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But this is nothing compared to how I made a fool of myself in front of Gordon Slade, the great Self-Avoiding-Walker, about eight years ago.

I had a method that I was very fond of, to compute the so-called finite-memory generating functions for SAWs. It had many variables, but when I did lots of specializations, I obtained an incredibly elegant corollary: the number of n-step non-retracing walks, on the square-lattice, equals 4*3^(n-1). I was very excited about this beautiful new result, and made a quick literature search, and convinced myself that it is apparently new. Then I wrote Gordon Slade, asking him about the novelty of this amazing result. In his reply, he pointed out, very politely, that my `new result' is not terribly deep. I am leaving this as an exercise to the reader.

Doron Zeilberger
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