Đáp án sơ sơ nhặt trên VA
Multiple Choice~
- if you study, then you will not fail ==> (ans):if you fail, you must not have studied
- t+u < 8
- diagonal: 13
- combination question with 3 lights: lights 6
- probability question 1/24
- perimeter of shaded region in the 3 circles ==> 10pi
- possible values between 35 and 350 (5x+1) ==>53
- used plumber given recommended plumber: y/(y+z)
- directly proportional: 4x
- square miles ratio: 0.4%
- the ratio between 2-door cars and 4-doors car(not exactly!) is 2:1 (30% and 15%)
- white cars: 10%
- win and lose marbles, which can you express? ==> (k-w) (This is correct because the question asked for the "numerical value", which does not necessarily have to be positive. )
- last math question, perpendicular slope question (express c in terms of a): -4a+19
- sum of integers 1 to 20 expressed in terms of s (sum of integers 1 to 10): 2s+100
- Circle divided into sections; find x by substracting from 360 x=85
- x^2-8x+k k=16
- Area of two shaded circles: 38
- Question with medicine: 10:00PM tuesday
- number line problem was E.. the h/2 - g =...
- the one where you had to solve for the intersection with 2 quadratic equations, the y value = 1
- the number of 12 bean-packages one can buy: 5 (choice A) (the one w/ 2 types of bean (not exact if it's bean but ... whatever^) packages: 12 and 25. One buys 8 packages and 135 beans)
- a graph qus: starts at a point from school and finishes at school ??
- The dimensions of a rectangle w/ the same sum areas of 6 small rectangles: 12 and 1
- last grid-in with slope question: 1.90 to 2.00
-average age 18 : 6 people
- x<y<z<50. x,y,z are positive integers. The GREATEST possible value of x+y+z: 144
Sentence completion~
- unintelligent with vacuous and maudlin: vacuous
- triumvirate
- vertiginous
- has lots of offspring: fecund
- photograph question with concrete and fleeting: fleeting
- exaggerated - libelous
- impasse / insurmonutable
- squander - profligacy
Short Passages~
Painter father passage~
- he thought there was a subtle display of emotion which may or may not have been there
- a watershed event in his life
- His mother was preoccupied with everyday matters
- The initial reaction of the mother to "I'm going to paint" was casual acquiescence
- Last question: mother's reaction was shock
Deep sea scientist passage~
- first: frustration
- author contrasts smth to: the seafloor
- analogy: musician who got impressed by a good piece of music or something
- there are no real life parallels
- dark and quiet
- last sea scientist question: concede a point
Passage with Baker
- Theatrical flair
- Answer to the primary purpose of the interview was: a narrative with her journey to meet 2 people or w/e
- The woman received the journalist with warmth(like a son) and respect(like a dignitary)
- Purpose of the 3rd(?) paragraph(?): To shift from a section mainly focused on the woman to a section mainly concerned with the man
- To convey the general atmosphere
- His life was not as perfect as others had thought.. haha it rained there..
- surprisingly most nearly means: interestingly
- Answer to the last question: Personal importance to the author
Law comparison passage~
- juror could be manipulated
- derisive - laudatory
- Acknowledge alternate view
- The first passage catalogs a range of inappropriate behaviors while the second passage is generally concerned with a specific technique
- The first passage refers to a published document
Improving Sentences~
- ... because they would require ... OR ... because they are requiring??? (wavered between these 2 choices and finally chose the former???)
Identifying Sentence Errors~
-will be attaching --> would be attached
- Despite having ... (A) (There must be a noun following Despite, not V_ing)
- had fell --> had fallen (not sure if "fell" is the exact verb but there is one qus testing on Verb form)
Improving Paragraphs~
(Essay about elevators)
- Add a sentence in the beginning of a paragraph: [the discovery] had long reaching impacts
- Last question: I think the sentence 11 should have been deleted.
(Essay about Shakespeare)
- shakespeare had a modern outlook?
-remove the sentence saying "bardologists" (is it Sentence 11??)
- smt like "... we quote more from Shakespearean than we think"???

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