserts the need for optimism. The collapse of communism, he argues, is the most hopeful event to have happened in the twentienth century, not least by reviving the liberal promise shattered by the First World War. Drawing parallels between the post-World War I political flux and conditions today, Skidelsky links the demise of communism - and its turbulent legacy - to the global failure of this century's most misguided concept: collectivism. Arguing that the ideological void left by the end of communism poses at once a threat and an urgent opportunity, Skidelsky urges the liberal West to reassert its leadership by developing a "constitution of liberty" aimed at entrenching the post-communist world order. In the current proliferation of simplistic blueprints for the future, The Road from Serfdom offers an intellectually bold, realistic, and timely prescription for the future in the face of today's economic and political challenges.

Anh Quốc Anh hình như quên chưa giới thiệu:

5) Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress
By Harrison, Lawrence E.
Editor Huntington, Samuel P.
Basic Books, 2001
ISBN: 0465031765

The World at the Beginning of the twenty-first century is still divided between the few who are rich and the many who are poor, between the free and the oppressed. Even in the prosperous democracies, troubling gaps in well-being persist. Traditional explanations like imperialism, dependency and racism are no longer adequate, and increasingly observers are concluding that the principal reason why some countries and ethnic groups are better off than others lies in cultural values that powerfully shape political, economic and social performance." "Many, but not all, of the distinguished contributors to Culture Matters share this view and believe that value and attitude change is indispensable to progress for those who are lagging.

The authors present an important look at why some cultures and ethnic groups are better off than others, and the role that cultural values play in the shaping of nations' and peoples' political, economic, and social performance. Includes 22 essays by scholars, journalists, and global business experts.

Publisher Comments: Prominent scholars and journalists ponder the question of why, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world is more divided than ever between the rich and the poor, between those living in freedom and those under oppression.

Em còn bỏ sót quyển nào không nhỉ?
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
My ới à

Hehe. Cho tao mượn mấy quyển sách của mày được không? Mày đã ở Việt Nam chưa thế. Để mấy hôm nữa tao về đến nơi tao còn bần bật đến nhà mày mượn sách cái. Tởm, ở Anh không dám mua sách vì đắt lẽ luỡi, chỉ dám mượn thư viện thôi.

Các anh các chị cho em hỏi là nếu em muốn mượn sách để photocopy thì mượn thế nào ạ?
Thuy` Anh đã viết:
My ới à

Hehe. Cho tao mượn mấy quyển sách của mày được không? Mày đã ở Việt Nam chưa thế. Để mấy hôm nữa tao về đến nơi tao còn bần bật đến nhà mày mượn sách cái. Tởm, ở Anh không dám mua sách vì đắt lẽ luỡi, chỉ dám mượn thư viện thôi.

Các anh các chị cho em hỏi là nếu em muốn mượn sách để photocopy thì mượn thế nào ạ?
Tao vẫn chưa về đến Việt Nam. Còn phải ở lại đây ít nhất 8 tuần nữa.
Sách vở của tao thì gửi về gần hết rồi, nhưng không phải để ở nhà tao. Mày hỏi bác Tuấn hay ai đó mà mượn.
Hic cái việc góp sách này thế nào rồi nhỉ Bây giờ em muốn mượn (hoặc pho to ) thì phải làm như thế nào ạ ?
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