††††‡‡‡‡ L1 Ams 08-11 ‡‡‡‡††††

=) I don't need that thing =)

And it's still not sharp enough to cut mine

The only thing can do =)) is yours ;))

Know what i mean ;))
I know what i'm doing and you'd better keep away from my thing.


I'm really expecting to meet this girl Đức.

;)) ;)). Don't be so


ok, i'll del. all of them :|

No girl, you don't need to do that.

And about theze guys, ya'll soon meet them tomorrow.

According to your avatar, you look little bit, i mean, ;)) cute.

And I wanna see how naughty this cute girl iz.

Come on girl
I'm immature =)) right.

But I know what a mature couple do at night.

And you don't need to be embarrassed.

You're studying in the Bio class.

That's very normal.

I just wanna meet ya
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Năm nay mới nhận ra là các em Toán 2 tích cực vkl :))
chắc chưa ăn thẻ phát nào ;;)
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