America under attack_Where do we stand now?

Đoàn Trang

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Well , since the attacks of September 11th, our world has shifted forever , and to many those are not American people and trying to have a complete point of view about America took actions ivading Iraq after that , i think this specific Oprah talk show can absolutely help find the perfect answers for many doubts and questions about the war in Iraq :)

Senator Joseph Biden (D–Delaware) is the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and has been a key player in helping determine how our country responds to the terrorist attacks. Today he answered some questions that are foremost in all of our minds:
- America at War: What Can We Expect?
-Do We Know Where the Terrorists Are?
- Can the Terrorists Be Brought to Justice?
- Is the U.S. Prepared for Escalation?
- A Message of Hope

America at War: What Can We Expect?
Oprah: The President has said that we are at war, and that much will be asked of the American people. What can we really expect now?

Senator Biden: I think we should focus on two things. This initially is a time to mourn, not a time to be afraid. This is a time for us to not precipitously react.

The President really got underway the right way when he went out there and said, 'Look, we're going to form an international coalition. We're going to get...all the civilized countries in the world, whether they agree with our philosophy or not, to unite and deal with terrorism.' The only way these large international terrorist cells can organize something like this is if they have the support of a host nation—in this case, it's Afghanistan. Indirectly it was Pakistan. There are some places in Africa where that's the case.

What's happened here is that every world leader saw those airplanes crashing into their Eiffel Tower, or their 101-story building in Shanghai, or their Basilica in Rome or wherever.

I really, truly don't think it's hyperbole to say these terrorist groups have so far crossed the line that they've sown the seeds of their own destructionšthey've crossed the line. And they can't operate unless they have passports, places they can hide and train, and that's all about to come to an end.

Do We Know Where the Terrorists Are?
Oprah: You have been quoted as saying we will 'seek them out, find them, bring them to justice, and if they resist, we will kill them.' How are we going to do that if we don't know where they are?

Senator Biden: We do know where they are, and I'm not at liberty to tell you where they are, but we do know where a lot of them are.

Oprah: We know where they are?

Senator Biden: Yes, we do. Yes, we do. And now, if you ask me, do I know which house, which specific bunker, which specific block [where] Osama bin Laden is, I cannot tell you that. But we know where Osama bin Laden is, we know where a number of his associates are. Most importantly, we know those people who have said to Osama bin Laden and his loose-knit international group: 'You have free rein to practice your bombs, practice your terror, practice and train your foot soldiers right here in our country, so you go right ahead.' We know who those people are too.

Can the Terrorists Be Brought to Justice?
Oprah: Do you feel confident that we are going to seek him out and bring this to justice?

Senator Biden: Yes, I do. I am confident that we will seek him out, number one. I am confident that he will ultimately be brought to justice. For the people in your audience, they should understand they are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be taken down in an aircraft or by an aircraft. This is a horrible thing that happened, but it's also awakened America to begin to focus on the priorities.

Is the U.S. Prepared For Escalation?

Kristin, audience member: The war on terrorism sounds great, butšif we're not prepared for what's going to happen back to us, it's scary, and I think we're all scared of what's going to happen.

Oprah: Are we prepared to handle a chemical or germ attack?

Senator Biden: The answer is, we are not prepared yet [against chemical attacks], but we can easily get prepared.

Let's not exaggerate exactly who these guys are. This is not the Soviet military, this is not the Chinese nuclear arsenal, small as it is. This is a relatively small group of people. They number in the tens, they don't number in the thousands, number one. Number two, it took them all this time, several years, for them to plan this whole process. The ability for them to do something like this simultaneously again is close to zero. Number three, the notion of retaliation, of waiting for them to act again and give them another month, six months, ten months so they can go through this entire process again seems to me to be somewhat foolhardy.

Pakistan up to now has not been very friendly to us. Pakistan up to now has been aiding and abetting the Taliban in Afghanistan and even [bin Laden]. I met with the most powerful man in Pakistan, the head of their Secret Service, their CIA, and we made a very clear statement to him: 'You pick a side. You're either our friend or our enemy. You don't get to play this game any more.' They have decided they are our friends. They've closed their borders, they're going to allow for a lot of things that I'm not at liberty to say. They made an ultimatum to the Taliban [saying]: 'You're not going to get our oil, you're not going to get our gas, you're not going to get food, you're not going to get any more support from us unless you turn [bin Laden] over.' That is a seminal change.

Oprah: Thank you for joining us this morning.

Senator Biden: Thank you for having me. Have hope. We will do this. America will not change. Terrorism will change.

A Message of Hope

Oprah: When we spoke the other day, Senator Biden, we talked about sending a message of hope to the American people. We have seen in the streets of New York and Washington D.C. displays of enormous strength and courage and unity. I know I believe what this is going to do is make our country stronger and more unified than ever.

Sen. Biden: Can I read something to you? (Reads excerpt of a letter written by the son of Senator Biden's friend, the President of the University of Delaware.)

"The press has provided around-the-clock coverage of this event. We've repeatedly been told that our country will never be the same, and that on Tuesday we lost our innocence. Unfortunately, we have heard that refrain several times before, and it's nonsensical due to sheer repetition. After all, we supposedly have long since lost our innocence in Vietnam, JFK, Watergate, Beirut, Oklahoma City and countless other frenzies. The flaw in all these dire predictions, past and present, is the concept that America is a nation of glassy-eyed innocents in the first place. The United States of America is unique in the history of humankind, and its survival has been guaranteed not by its innocence, but by its character and its resilience.

Unlike most nations, ours was not created from geography, religion, language or any other factor of convenience. Ours is a diverse nation of seekers who left lands and overcame adversity in America. They risked everything for the opportunity to create a better life. Far from being innocent, our nation is a nation of people who are largely descended from oppression and hardship. These individuals, through sheer will and effort, became part of this country, this different and special place, and started over. The democracy and freedoms we have today were not stumbled into through innocence and luck. Indeed, they were built through experience and a deep and wiry understanding of human nature and its capacity to do evil.

We were shocked on Tuesday by Tuesday's act, but not surprised, for we had seen and fought evil on a worldwide scale before, throughout our existence as a nation. And we have fought evil, we have preserved our constitutional rights, our values and everything that is so important in America. We have preserved our values, we have won these battles in the past, and we will win this battle again."

He is absolutely, dead positively right. They do not have the capacity to take this nation down. They do not have the capacity. The President is doing the right thing, and he should keep his eye on the ball here. He has put together a coalition that includes everyone from Russia to China to the United Nations to Pakistan to the Middle Eastern Arab Nations. As I said, they understand, they're not able to play geopolitics anymore.

Oprah: They understand it could have been them.

Sen. Biden: Exactly.

...Yep , thats it , so wut about u guys , wut d u think of America before and after reading this article ;;) eh???
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
think the guy biden has relations with osama, no matter how he tries to hide it. :D
Well , personally I find myself been lucky enough to have the opportunity to come and spend almost 2 years here in US , get the chance to really get to know much more about this terrific country with so many extraordinary people...The more I try to really open up myself and willing to learn more about America with an open-minded heart ,and soul , the more love and respect I gain toward this country...And there are so many ppl around the world admire and envy America...There is only a small minority that hates and resent this nation for what they percieve America's arrogance attitude and such a huge power and impact that America itself has on over the world...Well , most of the time in lifetime , u just do what u gotta do , u know , and if it hadnt been America that stood up and willing to take the leadership role in this extremely fierce war against evil, it would have gotta be someone else , and therefore I think American country and their ppl deserve to have the sympathy , support and cooperation from every single person and every single country existing on the Earth here...
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
No one ever attempts to take away ur freedom ò speaking, cuz everyone has their own POV. :-s . But would U pls consider this idea : pple's minds tend to be localized( I mean they become biased towards things that is good for thẻ surrounding ), especially Americans cuz of their dominance in many areas and their somewhat isolated geographical position.
Nguyen Khac Son đã viết:
No one ever attempts to take away ur freedom ò speaking, cuz everyone has their own POV. :-s . But would U pls consider this idea : pple's minds tend to be localized( I mean they become biased towards things that is good for thẻ surrounding ), especially Americans cuz of their dominance in many areas and their somewhat isolated geographical position.

sorry but I really can not understand what ur talking about , could u be more specific???thankx
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Sorry! =; What i mean is that as you've lived in US for qite a long time, your opinion about things such á politics has somewhat changed as you become more and more used to your surounding. That's mainly because ò the way you get information. I have bên reading Newsweek for quite a long time, and despite it's very useful and readable and it's one ò the most authentic mag in US, i still find it not so objective in some area( for exp : the iraq situations or North Kỏea). And so is CNN( what a shame :| ). And because i'm not in US, my mind difers from yours. Not so complex, isn't it?
Nguyen Khac Son đã viết:
Sorry! =; What i mean is that as you've lived in US for qite a long time, your opinion about things such á politics has somewhat changed as you become more and more used to your surounding. That's mainly because ò the way you get information. I have bên reading Newsweek for quite a long time, and despite it's very useful and readable and it's one ò the most authentic mag in US, i still find it not so objective in some area( for exp : the iraq situations or North Kỏea). And so is CNN( what a shame :| ). And because i'm not in US, my mind difers from yours. Not so complex, isn't it?

Ok , yep, i've been in US for almost 2 years, and let me ask u this , if ur " localized therapy" really works, so what the hell just happened to my whole other 17 years in Vietnam, huh ??? :eek: Get real , puh-leaz ! Of course u have every right to speak up ur own opinion just like I do but still , dont u feel it a little too arrogant to think that u better than anybody else??? arent u ever tired of that??? I mean , u call everyone " not objective" so go ahead and make ur own news and save the world then , goodness gracious 8-}
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
I think u just misunderstood Son. And I dont understand why u think he's better than anyone else. I myself found those media news sometime trashy. U know how many main news provider/controllers there are in the US?

Btw, u seem like u advocate freedom of speech, but the way u label ppl (like arrogant) doesnt prove your ideal.


- My
U know what, Trang? I feel sorry for you. You try to perceive every single piece of information on TV into your socalled open (and kind of empty) brain without knowing what is right and what is wrong.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
gosh , I cant even feel sorry for u , cuz ppl like u do not deserve it at all , could u just leave me alone , I am so sick and tired of ur tone 8-}
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Your hostile posts are totally uncalled for. Let's EDIT EDIT EDIT!!!
It's the year of the monkey ppl!!! Let's dance like monkeyz!!!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Unfortunately, not only Trang but also many others are falling in a trap of what so called "democracy" and "freedom of right". They are far away from understanding what's their right and how to use it, leave alone their view and understanding of politics. If Trang wants to be left alone, you should not come here and irritate people with your shortsight and stuffed brain, and American arrogant style of discussion. You're truly an extraordinary girl with such a loud mouth full of big words and a mind of a little kid start playing with adult toys.
Live in peace,
Monkey Monkey and Monkeys...

We stand for human kind, we do not bow to anyone because of their bombs and dollars. We stand for justice and peace. We want to see the world without war whatever it stands for. Violence brings violence, revenge comes to revenge. American are lucky enough to see no war in their land, and they should stop bringing wars to others.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
hehhe , i do not irratate NOBODY ! and i HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SPEAK UP FOR WUT I STAND FOR as long as I still follow the rule of this forum , got it , Trung ??? duh
No problem saying what u stand for. But I hope u would open ur mind to others' opinions as you open ur mind to US craps on TV.
see Hưng , u dont even try to show a little respect to what i believe in , so how can u ask me to be open to u ppl opinions anyway ???
I'm terribly sorry to disturb your highly academic discussion but I just can't shut my mouth up.
Well , personally I find myself been lucky enough to have the opportunity to come and spend almost 2 years here in US , get the chance to really get to know much more about this terrific country with so many extraordinary people...The more I try to really open up myself and willing to learn more about America with an open-minded heart ,and soul , the more love and respect I gain toward this country...And there are so many ppl around the world admire and envy America...
No objection.
There is only a small minority that hates and resent this nation for what they percieve America's arrogance attitude and such a huge power and impact that America itself has on over the world...
No facts to backup your points.
and if it hadnt been America that stood up and willing to take the leadership role in this extremely fierce war against evil, it would have gotta be someone else , and therefore I think American country and their ppl deserve to have the sympathy , support and cooperation from every single person and every single country existing on the Earth here...
Apparently, you're mistaking American government with American people. No gov in the worlds would "take the leadership role in this extremely fierce war against evil" if it hadn't benefited them somehow, it's a very simple rule of life. Just stop for a second, have you ever wondered why there are so many Americans opposing the war frenziedly ? I could provide you tons of anti-war articles if you want me to do so.
Are they undergoing therapy (your used word) ? May be not, may be so, you've never known.

I have been respectful to your standpoints to the fullest extent, so please consider mine in the same manner, thank you very much for your golden time. Happy Lunar New Year and may the light of knowledge be with you.
:) I myself living in America , of course I know there ppl who dont like the idea of War , but I DONT SAY that THEY WRONG , cuz they have the right to have their own opinions just like I do...But when u say that U RIGHT and I WRONG <=== u VIOLATING the boundary , its that simple !
The point here is HOW you say others' opinions are right or wrong.
Although I did try to pretend your opinions are well-thought but your words just appeared to be like "I love my bf, not matter what you think, you say. I still obsess him so much..Don't mess with me or i'm gonna kick your butt..."

Don't take me personally as I didn't intend to. Take others easier cuz it will make life easier. Peace out.
If u dont see theres anything WRONG wit my bf so how come u wanna change me with the way I feel about him anyway ??? :)
"[A]s you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say." —George W. Bush :(|)
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