Looking for writers for E-HAO!

What about fun stories (writing in Vietnamese ones)? I just wonder you would be able to translate into E with their full meaning :D
oh, that's a good idea. we can definitely add a "fun corner" somewhere. i believe there are enough english joke supplies that we won't need vietnamese ones. but i'm also confident that our many collaborators can translate the jokes without much difficulty as their english is excellent. well, that is provided people are willing to translate your jokes ^_^
The e-HAO project was kicked off.

The site is at http://www.hn-ams.org/en/

Following is the structure for right now. If you have any other suggestions, speak up.

We DO NEED your help on articles to put in our e-HAO site, as for the topics, so if you feel your strength going up high, join e-team and write.


I. The Organization (Hanoi-Amsterdam Organization)
with the articles about HAO.

II. Our School (Hanoi Amsterdam High School)
with the articles about our school.

III. News-Activities
1. School news
2. H-A-O News

IV Writings
1. Study Guide
2. Creativities
3. Life Overseas

V. Library <Introduce about the Library - available in Vietnamese only)

VI. Directory
1. School's
-----a. Teachers
-----b. Students
2. H-A-O's
----- Officers
----- Representatives
----- Members

VII. Who's Who
1. Teachers
2. Students
3. Members

VIII. Forums (Link to HAO Forum - English style)

IX. Albums (link to HAO Album - English style)

X. Links
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