sau đây xin post một đoạn về cuộc chat
con trai only chịu khó mà đọc
buồn cười gần chết
bullshits_for_everyone: cung dc
bullshits_for_everyone: may da~ hen. chung no chua?
death4you89: roi
bullshits_for_everyone: ma'
bullshits_for_everyone: cai j tan tac the?
death4you89: hoi vh
bullshits_for_everyone: Ha` lau? cung~ chuyen truong a?
death4you89: kieu kieu the
bullshits_for_everyone: me ha lau biet chuyne a/
bullshits_for_everyone: ?
death4you89: uh dung day
bullshits_for_everyone: chet mat
bullshits_for_everyone: yen tam
bullshits_for_everyone: sap thi DH
bullshits_for_everyone: chac chan ko chuyen dau
bullshits_for_everyone: dam bao
death4you89: chi chi chuyen roi
bullshits_for_everyone: chuyen di dau?
death4you89: cnsp
death4you89: chuyen ngu su pham
bullshits_for_everyone: dau
bullshits_for_everyone: vh bao
bullshits_for_everyone: moi dinh the thoi ma
death4you89: chac the
bullshits_for_everyone: sao may biet chi chi da~ chuyen ?
death4you89: tao ko biet thi ai biet
bullshits_for_everyone: cut'
bullshits_for_everyone: dcm
bullshits_for_everyone: buon
bullshits_for_everyone: hehe
bullshits_for_everyone: lap ke hoach
bullshits_for_everyone: ju chung no lai de
death4you89: de tao giet chet me no
death4you89: may cuop con chi
death4you89: hieu ak
death4you89: chu 4-6
death4you89: cu dao
death4you89: anh em nem bom
bullshits_for_everyone: ko
bullshits_for_everyone: ko
bullshits_for_everyone: ko
bullshits_for_everyone: tao la spectator
death4you89: tao record
bullshits_for_everyone: sap thi DH roi
death4you89: hltv
bullshits_for_everyone: chuyen truong
bullshits_for_everyone: ko quen
bullshits_for_everyone: hoc lam sao dc?
death4you89: con quyen sap chuyen roi
bullshits_for_everyone: an cac a?
bullshits_for_everyone: dm
death4you89: uh
death4you89: that
death4you89: tuy bac hoan voi ca me no thoi
death4you89: an cac da tot ong a
death4you89: sang day chi co mut thoi
bullshits_for_everyone: tao nghi
bullshits_for_everyone: chi chuyen lop thoi
bullshits_for_everyone: ko chuyen truong dau
death4you89: biet deo dc
death4you89: tao ngam 4-6 roi deo head phone vao
death4you89: deo nghe dc gi ong a
bullshits_for_everyone: dcm
bullshits_for_everyone: dang chuyen chung no
bullshits_for_everyone: ong lai 46
death4you89: uh
death4you89: doe tin a
bullshits_for_everyone: bo tay 2 in 1
death4you89: thi tao ngam 4-6 vao nha con quyen
death4you89: deo head phone xem ba ma no noi gi
death4you89: head phone hong mot tai
death4you89: kho vai te
bullshits_for_everyone: dm
bullshits_for_everyone: thang dien
bullshits_for_everyone: may bi ro a?
bullshits_for_everyone: thang nay cuong HL roi
death4you89: roger that
bullshits_for_everyone: may bi ban
death4you89: ong oi
bullshits_for_everyone: u're banned
death4you89: toi the day
death4you89: ac ac
death4you89: your server is out of date
death4you89: please renew
bullshits_for_everyone: cut
bullshits_for_everyone: dm
bullshits_for_everyone: vh dang goi dien day
bullshits_for_everyone: ko hieu ntn
death4you89: goi dien cho tao a
death4you89: chet
bullshits_for_everyone: ko
bullshits_for_everyone: cho chi
death4you89: me tao dang nghe head phone
death4you89: cam khau luc bac
death4you89: moc lop
death4you89: cho ti
death4you89: lam qua mu da
bullshits_for_everyone: bob
bullshits_for_everyone: nhan danh captain
bullshits_for_everyone: cua team lop ta
bullshits_for_everyone: tao loai may ra khoi doi
death4you89: gi the
death4you89: tao lam gi:
bullshits_for_everyone: dm
bullshits_for_everyone: may bi loai boi
bullshits_for_everyone: loi le mang tinh chat me tin di doan
bullshits_for_everyone: co bieu hien ko tot ve mot tro choi lanh manh
death4you89: cho tao phai post cai nay len hao
death4you89: take my postion ok
bullshits_for_everyone: roger that
part 2 ôn goi\
death4you89: ong oi
death4you89: ok ko
bullshits_for_everyone: ok j?
bullshits_for_everyone: ko hieu?
death4you89: ok la lam mot tran tactic o nha chi chi ko
bullshits_for_everyone: la sao?
death4you89: de tao con di xem map
death4you89: thuoc ban do
bullshits_for_everyone: ko hieu lam?
death4you89: ko co dinh cuop con tin chi chi ko
death4you89: de tao con download map nha chi chi ve
death4you89: anh em pt roi attack
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
death4you89: ok ko
death4you89: tao danh ma tien nua
death4you89: anh em mua
bullshits_for_everyone: the nay nhe
bullshits_for_everyone: tao da xem qua map chi chi
bullshits_for_everyone: tao thay
bullshits_for_everyone: nha chi chi
bullshits_for_everyone: de vao nhat la luc
bullshits_for_everyone: chi chi dang tam
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: vay nen
bullshits_for_everyone: tao cu diep phai vien
bullshits_for_everyone: VH
bullshits_for_everyone: vao nha chi chi
bullshits_for_everyone: bang duong day
bullshits_for_everyone: roi co j bao cho anh em
bullshits_for_everyone: duong day
death4you89: chet mat
death4you89: that day
bullshits_for_everyone: tuc la bathroom y
death4you89: ok
death4you89: the bo me di chuyen thi sao
bullshits_for_everyone: bo me no di chuyen
death4you89: bay cho moc lop nua
death4you89: giai cuu con tin
death4you89: bao ke
bullshits_for_everyone: thi chung tao coi nhu bathroom la Bomb B
bullshits_for_everyone: con phong khach la Bomb A
death4you89: ong oi nghe noi
death4you89: co cho nua ong a
death4you89: nguy hiem
bullshits_for_everyone: la sao?
death4you89: ma cho chi thich ngui chim
bullshits_for_everyone: ko hieu?
death4you89: con cho nha chi thich ngui chim con trai
death4you89: lam the nao
bullshits_for_everyone: the thi
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
bullshits_for_everyone: may`
bullshits_for_everyone: bob
bullshits_for_everyone: may`
death4you89: nhanh
bullshits_for_everyone: ...
death4you89: tao di an
bullshits_for_everyone: hieu roi chu?
death4you89: hy sinh a
death4you89: ac ac
death4you89: thoi de tao chet mot mang
death4you89: vi anh em
bullshits_for_everyone: du sao thu
bullshits_for_everyone: thi
death4you89: bon may cuu con tin thi frag cao lam
bullshits_for_everyone: may da~ bi ban
bullshits_for_everyone: nen co hy sinh cung chang ai tiec
bullshits_for_everyone: quyet dinh the
bullshits_for_everyone: co len nhe
bullshits_for_everyone: diep vu thuc hien luc may h?
bullshits_for_everyone: Mission Impossible 4 a?
death4you89: tam 8h
death4you89: luc chi chi dang tam
death4you89: bb
death4you89: di an day
bullshits_for_everyone: a
bullshits_for_everyone: tao bao
bullshits_for_everyone: luc vh dot nhap
bullshits_for_everyone: de nghi anh em
bullshits_for_everyone: len gan camera vao ng vh
bullshits_for_everyone: de...
bullshits_for_everyone: hihi
bullshits_for_everyone: de anh em
bullshits_for_everyone: tim hieu
bullshits_for_everyone: ve ke dich
bullshits_for_everyone: biet ng biet ta
bullshits_for_everyone: tram tran tram thang ma
bullshits_for_everyone: the nen
bullshits_for_everyone: phai biet ro chi ntn
bullshits_for_everyone: =cach...
death4you89: ok
death4you89: di an da