Ah, well, Lan Anh, if you're still there, you can see it well, AT ==> Austria

. Well, guess you must have done World History for the "O", didn't you? Or, don't tell me you've just come to KL only. Uh huh, if you've done it, you must have gone through a few chapters talking about World War 2 and where the hell someone was born, right? An Austrian who stirred up the enmity and resent of some GER people

. Can see my profile for more

. Well, about your MY, i supppose it's malaysia, isn't it?
Well, I'm actually staying in Singapore, that's why I know what the hell it is meant by "singlish" quite well

. Hope my english don't actually get contaminated by that (at least some newbies here still can understand what I speak though

Well, I guess you gotta save some money then. Or you can borrow from your friends, whoever has those 2 books. About the price, i just convert directly from SGD to RM, guess there wouldn't much difference

. About Kha, I thought you stay in KL, should have known her. She's staying in the embassy, actually the embassador's daughter. Heard she said she finished the "O" and going on to something so-called Pre-U or something similar to that.
To PVA: I heard you're looking for amsters in Singapore to take care of the 8 amsters coming as ASEAN scholarship holders, right? Heheheh, they're now well accomodated, taken care by their seniors, so you need not worry (some of their seniors are also amsters). Well, is there anything else you need to know? Or anything else you need us to do for those guys?
To all amsters who are staying in SG (singapore i meant): heyyyyyyyyyy everybody, let's get to know each other, will we???????
PS: to mtha: anh Hà ơi, tại sao trong cái "edit profile" ấy, có 1 số mục trong đấy có, mà không được đưa vào trong Public Profiles thế? Cái đoạn ở gần cuối, được dịch ra tiếng Việt rồi ý? VD: "sở thích", bên dưới có luôn "interests".