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Anh Sơn ơi, anh tìm thử "Acupuncture" nhé!
Acupuncture is based on several theories. The most commonly know is the system of meridians. Meridians are channels or pathways that are mapped out along the surface of the body. These channels connect acupuncture points together, link to the physical organs and tissues of the body. Meridians are also the interface, or network, connecting the mind, emotions, and body together. This is the body-mind connection.
But what are meridians really? There is no complete explanation in western science for this phenomenon. The meridians are primarily known through the repeated observations and demonstration of their clinical results, i.e., treatment of certain acupuncture points is known to effect changes in specific areas of the body, thereby being able to treat certain diseases.
The adult human body is 55 – 60 % water by weight. This water is not only the fluids that are held with in the blood and lymph vessels, this fluid also permeates all of the tissues of our bodies, from the bone marrow, to just below the surface of our skin. The chemical and mineral makeup of this fluid matrix within our bodies is in many was very similar to sea water. So much so that some refer to us as sacks of sea water that have figured out how to get up and walk on the earth.
Because our physical bodies are such a fluid environment, I like to use an oceanographic model based on the Gulf Stream to explain meridians. In the Gulf of Mexico there is a deep sink in the ocean floor. The warm ocean currents coming from the southern Atlantic flow through the Caribbean, into the Gulf of Mexico, and into this sink. Here the waters rise up, and, due to the land formations, this warm water flows out of the Gulf, and along the Eastern seaboard of the US, and all the way to Norway. Here the sea water has cooled, and it sinks down to the ocean floor, where it forms a deep ocean current. This deep ocean current flows all the way into the Pacific Ocean, where at some point it warms and rises, forming a surface current again. In this way the oceans are constantly flowing around the entire globe, cooler currents sinking down, and warmer ones rising up.
With in the fluid matrix of our body there are also flowing currents. From the surface to the depths, flowing globally around our entire bodies. These currents are the meridians flowing within the tissues of our bodies. The acupuncture points are like the places were the ocean waters rise to the surface or sink to the depth. Points where the flow of the meridians can be accessed, and where acupuncture treatment can be applied.
Another explanation is the image of a complex garden watering system. Just as the valves are used to change and balance the flow of water, acu points are used to balance the flow of healing energy with in the meridians of the body.