Be A Man ...

Đoàn Trang

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Hi guys , i dunno if yo enjoy those Oprah talk shows i just post or not, cuz noone wanted to say any comment about it, so i guess its O.k , rite??? if any of u find this kinda annoyed , that im only wasting my time or ur time, then just feel free to come up and tell me to quit , k??? thankx :x

All rite , this show help us to go into the many men's real world and makes us really think again about the whole conception thing about the certain way a man supposed to be...yeah , and its about time...the topic speaks for itself , so im just gonna shut up and let u guys hear wut Oprah and many experts gotta say B-)

The Man" Becomes a Real Man

To everyone around him, former NFL quarterback Don McPherson was "the man." But Don says he didn't become a real man until he gave up his football career. Now Don is one of the men leading a movement challenging men to take responsibility for inappropriate male behavior. He helps men open up about sex, relationships and their emotions.

Living Up to Others' Expectations
As much as Don loved playing the game of football, he says he was always uncomfortable with the way others perceived him as being 'tough.' "I had to carry myself in a different way, sometimes not showing emotion, not showing weakness or any kind of vulnerability. It meant being in control all of the time. Most people expected me to be shallow and a womanizer. I struggled with who I really was on the inside versus my need to be a part of the guys who were cool."

"I realized at the end of my football career that I had to address the other half of myself that I had ignored for so many years," says Don. "I knew that on the outside I was 'the man,' but I realized I had to take care of the man inside."

What Being a Man Means
Many men struggle to articulate their emotions, but Don says even the most masculine men want to talk about these issues. "Feelings and emotions are tools that help you deal with everyday life. We learn as boys at a very early age not to have feelings. And once you lose those feelings, you become very constricted. Anger, and extreme joy are the only emotions that we are allowed to have. The most masculine men very often are misunderstood because that masculinity is a mask for who they are on the inside. Being a man is allowing yourself to be the whole person that you are."

Taking Responsibility
By keeping his emotions and experiences inside, Don realized he was helping to perpetuate an image of manhood that was dehumanizing to both sexes. Now, Don works with athletes, students and young men to change the culture that cultivates abuse. "This movement is about challenging what men say to each other in all male environments, how we raise our boys, and how we talk about women which limits who men are." says Don. "Violence against women is a men's issue and men have to confront other men, otherwise, it won't end."

A Better Man On and Off of the Field

Denver Bronco Rod Smith had to face his definition of "being a man" after he pled guilty to a domestic violence charge. After 36 weeks of counseling, he faced his anger and says he is now a better man on and off the field.

Being a "Real Man"
Rod now believes that being a real man is about respecting the other person and showing his true feelings. Initially, Rod didn't think he needed to go therapy but he says the first day of counseling changed his life.

"When I was going through therapy and getting help, I could tell in the locker room which guys had a bad night last night. I could see it. I'd tell them, 'Look, whatever you're doing at home, you don't need to do that anymore.'"

Putting Himself First
Rod has turned his life around and attributes his success to therapy and a willingness to get better. "I'm not in a serious relationship now. I had to deal with me. I learned to be selfish. That might sound bad, but I learned to help me first. I can't be a great father, friend, the financial advisor, the gardener...we have all these titles as men. We do all these things for everyone else, and not for ourselves. So I started focusing on me."

"Now when my kids are with me, they see the difference. That's the hard thing, because they don't live with me anymore, so they think I'm better because they're not here. That's not the case, and that hurts me every day when I'm in the house by myself. I wish I had been the man I am now four, five or 10 years ago."

What Every Man Can Do

Jackson Katz trains athletes, marines and college students to combat violence against women. His program, the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program, helps non-violent boys and men open up about relationships, sex and their emotions. He challenges boys and men to rethink their beliefs about themselves and what it really means to be a man.

It's Everyone's Problem
Jackson believes that only helping men who have been abusive or who "have a problem" won't get to the root of the problem. "One of the focuses of our work is not just on men that have already been abusive, but 'normal, average' guys. The idea is that we need to get more men involved in this conversation. We need more men confronting each other, and more adult men providing leadership to younger men."

"A lot of times guys will say, 'I'm not abusive. It's not my problem. I'm not a rapist. Why are you talking to me?' We believe that's whom we need to be talking to. It's not just a problem for some guys, it's all of us. This culture is producing lots of abusive men every year."

"Suck It Up"
Jackson believes that it's not just a problem of ignoring emotions for men—it's a power struggle. "Boys and men learn very early on that if you want to make it in the world of men, then you have to 'suck it up,' you have to keep things inside. This whole idea of control is about controlling your emotions, and how you present yourself, but it also bleeds over into how you control other people. So control becomes directly associated with manhood in so many men's minds."

Why Men Become Abusive
"The reason why so many men end up being abusive to women, whether sexually, physically or emotionally, is not just because they just don't have access to their feelings, it's also because they bought into the idea that being a man means being in control of other people—your wife, your girlfriend or other women."

How a Real Man Looks
Jackson believes that men are concerned with how they "look," and how other people perceive them, and he argues that this is only holding men back from improvement. "More guys need to have the courage of their convictions. A lot of guys feel uncomfortable with the way their friends are behaving toward women, but we don't say anything. We think our manhood would be questioned, our heterosexuality would be questioned, we might be ostracized and get negative feedback."

When Being "The Man" Goes Too Far

Kevin once believed that being a man meant always being in control. But after his first wife left him and he became abusive to his second wife, he realized he had to gain control of himself, and not others.

At his lowest point, Kevin considered killing his children and himself so he could get even with his ex-wife.

Not Recognizing the Problem
Before getting help, Kevin did not recognize his controlling behavior as abuse. "In therapy, I learned that I wasn't the person I thought I was. I thought I was caring and in touch with my feelings and open-minded. I saw myself as the perfect person. I realized that I wasn't in touch with my feelings, I couldn't name very many feelings, and a lot of the things I had done were abusive. We often define abuse as physical violence, but I had never done that."

"Why is control so important? I had to think that it was an integral part of being a man, that you be in control...especially over your family."

A Hopeful Path
Now Kevin counsels other men and helps them confront anger and other control issues. "Instead of yelling, being sarcastic, or putting someone down, I have to be assertive about my feelings and own the behavior I admit to now."

Daring to Be a Nice Guy

Nineteen-year-old Josh wasn't afraid to confront his high school classmates about how they talked about women. "I was confronted with the choice of treating girls how I was raised to treat them—with dignity and respect—or to comply with the social norm that included belittling women."

Standing Up to His Peers
Josh says, "Guys at my school would treat girls terribly by cheating on them, lying to their face, and calling them names like 'bitch,' 'a fine piece of ass,' and 'ho.' Many guys also believed that sexual rewards came with being nice—like if you bought them dinner, then you deserved something sexual in return. When I spoke up against it, I was ostracized by the other guys at my school. Rumors were spread about me. But I didn't let these guys influence my values. I just want to say that you can be a heterosexual male, stand up for women, and still be successful in life."

Why Boys Are Verbally Abusive
From a young age, boys are conditioned to control themselves, their emotions and how they present themselves. Don McPherson, former quarterback and motivational speaker, says that when they are challenged, or feel their control of a situation is threatened, they may resort to using the same language they use to dehumanize women to stop a confrontation from a peer. They know that many men are afraid that if they speak up, their sexuality will be questioned.

Tolerance Equals Acceptance
Jackson Katz, founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program, says most men are not violent, but a lot of them go along with the crowd. "It's not just a problem for some of the guys—this culture is producing lots of abusive men," says Jackson. "Men and boys who aren't abusive have a responsibility to stop the violence by confronting their friends and peers."

Raising the Next Generation of Men

Scott says his abusive behavior went unchecked for over 10 years. His four sons, now young men, are paying the price for their father's violence. Some have been involved in domestic violence situations; all have had problems with substance abuse.

When his oldest son was 15 years old, Scott decided, "The violence is going to end with me." But the damage had already been done. For years, Scott had terrorized his entire family. "I was working in low-income jobs, and I was frustrated that the money wasn't paying the bills. It was my only way of trying to gain control. Through the Men's Resource Center of Western Massachusetts and the Men Overcoming Violence (MOVE) program, I learned to control myself."

What Every Dad Should Know
Scott never was arrested. He sought to reform himself in a program that lasted seven years. He hopes each of his sons will complete a similar program. Scott is now a domestic violence advocate and has this message for other fathers:
Be responsible when you have children.

Take a parenting class. Parenting is a hard job.

Take care of yourself. You have to be able to care for yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

If you come from a family with a history of domestic violence, seek counseling before you pass it on to your children.

Teaching Boys to be Men
Don McPherson, Executive Director of the Sports Leadership Institute, says, "We don't raise boys to be men, we raise boys not to be women." Mothers and fathers are equally responsible for teaching boys that girls are weaker and more emotional. Parents often scold little boys not to cry when they fall and hurt themselves. 'Be a man, toughen up.' They learn to repress their hurt and express anger, an acceptable male emotion.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hey Trang, where did u get those cool stuffs? Orah seems to be a psychologist or smt?
I like this a lot,
Looking forward to seeing ur coming posts.
Đặng Thái Hằng đã viết:
Hey Trang, where did u get those cool stuffs? Orah seems to be a psychologist or smt?
I like this a lot,
Looking forward to seeing ur coming posts.

Thankx so much for all ur compliments , Hằng :x ...well ,im suprised that u havent heard of Oprah, shes really worl-widely well-known ...Oprah is the host of the Oprah talk show , she didnt earn any psychology degree but shes a incredibly smart woman , and shes the American icon of talk show industry...cuz shes given so much to the world , millions of ppl all over the world have been profoundly empowered and inspired by her very inspiritual talk show...U can log on to her website : and find tons of life lessons through many Oprah talk show, shes been doing this since 1987...I started watching her show daily for almost 6 months till now and enjoy it so much , i feel like i've grown whole lot , yeah , thankx to Oprah :x :x :x dont worry , I will post as many talk show as u like ;;)
dun wanna be a man just yet
wanna stay longer in this position
Everything seems so right
dun wanna change them all so sudden
Dương Quang Long đã viết:
dun wanna be a man just yet
wanna stay longer in this position
Everything seems so right
dun wanna change them all so sudden

:)) hahah , so wut do u think it takes to become a real man anyway ??? u expect that someday it just comes and Whammm !!!... hit u fast and hard and there u are_ immeditately become a grown man :eek: tsk...tsk...well how about think again :>
Rod Smith may be a true man of the field , but nowhere near as good as he was as an NFL player( completely the contrary of R.Moss ). Anyway, if it's that complex to be a man, why there are still biliions of them? :-/ :)) :)) :))
Nguyen Khac Son đã viết:
Rod Smith may be a true man of the field , but nowhere near as good as he was as an NFL player( completely the contrary of R.Moss ). Anyway, if it's that complex to be a man, why there are still biliions of them? :-/ :)) :)) :))

Wrong ! We're talking about REAL MAN here , buddy B-) and I would like to correct u that not so many MEN out there , and most of them thought they_being men_gotta act tough to be exactly like what others suppose them to be...I dont think that u have spent enough time reading this post , cuz u dont know what ur talking about , sorry , sad but true :x
Hey, don't take it that seriously. I did read them all, but once again, i don't entirely like it. Things like what you're talking about recently are all debatable issue. Even the word 'man' are not fully understood in the same way by everyone, so how can u say that's the way man should be? :x . Everyone há their own minds and way ò behaviour, so the more xp they get, the more they changte thselves to adapt with. The chảnges could be good ỏ bad :eek: , but that's what human's all about. Let boys become men naturally. ;) Anyway, sorry ì you found the last post irrelevant, but i have my own way.
Nguyen Khac Son đã viết:
Let boys become men naturally. ;)

Exactly ! Thank U ! didnt u get it ??? we're here trying to help men to be men naturally ...I dont know wut ur concept of what a real man supposed to be , is that they gotta pretend to act tough , to hold back and cant allow themself to be honest and open with their own true feelings, to die trying to be a picture perfect of the real definition of MAN ??? is that the REAL man ur talking about??? and these are absolutely not debatable issue at all unless u always wanna try to i make it debatable and u dont even know wut ur talking about , such a slob 8-}
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Ok, I see, after all,now i become a slob( nice word, think it suits me in someway) :(( . And i'm really,really & terribly sorry if u find my post too annoying, and for all the trash posting( if u thk it is). What i want is just to give out my ideas, and due to my lack of approriate attitude & smwhat mediocre E, or smth else i dont' know, it became annoying to u. Plz take my apologise .
But i thk u misunderstood me. What i meant by 'naturally' is that the talkshow alone isn't enough to change eveything. It's easy to understand its mssg, but its hard to take it into practice. Better let them exp things like that themselves.
BTW, I said the OW show has it's flaw, but personally, i thk it's a great show;
although its nearly impossible me translate the ideas into VNmese cause there's
a lot of differences in W&E culture.
Still in shock after watching the 'Pay it forward' movie.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Nguyen Quang Minh đã viết:
yeah man, Im glad u know ur post was so annoying, irrelevant and "trashy" :p so better shut up:D Go home and do ur homework, dont poke ur f**king nose in adults' businesses...:))
(Sorry everyone else who read this post, just because I always love to tease this kid...)

:eek: omg , i cant believe that u said ur teasing ??? why did u have to use such a horrible language to him rite here in front of so many ppl ??? was that really neccessary ??? if hes really ur friend , i still not too happy with the way u tease ur friend like that , it just doesnt sound nice [-( nEway , hes learned his mistake and willing to change_thats incredible_ dont u think ??? and he has every right to talk here B-) better watch ur little dirty mouth , boy Minh [-x
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