Hi everybody, how are you today?
It's so interesting, you know, to hear all of U - and to say things but all are converted in English and., because it gots some sense of humour here!... :razz: well, let's see...
Nguy?n Khánh Duy đã viết:
P.S: Anybody wanna talk in QUENYA here?
Hey Duy, "QUENYA"- what is that?

I dont know! -the word- is that an English word - or the language spoken in Kennya ...huh?

... well, I think u must love language(s) or lingustic very much...huh?..but is that an English speaking club here?! ...so how can..?

and Ha [oh I see, in English addressing name is sooo short huh

hihi ]-- I like the poem (?) and the things U forwarded us here--and everybody,to understand (him!)..hihi, u know ,cos I think that one doesnt begin to love his or her mothertonge language until he/she cant have the chance to speak it often..he he, guys, is that true?-
( but at least it's true 4 me,)
well...beginning.. u start missing the languge you speak with the songs you sing, the chit chat U used to have, the slangs you said to ur friends...and, by the time U recall in your memory all those stories, U suddenly realise that ..wow!..your first languge is so beautiful! ..
...and you find yourself unintendly comparing..this word in (Engl..) ...with that in ur language...and see,..haha why that ur language sounds so rhymthimic (but in English, whua, so dry!!)...n to feel that the love for ur languge's great than ever ..so U wish U studied it (much

) more!.
but, if you are at home, and facing a mountain of rules in the language grammar lesson;..oh..wao.. just an idea (of doing it more -hehe) makes U feel sick! U jump,.. and once in a while, u want to start talking the language (in which) nobody round could understand! (haha) ,.w that , the love for a language (of you) starts all over again..!
(i'm sure there are many spelling mistakes here

, cos here I cant use the spelling&gramm check muh...so ,he`he`he`, sympathise! (lah)