Hoàng Nhật Minh
New Member
Nguyen Kieu Tram đã viết:Cho em hỏi PhD là cái gì thế ạ????? Giải thích cho em nhé
Đây em:
P h D
Patiently hoping for a Degree
Piled higher and Deeper (after BS = Bull., MS = More of the
Please hire. Desperate.
Physiologically Deficient
Pour him (or her) a Drink
Philosophically Disturbed
Probably headed for Divorce
Probably heavily in Debt
Parents have Doubts
Professors had Doubts
Pheromone Deprived
Probably hard to Describe
Patiently headed Downhill...
Permanent head Damage
Pulsating heaving Disaster?
Pretty homely Dork
Potential heavy Drinker
Professional hamburger Dispenser... "Would you like fries
with that?"
Post hole Digger
Professional hair Dresser
Progressive heart Doctor
Professional humidity Detector
Piano hauling Done
Pro at hurling Darts
Professional hugger of Dames
Private house Detective
Pizza hut Driver
Pretty heavily Depressed
Prozac handouts Desired
Pretty heavy Diploma
Pathetic homeless Dreamer
Please hold Dangerous
Permanently held Dear
Proudly half Dead
Promised hell Down-the-road
Precisely helping Deadheads
Processed here, Dammit
Probably heavenly Death
Phinally done !!