agent orange

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New Member
in these days , we have been hearing about the lawsuit between the vietnamese veterans and the american companies which used to produce agent orange . as we all know , in 1962 , the US military began to use a potentially toxic chemical known as agent orange . it was used to destroy crops and eliminate ground cover during the vietnam war. about 11.2 million gallons of it were used at that time . i wasn;'t born in those days , i dont know how violent the war was , but i know that the consequences are so terrible
have u ever seen pictures of vn veterans with thers families?thay all have to suffer from the disastrous long-term effects of the deadly chemical .the toxic chemical effected directly on human bodies . that made people sick .the agen orange victims dont look like what they were supposed to . agent orange made their lives chang completely . they have no arms , or no legs , or even neither of them , they look miserable with the deformities which were caused by the chemical .they even have no intelligence , no human sense , or even awareness . they look like children even though they are uin their thirties or forties , they cant go to school , cant grow up and cant have family. Agent orange has deprived of their lives , of their rights to live normally , and to work and learn like the others , have u even seen children living in the shadow of misery , of pain and of diseases .they are so small with deformities ,they are innocent . they have no faults , their parents have no faults. all of them were victims of the war
the children are innocent , some of them dont know who they are and why they are here . they dont know why others look at them with pitiful; eyes
as far as i know , the american veterans who used to serve in the war have been compensated by the chemical companies .So why aren't vietnamese veterans compensated? they are poor, living in the shadow and inferiority complex . MAbe iam just 15 years old , i am not a lawyer , i dont know much about law , but i am a vietnamese . iam can;t help crying when seeing such unfortunate fates . they deserve compensations , So everybody in this forum
Each of us has a nation , has a fatherland in our heart , so why dont u speak out your opinions and support the veterans and their families in their way trying to find the justice , your signatures wi;; support them much . please sign online on
thank you very much !
What strikes me as highly disappointing is that most of the signatures on the list seem to be Vietnamese. Although it is very important to get our fellow countrymen to get involved, it is equally necessary to make people all over the world become aware of this fight for justice. Young people today tend to regard the Vietnam war as something that happened years ago that has no lasting consequences. They do not see the bleeding wounds that the war has left upon our country and our people. Agent Orange victims are no history book statistics, they are living, breathing human-beings who might be suffering just by being that. The only way we can win this fight is to make our friends all over the world see and understand that justice can be gained if only they would contribute their signatures.

What can we do to achieve this goal? For one thing, all those with websites, livejournals, etc. can start putting up links to, as well as perhaps an information page for those who don't know about the campaign. Neopets shops, guestbooks... you name it. Plus, those living abroad could talk to their friends and teachers (those who are willing to listen, of course). Write a paper, make a presentation... it's all good! I'm not saying we should start writing chain letters, but I think a little bit of the above can go a long way.
no compensations could be enough , for all the things which had been done to the victims
u know , during the 22th seagames, there are 5 or more than 5 million signatures , for the proud of vietnam delegation ( or something like that ) , why are there just 300 000 signatures supporting for this lawsuit ?
hey , youths , are you too neglect to see what's goin' on ! let's do something ! spread the agent orange info widely and let others know more how the victims have to sufer
what we can do is so small compared with the loss the victims have to endure
so , let's do what your heart is telling you
5 million signatures for the pride of VN? I didn't know about that...
true, that's a big number , compared to 300000 AOVN signatures.
TO CHI MAI :well, before the 22nd seagames , Milo had held a movement called " sign for the pride of vietnam delegation
hey, enough signatures collected , has the lawsuit been underway yet?
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