How about UK?

Bùi Mạnh Hưng

New Member
I've read most of the topic in this forum.
It's so suprising me that all the topic are about US i.e: life in US, US essays,.......
I know that there are many members studying in UK.
SAY something about us, our life , and everyting you want>
Bùi Mạnh Hưng đã viết:
, and everyting you want

This phrase really reminded me of Full Metal Jacket :)) Hope u've seen that one too B-)

Btw, y dont u start first by telling us your story ;) posting some fun pics and stuff :)
I've just been here, GB, for about 4 weeks, therefore I think it's not enough for me to tell my own story.
I open this topic so that we can share our experience not only in US but also in UK.
Sorry for my writing if it's not good
U know? first impression lasts forever and u got it, why don't you tell us here. Moreover, after reading it, i can tell our classmates abt you since i know they miss you a lot.
Ya, posting pics is a good idea
For my classmates, I will tell the story even though it's quite short. it seem to be my diary:
+ 2/1/2004: the plane took of and my life started to change.
3/1: i met my host, they're so friendly and , in my opinion, they're affable people.
so, I've been here for 4 weeks.
and all my impression here is I am standing on my own foot , people everywhere are the same, some're good, others're not.
Thái Hằng: tell them,class 11 A, that i miss them so much and i'm gonna need their help.
Please help me when I need you even we've been apart because we're friend forever
right, we should have more topics about UK here. it seems to me there r some kinds of discrimination and separation here... ppl just talk about the US all the time, and dont care much about UK ( I would say that some might feel more superior,lol... that really sux!). Isnt it more fun to know about other countries. i really love to travel to GB one day, its such a great country.
To think about it, it's not that great with all the coldness and rainy days blah blah... And if you must know, English food is tasteless.But well, you get on with life whether you like it or not. Welcome to England sweet pie! :)
Well i'm not in Britain but I've heard some funny things about it.. so I want to share with you guys.. just for fun.. ok.. remember JUST FOR FUN <so please don't be mad at me :p>

Only in Britain can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
Only in Britain do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in Britain do people order doulbe cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke.
Only in Britain do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.
Only in Britain do people leave cars worth thousand of pounds on the drive and put their junk and cheap lawnmower in the garage.
Only in Britain do they buy hot dogs in packs of 10 and buns in packs of eight.
Only in Britain are there handicapped parking places in front of a skating rink.
Three Brits die each year testing if a nine-volt battery works on their tongue.
142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.
58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdriver.
31 brits have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while their fairy lights were plugged in.
British hospitals reported four broken arms last year after cracker-pulling accidents.
101 people since 1999 have had to have broken parts of plastic toys pulled out of the soles of their feet.
18 Brits suffered serious burns in 2000 from trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.
A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.
Five Brits were injured in accidents involving out-of-control Scalextric cars.
In 2000, eight Brits cracked their skulls whilst throwing up into the toilet.
Bùi Mạnh Hưng đã viết:
YES, ofcause,
If you'd learnt at Chu Văn An secondary school, We would have been classmates.
How are you??
I've not heard anything about you sincce we were apart

well.. i'm ok .
didn't know that you were in Britain. How is it going?? I've heard that Phong has gone to Britain also , is that right?
Wow. Great. what subjects do you study there?? gosh I know nothing about life in Britain, so tell me ok:D
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
To Hà: Phong is studying at the same school as me, but we're at diferrent campus.
How about you? it's first time I've heard that u'rein Au.
How about our class( i mean 9A1)
Hi Hưng, i just coveyed your best wishes to our classmates, they want to email you but it seems like your Yahoo mailbox doesnt work right?
Give me an idea through pm.
Yesterday class was awesome as no teacher wanted to move even a finger. We just talked and went out to eat.
Lucky money from Mr. Long this year is just 2K ( well, he wishes that we would work twice harder than we did last year, work in twice and things in vain? hehe,)
He spent 1.5 period just talking about life stuffs and politics and money and virtues and criterias...bunch of things. when he talked abt teachers and parents today, Fox and Tuyet and I cried, it's kinda corny but indeed he was very nice and thoughtful. I couldnt believe that. Wish that u'd here with us.
Great school year there my bro, i know u're always standing firm on your own feet and u might be a bit stubborn and even arrogant but u're independent and so, just go ahead, treat flat any thorns, reach to the light of success, ok? We trust in you.
Sorry everyone, it's just a chat between my friend and I
To Hằng: about my e-mail, you can try 2;
[email protected] or [email protected].
really, I really fond of listening to Mr. Long when he ' s talking about some aspects of life. I wish I had been there, but each one has his own work, so do I.
for further talk , please send an e-mail to me,sis, coz I don't have your address.
Thank you , everyone
To Trần Minh Hà: I think I have read smth like your post "only in Britain" before, but then its title is "only in USA". So what you posted might have been modified before... I suppose.

Okay, let's get back to our topic. Personally, I really dont like GB, I prefer USA. First of all is the people. English people are kinda quite, cold to those who are not white (for me). They also speak in a very formal, this is sometimes good, but sometimes it's just hypocritical.

Also, when I think of GB, I take it as a inactive country. It is too peaceful in GB.

1 more thing to discuss! I want to ask you guys this : Do you think there is a discrimination in GB? (discriminating against yellow skin people) :-/
Old continent comes with old minds also, English are conservative whole lot more than Americans.
Well I'm not sure, but people say that British are "not friendly" to Yellow skin people. Maybe as the weather there is cold so the people are cold too :p
Phaminhang đã viết:
To Trần Minh Hà: I think I have read smth like your post "only in Britain" before, but then its title is "only in USA". So what you posted might have been modified before... I suppose.

Okay, let's get back to our topic. Personally, I really dont like GB, I prefer USA. First of all is the people. English people are kinda quite, cold to those who are not white (for me). They also speak in a very formal, this is sometimes good, but sometimes it's just hypocritical.

Also, when I think of GB, I take it as a inactive country. It is too peaceful in GB.

1 more thing to discuss! I want to ask you guys this : Do you think there is a discrimination in GB? (discriminating against yellow skin people)
Well, i agree with you. I like USA better because I think people there live in a high competitive life, (while it's a little bit peaceful in GB). So it's better for you to work and study in such a good environment as USA. I've got no idea about GB, but i have a sensation that people in GB are so strict and difficult to be near... :| <I hope it's not true> ^__^
Vũ Thành Công đã viết:
Old continent comes with old minds also, English are conservative whole lot more than Americans.

I've read some articles about peaple in GB. well, i can't remember exactly where :p. Conservative? maybe, but is there any deceit there?

Anyone here has any opinion about racial discrimination in GB? :-/
British people are generally laid-back, although basic politeness ('please' and 'thank you') is expected. British people are often seen as unsmiling and aloof. Well, you may find British people more reserved than people in other countries - but this doesn't necessarily mean they are being unfriendly. During my time in Britain, I did not really experience any kind of mistreating or discrimination.

When I first landed at Heathrow Airport, I immediately had a good first impression of British people. I was welcomed warm-heartedly by a funny and friendly driver. On the other hand, I met a lot rich snobbish kids in the US and only a few of them gave me good impression of American people. From my experience, it is generally hard to start a conversation with or even just approach the British;nonetheless, once you make friend with them and become closer, they will give you a true sense of friendship. In contrast, you are usually compassionately welcomed by American folks at the first instance, but then the relationship hardly makes any progress.

Discrimination is a common practice that can be found virtually anywhere, even in Vietnam. What makes it different is the way people perceive and react to it. I personally think it's wrong to generalize ideas and perspectives, and impose a stereotype on a particular group of people.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
U r rite, Khoa. I am not quite sure about the British part though, but I have only 2 truly American close friends here. Most of my friends here are international. The truth is: you can not neglect discrimination, however liberal your school is.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
This is gay... that we're all using English, oh shit, I'm using it, too :lol:
For the part regarding Britainers :D being more conservative than Americans, I'm perplexed. Have always thought of Europeans as drop dead liberals.
For the part regarding American snobs, just one question out of sheer curiosity: does Bates have lots a snobs also? Kinda surprises me. Bates seems a moderate school.
For the part regarding discrimination, the close-minded deal with it, the free-minded give it hand-waving guestures. Or if you can't bear it, go to Smith. You can be an INTERNATIONAL LESBIAn and are utterly welcome there :lol:
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