Hanoi International School Market Day

Nguyễn Khánh Linh

Thành viên danh dự
Market Day @ Hanoi International School, Sunday 8th May 9am – 3pm
Market Day at HIS is a fund-raising event for our school & local community. At our last Market Day, over 50 companies including Ipanima, Uma, Betterday, Red Apron, Georges Fashion Boutique, Vietnam Quilts, Le Fruit, Donkey Bakery hired stalls & sold their wares. We also had several charities (Blue Dragon & Little Tigers) as well as activities & games to keep the kids entertained.
Building on the success of our last Market Day, we’re having another one. This time, there’s room for over 80 stall holders, and we’ve hired market tents, extra space and room for car & motorbike parking. We’ll also have live music, a bar & a range of food vendors.
Our expected attendance will be at least 1,500. Based on estimates from previous events, we anticipate a 70:30 Expat -Vietnamese ratio, with the dominant expat groups being Japanese, Korean, Scandinavian, Australasian, British & USA.

Ticket: 20.000 vnd and 60.000 vnd for family 4 people.




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