You want to be part of E-HAO Group ??? .. This thread is for you , guys .

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You want to be part of E-HAO Group ???

1. What are the standards for you to be an E-HAO collaborator ?
It's quite simple . They are :
+ enthusiasm
+ be responsible
+ be able to be online regularly
+ high English level ( degree )

2. How can you apply to E-HAO ?


click there to take your application form . Fill in this form and send it to : [email protected]

We will reply your form as soon as possible .

After that , you will have 2 interviews - one with HR administrator and the moderator of the prospective section in which you apply for. If you have a great potential, you will attend another interview with E-HAO Board of Directors in order to join our management group

To be successful , I suggest you go to E-HAO portal to have a look to kind of perceive the structure and skeleton of E-HAO .
You also can leave your ideas , your comment or your questions in Suggestions box . We are willing to give you a hand to make your interview efficient .

Right now , we are recruiting :

+ Collaborators for Writings section
+ IT Manager

Requirements for Collaborators : be similar to the standards above .
Requirements for IT Manager : be similar to the standards above , addition to be proficient in Computer Sciences and Design .
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
List of Jobs in each E-HAO section

List of Jobs in each E-HAO section
E-HAO board of News - tasks

1/ Translate articles of News section in HAO - about HAO and Hanoi-Ams activities - from Vietnamese to English .
2/ Collect selected news from many sources ( i.e internet, newspapers, etc. )
3/ Translate selected news from other sources.

Writting task (step by step):
1/ Collect news ( Ams News , HAO News , Other News , etc )
2/ Translate (if available)
3/ Edit news
4/ Select news
5/ Post news

****** E-HAO - News Manager : Dang Van Ha ******

E-HAO board of Who's who - tasks

*Who’s Who (WW) is a section of E-HAO. Its purpose is to introduce favorite and noticeable faces of Hanoi Amsterdam High School and Hanoi Amsterdam Organization (HAO), as well as friends around the world.

*WW is divided into 4 parts corresponding to 4 groups of people to be written about:

- Teachers: Our beloved and respectable teachers.

- Amsers: Special and typical students of Hanoi Amsterdam High School

- HAO’s Members: Enthusiastic, contributive , remarkable members, moderators or administrators of HAO.

- Friends around the world: Our cool friends everywhere or anyone you admire. These interviews are done to get some "outsider's views" .

( a picture is required for each interview )

Writing task:
1. Interview (in Vietnamese or English)
2. Translate ( if the interview were done in VNese)
or collect articles about any of those above ( the articles should meet
the points of the coresponding part's content )
3. Posting in Let's Interview box ( at least one image of the interviewee must be enclosed )
4. Editting
5. Publishing on the front-page

****** E-HAO - Who's who ( Let's interview ) Manager : Le Hong Nhung ******

E-HAO board of Writings - tasks

Writing is our primary medium for the exchange of ideas and for reasoned arguments. Thus, the freestyle writing section of EHAO is the best place one can express oneself by submitting poems, short stories, essays or funny stories. It's hard to categorize pieces of writing but according to their purpose and the audience they address, Writing section is divided into 3 sub-sections.

1. Inspiration : Write about anything or anyone that inspires you. A love
poem or a letter to a friend will be in this section.

2. Reflection : Write what you think about an event or a problem you see in
the society. It is all about reality . An essay on whether we
should go on a diet or not will be in this section.

3. Fun Corner : the name tells all. Think you are funny? Let others know!!!

* Not only your own writings are accepted but it's also available for all of three sub-sections to have the selected writings you've collected from somewhere .

There are no specific steps in the writing process. You can start by jotting down all ideas without lifting your fingers from the keyboard or by making an outline. Although the process is different for each person, the goal is the same. We, the editors, value effective arguments, clarity of expression, and correct prose.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and challenge yourself in this exciting section of EHAO.

****** E-HAO - Writings Manager : Nguyen Dieu Huong ******
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