Vừa rìm được bài hát này hay quá, là bài "bài ca Hồ Chí Minh" nhưng được thu từ bên Mỹ những năm 1960 đấy, nhưng mà extension hơi lạ nên cần codec để nghe. Đây là lyrics:
Far away across the ocean,
Far beyond the sea's eastern rim,
Lives a man who is father of the Indo-Chinese people,
And his name it is Ho Chi Minh.
Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh.
Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh.
From Viet Bac to the Saigon Delta
From the mountains and the plains below
Young and old workers, peasants and the toiling tenant farmers
Fight for freedom with Uncle Ho.
Ho Chi Minh was a deep sea sailor
He served his time out on the seven seas
Work and hardship were part of his early education
Exploitation his ABC.
Ho Chi Minh came back from sailing
And he looked out on his native land
Saw the want and the hunger of the Indo-Chinese people
Foreign soldiers on every hand.
Ho Chi Minh went to the mountains
And he formed a determined band
Heroes all, sworn to liberate the Indo-Chinese people
Drive invaders from the land.
Fourteen men became a hundred
A hundred thousand and Ho Chi Minh
Forged and tempered the army of the Indo-Chinese people
Freedom's Army of Viet Minh.
Every soldier is a farmer
Comes the evening he grabs his hoe
Comes the morning he swings his rifle on his shoulder
That's the army of Uncle Ho.
From the mountains and the jungles
From the ricelands and the Plain of Reeds
March the men and the women of the Indo-Chinese Army
Planting freedom with victory seeds.
From Viet Bac to the Saigon Delta
March the armies of Viet Minh
And the wind stirs the banners of the Indo-Chinese people
Peace and freedom and Ho Chi Minh.
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