I am a beggar, begging for freedom

Nguyễn Hữu Toàn

I am a beggar, begging for freedom

I am a beggar, begging for freedom
My soul, boredom made destitute.
And like snakes with their own venom,
Thoughts poisoned me with solitude

Ah! But I wept, I prayed and I wished
To you, for whom, my life I've lived.
I have nothing: my breaths and poems,
As for my face: these unwanted lips

And thus you laughed, you sneered and you hated
My own struggles, the efforts I made.
You love but vague and obscure passions,
To your silence, I am chained as slave.

So despise me, and cast me away
What difference would it make to your day?
But our of Pity, please not cast Benevolence,
For such is worse than your Indifference.

Toan Nguyen
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