Your impression

What is your opinion of the first year ?

  • Incredible. I just love it

    Số phiếu: 9 50.0%
  • It was OK. Not good not bad.

    Số phiếu: 4 22.2%
  • I do not like it very much. But I'll stay.

    Số phiếu: 3 16.7%
  • Hey, anybody here show me how to transfer?

    Số phiếu: 2 11.1%

  • Số lượng người bầu chọn

Hồ Lê Việt Hưng

Ban quản lý diễn đàn
Now that the first semester is over (and the winter break, too :(( ). I hope you guys are sastified with your GPA. How about an assessment of the first semester in an American college, how are the professors, the community, the curriculum and ... the food? Please give us three things of your school that impress you the most, they can be good or bad, or neutral. For those who are not frosh anymore, your comments are still welcome.

About my school, three things that impress me the most:

1. Wonderful community

Yeah, Colgate students are just so wonderful. They are friendly, helpful and a lot of fun to talk to. I missed them so much during the break.

2. Sucking food

F*cking terrible ...... All right, enough for the complaining, actually it is not very bad, but still ... 8-}

3. Snow

Hey, is there any color other than white here? People say I would get fed up with snow after a month. Nope, I am sick of it after one week.

Come on guys, it 's your turn :-$
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Option 2 and 3 seem the same to me. :(
1. Too darn peaceful. Or is it just me? too lazy.
2. Computer labs. Everything's new. All P4, 1 Gb RAM, fast as hell, making people jealous. Viewsonic LCD monitors, 90 degree tilt-able for typing papers. Printers are too darn reliable. Havent had any trouble.
3. Dorm rooms. Pretty big and comfy with hi-spid net connection.
4. Public library 3 walking minutes from campus. Free DVDs heheh.
5. Malls are 30 walkin mins away.
6. Yes, friendly peers and profs. Extremely helpful profs and tutors.
7. The art dept.
8. Small campus.

1. Me for being lazy and not out-going.
2. Only 2/3 fin aid.
3. Food. Well sometimes they're ok, but they get pretty repetitive.
4. Compsci dept with too few profs.
5. Small campus.
6. The cons ending at number 6.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Although this is only for college students but.. can I have room for complaints?
.Students: Boring, messed up
.Teachers: great
.Food: damn it! It makes me gain 7 pounds within a week!
.Weather: freaking cold! Last week it was -35 degrees. Snow covered everywhere since Nov. There is no single minute that I don't see snow. I fell twice on the ice. :(
. Curriculum: really overwhelming - just the same to college. A lot of kids have tried to commit suicide because of stress here.
. Full of F*@#&%g rules! How cruel they are to ask us to walk 15 minutes in the snow storm to check in at dinner!!!
. Worst of all, my room is hell because of my f*@#&%g roommate.

Besides those things, my life here is ok. Classes and library are nice. Lots of free DVDs, off course. This school looks great with each student bringing a laptop, wearing nice and formal clothes... :D
Thanks for letting me freak out here. Otherwise I am gonna feel so stressful and try to kill myself like my friends. :))
Chết đi cho ruồi nó bâu sống lâu ăn hại gia đình :D
Đùa tí. Chà, mà bắt đứng ngoai trời 35do C để xin ăn thế thì không khác ăn mày. Khổ thế?
:(( anh noi gi ac the ? hix
khong phai la dung ngoai troi ma la di bo tu dorm den dining hall. Ko den noi xep hang xin an dau. :D
WILLIAMS, Willytown, MA, 2003-2004

1. Weather: (dont even try this, not available off campus, and is currently being hacked)

some ordinary day/night weather forecast @WS0: -37F, "dangerously cold."

2. When u get a cold, dont even try the Health center, since it's in ...Vermont (hmm... is there any better way to track down the hell far location from the center of campus?). Normal ppl after walkin down there may get sick rite after they get back.

3. Academic life
Pretty manageable, if u have experienced the whole 3 floors of one of the libs, and kissed a goodbye to Saturnite dates.

4. Social

+ Food: incredibly....better than a lot of other colleges & high schools (i've tried different food at different colleges) --- however, if assigned to live in the Odd quad (well, it's used to be called the Art Quad, since the art museum is rite there, and/or, odd quad kids are still calling it "art quad" to make themselves feel better), you may have to put up with the most notorious in the 5 dining halls -- Driscoll, or, better known as Dirty D. Can use meal points to purchase stuff in the snack bar if u miss meals.

+ People
Not all smart kids (it's true everywhere)... have some sense of humour (i spelt this rite?), party a lot (official party day: thursday, since half of the school is athletic, cant party on friday, as most have sat. games). See a lot of kids in libs on Sunday, since they've been partying all weekend, and sunday is the only time to sit down so that not to cry out of next week's overwhelming schedule.

+ community as a whole: well-bonded by endless activities, so many that students never read the whole email thingy: daily message listing campus events (well, i never did at least)

If u dont play a sport, u'll probably have to learn how to do it, since there's a PE requirement and a swimming must-pass-or-learn-it test to graduate.

Answers to disadvantages of:
1. weather:

The heat's working all the time, so, just have a nice exercise running from wherever not indoors to buildings (benefits: lose weight, since we have awesome dining halls)

2. If u need to go the health center or die otherwise, security will give u a ride (they have just claimed they're not a taxi service, so this may change)

3. Academic: williams parties r not always cool, so, dont regret too much if u miss some of them. Some u really need to go to, since your reading assignment may even be more boring.

Profs: cant be more appoachable, can take faculty/staff to free meals, and they use AIM (for out-of-class chat w/ students)

4. Social: remember intermarriage rate is ranked one of the highest in the nation (dont know if true for international kids) --- since there's nothing else to do off-campus (well, except hiking, skiing...) u'll not be alone sitting by yourself in the dining hall, or have a one-person drinking out-of-depression party (there will be other ppl who love to drink with u)
Dont get lost in overinvolvement, since it's not surprising if you'll.

If u cant say: amHurse (they hate us call them like this) sucks, u cant be an Eph. Lord Jeffs (Jeff: genocidal criminal, footnote) have only ONE dining hall, and the food was NOT good at all :mrgreen:

In general, go to Williams if:

1. you dont get in your first choice (if not williams)
2. you hate amHurse, and dont like other schools (except Williams) that also hate amHurse (like Wesleyan, Midd)
3. if you haven't got a bf/gf not at Williams
4. if u wanna spend the first year of your college life thinking of transfering to U. Miami.
5. if u really wanna prove that u can survive the first nationally ranked college (thanks to alumni -- amhurse alumni had a bad year :)) )
6. if u have any slightest intentions of opening a Williams shop in competition with the monopolistic one in town, and/or a Vietnamese restaurant to outcompete Thai/Indian restaurants in Spring Street.

btw, i had a good start and would not trade it off for experience at any other colleges.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Let me share some brilliant information about the beautiful Hawaii

First thing to talk about:

Beaches: There’s no word to describe the beauty of the oceans and the palm trees. The water is very clear, you can actually swim with fishes, turtles, or even jelly fish (be careful, quite dangerous), and experience many different kinds of corals, reefs. But do not go so far away because there are always some hungry SHARKS (which had consumed some people’s hands) waiting for you (not in every beaches, at least the popular ones, so you don’t have to worry that much). If Mr. Mod or someone wants to travel, why not choose this place? i will recommend you to visit some: Hanauma Bay (which is the most beautiful beach i’ve ever seen in my entire life, lots of angel fishes, eels (some of them look very very scary, especially the dragon ones), also quite rocky); Lagoon (which is close to my house); North Shore ( very rocky, i got 4 cuts from this sh$% , however you can see many different kinds of beautiful fishes swimming in schools); and of course Waikiki Beach (most popular in Hawaii, many VIPs came here)

Schools: sucked at first (I guess the kids were not very familiar with VNese yet), but then got better, then great. Teachers, students are very friendly, willing to help you anytime (even if u don’t need help, that’s quite a nuisance, right? :)) :)) ) . Lunches are nice, rice, chicken, beef, taco, etc..)

Education: quite good, esp when you have some hard-working Japanese kids in your class, there will be much fun arguing with these vain and stubborn bookworms. If you intended to go to Hawaii for college, have a look at University of Hawaii: Manoa, the deadline is March 1st, tuition for non-resident is around $10,000; it is good, but not the top school though, so you can consider it your second choice, also, you will have a privilege of studying there, because (as far as i know), all VNese students who finish the first semester will be considered in-state and pay tuition of about: $ 4,000; that’s cheap, and the admission is very easy.

Weather: always summer, no winters, no snow, the sun is shining outside right now. Everyone can go swimming anytime during the whole year. At night, it gets pretty cool like in autumn. Overall, the weather is perfect ( B-) B-) )

Finally, most importantly, most expectedly: GIRLS
Nothing special, some are nice, some are about 100 km from beauty (esp the fat ones from Samoa). But once you get here, you will enjoy the beaches more than half-of-your-lives. So it doesn’t matter at all !
keke, ghét em My quá. chẳng nói được gì thêm căn bản Amherst cho mình tiền chỉ đủ để lên internet viết chừng này dòng thôi :lol: năm sau nhất định sẽ sang Willy xem thế nào cho biết.
-_- ... just high school student ... however, let's share some thoughts ...
Marianapolis Prep School ...
Where am I ? Ahh! The news even said :"Marianapolis, does that school even exist ???"
Student... sooo small (200) ... (40 seniors - one of them got 800 SAT verbal T_T) ...
Food is fine ... not so good but make me eat a lot!
Ah, can't stand the Koreans, having noodle parties and spill all over the restroom T_T
No other complain .. (endure .. endure ...)
lol....the em hoc cung voi Linh a? :D Hay la Linh muon tam nick cua ban nao the ;)
Ara? Ara? Chị hỏi em hả?... rất tiếc ... em không biết ai là Linh cả ...
Chết thật ... có khi đi lâu quá rồi quên hết tên bạn học cùng lớp (năm trước có đi exchange rồi ... )
O, chi tuong truong em bay gio (marianapolis) co mot ban VN dang hoc cung, truoc day hoc Le Hong Phong, hoa ra ko phai a :) Truong em la catholic school dung ko nhi? ;) the thi chac phai hoc theology roi ;)
Hom nao den Suffield choi voi em Huong nha' :))
Đúng rồi ... cũng không đến nỗi ... giờ vẫn đang dò dẫm kinh Tân ước ...
Theo như trường này thì em là học sinh VN đầu tiên ...
Sang học kỳ hai thì đã có tất cả 6 học sinh VN nữa rồi (một cu cậu từ New Zealand/Nha Trang, và 5 em từ Lê Hồng Phong -_-) ...
Cô giáo Calculus thì cứ trợn tròn mắt: "Asian Invasion!"

(Cũng có một đứa tên Linh)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Vui vẻ quá ha, sao các anh chị kêu ca nhiều thế? Toàn nhân tài cả, thấy chán thì anh chị transfer sang mấy trường khác đi. Nhưng theo poll thì có vẻ mọi người rất ưng ý thì phải. Em mong được đến chỗ nào ít tuyêt chứ vùa "phải" nghĩ 3 hôm do storm (mà "dân địa phương" bảo thời tiết như thế phải đến T2,3 mới có, ko biết sẽ còn thế nào nữa?)
Transportation: rural, suburban area, no buses, no taxi.
Weather: from Jan.. to March: around 0-20 F
Pros: Sports, parties, teachers, friends.....
So many sports to play, don't even have enoung time to play all of them
Mọi người đều comment rồi nên tớ góp vui hehe
Weather: cold... snow.... wind... lạnh chỉ muốn chui vào chăn ngủ hehe Nhưng mà campus khá nhỏ và concentrated nên đi lại ko quá xa đến mức freezing (cơ mà ở trên hill nên fai leo vài bậc thang)
Food: tạm được, mỗi tội nó cứ lặp lại làm mình hơi cú :D
Social life: có vẻ là khá nhưng cái bọn athelete thì hay đàn đúm tụ tập với nhau. Party thì nhiều nhưng ko biết :D Friendly society. Bon floormates thì ko vui bằng bọn cùng volunteer group -> ko thích cái floor này lắm. Hàng tuần đều có activities on campus ngoài parties ra, cũng tạm ổn :D
Academic: chưa học lớp cao nên chưa biết bọn giỏi hehe cơ mà cũng có đứa khá, intl thì toàn bọn trâu bò :D Profs thì rất tử tế và dễ gần hehe được cái tận tình yêu học sinh :D
Transportation cực kì thuận lợi :D $22.75 round to and from NYC, $17.25 to and for Phily. Public safety đưa xuống tận bus station ở trung tâm easton. (ko mất tiền, đương nhiên) Hoặc đi bộ xuống khoảng 10'.
Nói chung thì community on the whole khá đoàn kết, nhất là cái vụ against Lehigh Uni hehe máu lắm :D
Còn ấn tượng của em: trường Catholic, named theo một ông Thánh người Pháp, thế nhưng bọn học sinh ở đây lại rất anti Pháp. Bang làm ruộng , đi đâu cũng thấy ngô với lúa mì, thế nên cũng đỡ nhớ nhà ;)

Best things:

- Catholic nhưng lại khá là liberal: I meet the coolest gay people here.

- Làng bé xíu mà có tới 12 quán rượu: đủ cả từ quán karaoke hiện đại, mọi người tuốt hết lên bàn nhảy nhót, đến loại quán tavern kiểu Lord of the Ring, bàn ghễ gỗ mục kêu lẹt kẹt.

- Kiểm viên quán rượu không care: chưa 21 tuổi cứ làm mặt ngầu vô tuốt.

- Next to a river: mùa hè đi câu cá, mùa đông ice fishing, trượt băng... Học xong chán chạy luôn ra sông nằm ngắm tuyết, đến lúc nào lạnh quá không chịu được lại.. chạy vào.

- Weird profs: trường Catholic mà profs toàn atheist với Jewish ;) Liberal nên học sinh cũng thoải mái cởi mở hơn. Nhiệt tình, tận tâm, mà cũng party khiếp.

- People: toàn nông dân nên chân chất, thật thà, ít ghen tị.

- I hope I didn't sound to religious-bashful, but BEST Jewish friends here: the gung-ho one takes me to dance clubs, the proper one cooks me Jewish food ;)


- Nhiều người da trắng quá, toàn bọn nhà giàu, boring.

- Nhiều người Nhật qúa, cũng toàn bọn rủng rỉnh, Tây hóa, vênh vênh mặt.

- Too much cheese (the biggest production in Wisconsin)
Too many Packers fan (the second biggest production, and Packer is a football team)
-----> add them together: too many people wearing cheesehats!

- People are too happy, aka, their creative writing magazine sucks.

- Too many Republicans
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