Humor SMS

Phan Huy Anh

New Member
160 kí tự

-You and I DO IT in bed, in the CAR, do it STANDING, do it SITTING, but ít bét doing it LYING DOWN, DONT WE JUST LOVE SMS-ING!!

-I wish you were with me in my room, on the bed with the lights of, we get under the covers together so i can show you my new watch which glows in the dark!!

-An urgent meeting is about to start in the jungle with many animals; Lions, Snakes, Tigers, but the meeting cant start because the MONKEY is reading this text.

-I just wanted to say you are such a good friend and mean so much to me that if the two of us were on a sinking ship with 1 lifejacket, I'd really miss you!

-This SMS is strictly intended for CUTE readers. However, as you have received it there must be a technical error for which the sender deeply apologises.

-When you feel lonely, CHEER UP! Just go to the mirror & say "WOW I AM REALLY CUTE!" But dont make it a habit cos LIARS go to hell..
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