
Nguyễn Quang Minh

New Member
Hi guys, I myself have had a very hard time struggling with choices I have to make everyday. Those are trivial ones, which are personal and not worth to tell. However, I do have a "big" issue here for everyone to discuss, please share your opinion with us even if you're not sure about it (since there's no right or wrong answer for such questions like this...)

What would you rather choose between these 2 options?
1- "Enjoy life as much as you can, for you only live it once"
2- "If you don't have something to die for, what do you have to live for?"

Thanks in advance everyone, for reading and sharing your opinions...
The topic's so cool,isn't it ? :) but the thing is what do U mean by "enjoy"?..... 'cause the fact is that U can't just enjoy without doing something else,isn't it? :-/
1 or 2 ?which one U'll go for is not the most important thing ... The way that U'll make it is more important,i think ;) ........but somehow we have to choose ;;) .......In my opinion,i rather choose 2 than 1 :)>- ........And i think i'm searching for something that I can die for :-? :>
Yeah I think I should state the term "Enjoy Life" more clearly. It's obviously something not very positive :p - like individual happiness/pleasures or self-indulgence...
If option1 is obviously something not very positive,there is no choice here :)) .....
Let say "enjoy" here means to live today without thinking of tomorrow then we'll have to choose between option 1 and 2 ,i think . :)
so you have to choose whether to live for the present or to live for the future. Am I right?
It depends a lot on how old you are. If you are young, you will tend to invest for the future. Once you get old, it is a natural motivation to just enjoy lìe, satisfy yourself with comfort.
Does this help?
So what do you define Young and Old here? For some, even get old, they want more. Just an idea :D
Hi everybody, here is a funny story:

A Bunch of Davids

A woman went down to the Welfare Office to get aid.

The office worker asked her, "How many children do you have?"

"Ten," she replied.

"What are their names?" he asked.

"David, David, David, David, David, David, David, David, David and David," she answered.

"They're all named David?" he asked "What if you want them to come in from playing outside?"

"Oh, that's easy," she said. "I just call 'David,' and they all come running in."

"And, if you want them to come to the table for dinner?"

"I just say, 'David, come eat your dinner'," she answered.

"But what if you just want ONE of them to do something?" he asked.

"Oh, that's easy," she said. "I just use their last name!"
Hoang ngoc Tran đã viết:
Hi everybody, here is a funny story:
A Bunch of Davids

"I just say, 'David, come eat your dinner'," she answered.

"But what if you just want ONE of them to do something?" he asked.

"Oh, that's easy," she said. "I just use their last name!"

:) young lady..the story is not that funny , i think u'r actually more funny :)>- ...cheers ..... :)
Well, I place myself in the middle. Enjoying life in the ways you mentioned is not negative, coz u live only once and what the hell you gotta force yourself to live nobly, disciplinedly, averting from all fun of the world around?

Still, balance is crucial, anything beyond standard confine is dangerous. Indulging self too much would cause you to lower your opinion of yourself as u'd see u'r nothing more than a wild creature- do whatever u like, eat whatever u feel good....etc. Working or devoting too much to work, otherwise, make ur life hectic, yet make u feel meaningful. Each way has its pros and cons so we'd better seize the balance.
1. Enjoy life as much as you can, for you only live it once.
2. If you don't have something to die for, then live forever.
3. Everything u try does matter in the end.
Đặng Thái Hằng đã viết:
Well, I place myself in the middle. Enjoying life in the ways you mentioned is not negative, coz u live only once and what the hell you gotta force yourself to live nobly, disciplinedly, averting from all fun of the world around?

Still, balance is crucial, anything beyond standard confine is dangerous. Indulging self too much would cause you to lower your opinion of yourself as u'd see u'r nothing more than a wild creature- do whatever u like, eat whatever u feel good....etc. Working or devoting too much to work, otherwise, make ur life hectic, yet make u feel meaningful. Each way has its pros and cons so we'd better seize the balance.

This sounds pretty good, although i have to say it's like a cliche'... ppl usually tend to choose the middle . But u know what, it's too easy for us human being to say we don't wanna take the extreme of either choice, since it'd make us sound "smart" and life'd be better that way. Anyway, it's probably better to be in the middle than taking the risk of either choice.

What I want to say is that each person should have their own life-principal, whether your dream is to take over the world or simply to have a happy family, and then by following it we could make the best of our life...
OH, really, so u could tell from my post that i don't dare to risk any extreme side?
Wat i said is wat i deavour to make real. I said i'm seeking for life balance and that's the way i choose ultimately and i'd like to pursue it. I didn't indicate that my life is mentally and spiritually balanced at all.
Well, gotta admit that it sounds a bit cliche, however, i'm not cliche, okie? I wrote what i dream of and well, can't intrude out of the bunch of this frequent cliche....
Actually, people have to make choices like these almost every single minute. Should we buy this or should we spend this amount of money for next weekend's movie trip? Should I take a nap now and then wake up to do homework or should I stay up to finish the work first?
We, human beings, are sophisticated calculators when comparing costs and benefits.
I like to think about it this way: if any of the things I'm doing today will still matter to someone else in another 10 to 20 years, then I will have lived a meaningful life.

However, the choices you've given us are somewhat vague in my opinion. That's like saying: live in sin of self-indulgence, or in absolute martyrdom. Now and then, situations will arise that require you to make that 'extreme' choice, and I'm not talking about buying clothes either. You can live your life anyway you like most of the time, and you may or may not have an actual purpose (and for most people under the age of, oh I dunno, 30, the answer is usually in the negative). However, what truly matters is making the right choice when the choice is yours to make. You see, I don't really want to live my life in some sort of fixed routine, with pleasure and pain measured out in daily doses. Wouldn't it be better just to take it as it comes, and trust your self to make all the right choices? We don't live that long, but surely we have enough time to do something that we can be proud of. That something that we live for doesn't always have to be life-shattering in impact, it all depends on your POV.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
my mood changes all the time, thus, my choice of the choices above!!! i guess i like both, and will try to achieve a balance!! :D
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