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1.Economics, David begg, stanley fischer, rudiger dornbusch, Sixth Edition, McGrawHill . www.begg6.com

2. Principles or Marketing (plus one CD), Kotler and Armstrong, Ninth Edition(Int. Edition), Prentice Hall. www.prenhall.com/kotler.

3. Business (plus one CD), Ricky W. & Ronald J. Ebert, Sixth Edition(Int. edition), Prentice Hall. www.prenhall.com/griffin.

4. International Management managing across borders and cultures, Helen Deresky, Fourth Edition (Int. edition), Prentice Hall. www.prenhall.com/deresky.

5. Financial Accounting, Williams Haka Bettner and Meigs, Eleventh Edition (Int. edition), McGraw Hill.

6. Managerial Accounting creating value in a dynamic business environment, Ronald W.Hilton.
1. Microeconomic Theory (Mas-Colell, Whinston & Green)
a. Authors wrote this textbook while teaching at Harvard U.
b. Many instructors of microeconomic theory have been waiting for a text that provides balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics. Masterfully combining the results of years of teaching microeconomics at Harvard University, Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael Whinston, and Jerry Green have filled that conspicuous vacancy with their groundbreaking text, Microeconomic Theory.
c. The authors set out to create a solid organizational foundation upon which to build the effective teaching tool for microeconomic theory. The result presents unprecedented depth of coverage in all the essential topics, while allowing professors to "tailor-make" their course to suit personal priorities and style. Topics such as noncooperative game theory, information economics, mechanism design, and general equilibrium under uncertainty receive the attention that reflects their stature within the discipline. The authors devote an entire section to game theory alone, making it "free-standing" to allow instructors to return to it throughout the course when convenient. Discussion is clear, accessible, and engaging, enabling the student to gradually acquire confidence as well as proficiency. Extensive exercises within each chapter help students to hone their skills, while the text's appendix of terms, fully cross-referenced throughout the previous five sections, offers an accessible guide to the subject matter's terminology. Teachers of microeconomics need no longer rely upon scattered lecture notes to supplement their textbooks. Deftly written by three of the field's most influential scholars, Microeconomic Theory brings the readability, comprehensiveness, and versatility to the first-year graduate classroom that has long been missing.
d. Research book, graduate microeconomics. Needs math.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
2. Development Economics (Debraj Ray)
a. Debraj Ray : Boston University,
b. The study of development in low-income countries is attracting more attention around the world than ever before. Yet until now there has been no comprehensive text that incorporates the huge strides made in the subject over the past decade. Development Economics does precisely that in a clear, rigorous, and elegant fashion. Debraj Ray, one of the most accomplished theorists in development economics today, presents in this book a synthesis of recent and older literature in the field and raises important questions that will help to set the agenda for future research. He covers such vital subjects as theories of economic growth, economic inequality, poverty and undernutrition, population growth, trade policy, and the markets for land, labor, and credit. A common point of view underlies the treatment of these subjects: that much of the development process can be understood by studying factors that impede the efficient and equitable functioning of markets. Diverse topics such as the new growth theory, moral hazard in land contracts, information-based theories of credit markets, and the macroeconomic implications of economic inequality come under this common methodological umbrella. The book takes the position that there is no single cause for economic progress, but that a combination of factors--among them the improvement of physical and human capital, the reduction of inequality, and institutions that enable the background flow of information essential to market performance--consistently favor development. Ray supports his arguments throughout with examples from around the world. The book assumes knowledge of only introductory economics and explains sophisticated concepts in simple, direct language, keeping the use of mathematics to a minimum. Development Economics will be the definitive textbook in this subject for years to come. It will prove useful to researchers by showing intriguing connections among a wide variety of subjects that are rarely discussed together in the same book. And it will be an important resource for policy-makers, who increasingly find themselves dealing with complex issues of growth, inequality, poverty, and social welfare.
c. Undergraduate, clear, coherent, very comprehensible. Very accessible, important textbook in Development. Needs little prerequisite.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
3. Development Microeconomics (Bardhan & Udry)
a. Pranab Bardhan : UC Berkeley, Christopher Udry : Yale U,
b. Traditional development economics has recently been revolutionized by the application of new economic tools and concepts. Development Microeconomics is the first in a series of books which will look at the entire spectrum of development economics issues, combining the strengths of conventional developmental thought with the insights of contemporary mainstream economics.
c. One main new conceptual tool used is the application of the theory of imperfect information and the effects this has on the behavior of economic agents. This helps to explain why perfect competition models rarely have success when dealing with developing economies. The authors also stress the necessity of balance in dealing with many of the classic problems in development studies – the importance of both the individual as economic agent and cultural norms as the framework of social behavior; the dual relationship between equity and efficiency in economic policy-making; the importance of market rivalry and the potential of information-based market breakdown and coordination failure.
d. Designed specifically for graduate students, this book analyses the key microeconomic problems facing the very poorest sectors of developing economies. It utilizes simple theoretical models, and is presented in a compact and analytical form. High technical sophistication is avoided, and the only pre-requisite is some familiarity with the tools of general economic theory at a first-year graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
e. Research book, graduate, advanced in Development, concise, covers many issues. Needs microeconomics, some math.
4. Market Structure and Foreign Trade (Helpman & Krugman)
a. Elhanan Helpman : Harvard U, Paul Krugman : Princeton U, two of the world leading researchers in international economics issues.
b. Market Structure and Foreign Trade presents a coherent theory of trade in the presence of market structures other than perfect competition. The theory it develops explains trade patterns, especially those of industrial countries, and provides an integration between trade and the role of multinational enterprises.
c. Relating current theoretical work to the main body of trade theory, Helpman and Krugman review and restate known results and also offer entirely new material on contestable markets, oligopolies, welfare, and multinational corporations and new insights on external economies, intermediate inputs, and trade composition.
d. “This book is a very substantial research monograph which, as one would expect from the authors, addresses fundamentally important and interesting questions with analytical elegance and clear exposition. It will be required reading for trade theorists and those seeking to become such.” – Journal of Economic Literature.
e. Research book, advanced in Trade Theory. Needs microeconomics, some math.
5. Trade Policy and Market Structure (Helpman & Krugman)
a. Elhanan Helpman : Harvard U, Paul Krugman : Princeton U, two of the world leading researchers in international economics issues.
b. This sequel to Market Structure and Foreign Trade examines the new international trade's applied side. It provides a compact guide to models of the effects of trade policy in imperfectly competitive markets, as well as an up-to-date survey of existing knowledge, which is extended by the authors' useful interpretations of the results.
c. This slim volume presents the normative theory of international trade under imperfect competition in a systematic manner. One cannot help but come away from it with a profound sense of caution about the advisablility of policies aimed at shifting rents. This ought to be required reading for all policymakers interested in "strategic trade theory." Unfortunately, it is not.
d. Research book, advanced in Trade Theory (normative), concise, panoramic. Needs microeconomics, little math.
6. Advanced Macroeconomics (David Romer)
a. David Romer : UC Berkeley.
b. David Romer's Advanced Macroeconomics, 2e is the standard text and the starting point for graduate macro courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics and monetary economics. A series of formal models are used to present and analyze important macroeconomic theories. The theories are supplemented by examples of relevant empirical work, which illustrate the ways that theories can be applied and tested. This well-respected and well-known text is virtually unique in the marketplace.
c. Research book, graduate macroeconomics, covers most issues, very helpful. Needs only basic math and macroeconomics. To read more : Barro & Sala-i-Martin, Blanchard & Fischer.
7. New Keynesian Economics Volume 1 : Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices (Mankiw & Romer)
a. N. Gregory Mankiw : Harvard U, David Romer : UC Berkeley,
b. These two volumes bring together a set of important essays that represent a "new Keynesian" perspective in economics today. This recent work shows how the Keynesian approach to economic fluctuations can be supported by rigorous microeconomic models of economic behavior. The essays are grouped in seven parts that cover costly price adjustment, staggering of wages and prices, imperfect competition, coordination failures, and the markets for labor, credit, and goods. An overall introduction, brief introductions to each of the parts, and a bibliography of additional papers in the field round out this valuable collection.
c. Volume 1 focuses on how friction in price setting at the microeconomic level leads to nominal rigidity at the macroeconomic level, and on the macroeconomic consequences of imperfect competition, including aggregate demand externalities and multipliers. Volume 2 addresses recent research on non-Walrasian features of the labor, credit, and goods markets.
d. Research book, collection of new Keynesian issues. Advanced macroeconomics. Needs some math, basic macroeconomics.
8. Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy (Grossman & Helpman)
a. Gene Grossman : Princeton U, Elhanan Helpman : Harvard U, two of the world leading researchers in international economics issues.
b. "A pathbreaking contribution by two of the smartest economists at the frontier of trade theory today." -- Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University
c. Traditional growth theory emphasizes the incentives for capital accumulation rather than technological progress. Innovation is treated as an exogenous process or a by-product of investment in machinery and equipment. Grossman and Helpman develop a unique approach in which innovation is viewed as a deliberate outgrowth of investments in industrial research by forward-looking, profit-seeking agents.
d. Research book, advanced in Trade Theory, substantial. Needs basic math, microeconomics.
9. The Elusive Quest for Growth : Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (William Easterly)
a. William Easterly : World Bank,
b. Since the end of World War II, economists have tried to figure out how poor countries in the tropics could attain standards of living approaching those of countries in Europe and North America. Attempted remedies have included providing foreign aid, investing in machines, fostering education, controlling population growth, and making aid loans as well as forgiving those loans on condition of reforms. None of these solutions has delivered as promised. The problem is not the failure of economics, William Easterly argues, but the failure to apply economic principles to practical policy work.
c. In this book Easterly shows how these solutions all violate the basic principle of economics, that people--private individuals and businesses, government officials, even aid donors--respond to incentives. Easterly first discusses the importance of growth. He then analyzes the development solutions that have failed. Finally, he suggests alternative approaches to the problem. Written in an accessible, at times irreverent, style, Easterly's book combines modern growth theory with anecdotes from his fieldwork for the World Bank.
d. On development economics and development policies. Insightful, practical.
10. Investment Under Uncertainty (Dixit & Pindyck)
a. Avinash Dixit : Princeton U, Robert Pindyck : Sloan Business School, MIT.
b. “Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck have successfully applied to capital budgeting the ideas and techniques of option pricing that have so enriched our understanding of financial markets. This long-overdue application should dramatically change both the way finance is taught in business schools, and the way the theory of investment is taught in economics departments” – Merton H. Miller, University of Chicago, Nobel Laureate in Economics.
c. How should firms decide whether and when to invest in new capital equipment, additions to their workforce, or the development of new products? Why have traditional economic models of investment failed to explain the behavior of investment spending in the United States and other countries? In this book, Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck provide the first detailed exposition of a new theoretical approach to the capital investment decisions of firms, stressing the irreversibility of most investment decisions, and the ongoing uncertainty of the economic environment in which these decisions are made. In so doing, they answer important questions about investment decisions and the behavior of investment spending. This new approach to investment recognizes the option value of waiting for better (but never complete) information. It exploits an analogy with the theory of options in financial markets, which permits a much richer dynamic framework than was possible with the traditional theory of investment. The authors present the new theory in a clear and systematic way, and consolidate, synthesize, and extend the various strands of research that have come out of the theory. Their book shows the importance of the theory for understanding investment behavior of firms; develops the implications of this theory for industry dynamics and for government policy concerning investment; and shows how the theory can be applied to specific industries and to a wide variety of business problems.
d. Research book, graduate, advanced in Macroeconomics, fundamental in Finance. Needs enough mathematics (much compared to macroeconomics, still rudimentary comparing to modern Finance).
11. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations : Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (David Landes)
a. David Landes : Harvard U (Emeritus),
b. Professor David S. Landes takes a historic approach to the analysis of the distribution of wealth in this landmark study of world economics. Landes argues that the key to today's disparity between the rich and poor nations of the world stems directly from the industrial revolution, in which some countries made the leap to industrialization and became fabulously rich, while other countries failed to adapt and remained poor. Why some countries were able to industrialize and others weren't has been the subject of much heated debate over the decades; climate, natural resources, and geography have all been put forward as explanations--and are all brushed aside by Landes in favor of his own controversial theory: that the ability to effect an industrial revolution is dependent on certain cultural traits, without which industrialization is impossible to sustain. Landes contrasts the characteristics of successfully industrialized nations--work, thrift, honesty, patience, and tenacity--with those of nonindustrial countries, arguing that until these values are internalized by all nations, the gulf between the rich and poor will continue to grow.
c. On history of development, eloquent, somehow provoking. Readers need to have a critical mind.
12. Development as Freedom (Amartya Sen)
a. Amartya Sen : U of Cambridge (UK), Harvard U, Nobel Laureate in Economics.
b. By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, an essential and paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first century.
c. Freedom, Sen argues, is both the end and most efficient means of sustaining economic life and the key to securing the general welfare of the world's entire population. Releasing the idea of individual freedom from association with any particular historical, intellectual, political, or religious tradition, Sen clearly demonstrates its current applicability and possibilities. In the new global economy, where, despite unprecedented increases in overall opulence, the contemporary world denies elementary freedoms to vast numbers--perhaps even the majority of people--he concludes, it is still possible to practically and optimistically restain a sense of social accountability. Development as Freedom is essential reading.
d. Sen, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in economics, has produced a work of eminent value. He focuses on the tendency of Western economics to emphasize gross national product or aggregate wealth as indicators of national well-being. A more sentient measure of the usefulness and value of development is whether it expands "real freedoms that people enjoy." Sen examines other determinants of a nation's wealth, such as social and economic arrangements, political and civil rights, industrialization and technological progress and modernization, factors that can substantially contribute to expanding human freedom. However, as both a means and an end, freedom (the need for the individual to be involved in making decisions regarding his or her life) provides the foundation for well-being. Sen provides practical examples of the application of his concepts. Despite a healthy GNP in the U.S., African American men have a shorter life expectancy than men living in certain Third World countries. This book is a great read for social, as well as political and economic, planners. Vernon Ford
e. On development economics and economic philosophy. Insightful.
13. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (Samuel Huntington).
a. Samuel Huntington : Harvard U.
b. The thesis of this provocative and potentially important book is the increasing threat of violence arising from renewed conflicts between countries and cultures that base their traditions on religious faith and dogma. This argument moves past the notion of ethnicity to examine the growing influence of a handful of major cultures--Western, Eastern Orthodox, Latin American, Islamic, Japanese, Chinese, Hindu, and African--in current struggles across the globe. Samuel P. Huntington, a political scientist at Harvard University and foreign policy aide to President Clinton, argues that policymakers should be mindful of this development when they interfere in other nations' affairs. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
c. On international relations and political sciences. Strong, predictive conclusions. Readers need to have a critical mind.
1. Economics, John Taylor, 1st edition intl
2. Managerial Economics - Applications, Stratey and Tactis, McGuigan
3. Human Resource Management, Raymond Stone 3rd ed.
4. The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Frederic Mishkin
5. International Economics Theory and Policy, Krugman and Obstfeld, 5th ed.
6. Introduction to Economic Growth, Charles Jones, 2nd ed.
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Đây là 13 quyển sách đợt trước tôi đem về VN. Tôi cũng chưa có thời gian dịch mấy cái đoạn văn giới thiệu này ra nữa. Trong số đó, có quyển thứ 11 và thứ 12 (surprisingly!!) đã được dịch ra tiếng Việt.
em nghe nói cuốn của Huntington cũng đã được dịch rồi đấy anh ạ, có điều thấy bảo dịch rất dở . Em mới được đọc cái essay của bác này, The Clash of Civilizations thôi chứ chưa đọc cả cuốn . Bác ý viết essay trước rồi mới viết sách thì phải .
1. Economics (Principles, problems & policies)– Mampbell R. Mc CONNELL
2. Fundamental issues in strategy– Richard P. RUMELT, Dan E. SCHENDEL & David J. TEECE
3. The end of the nation state (The rise of regional economies)- Kenichi Ohmae
4. Cases in financial management – Paul E. FENLON
5. The new Maxi- Marketing- Stan RAPP & Thomas L. COLLINS
6. Cases in marketing management – Luiz MOUTINHO
7. No Logo (Taking at the brand bullies)- Naomi KLEIN
8. Flying of course (The economics of international airlines)- Rigas DOGANIS
Đây là những quyển hiện tôi đang có. Đến hè có thể có thêm mấy quyển nữa về marketing (lúc đó sẽ liệt kê sau).
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