Nguyễn Kiều Trinh
New Member
Khi chung ta sinh ra va lon len,bo me la nhung nguoi nuoi nang va day do ta. Ho la nguoi hieu ro nhung gi chung ta nghi . Ho dem lai niem thuong yeu va cuoc song cho chung ta. Doi voi Trinh, bo me la quan trong nhat trong cuoc doi cua Trinh. Co nhung nguoi bao bo me chi quan trong doi voi chung ta khi ta con be thoi, nguoi quan trong nhat la nguoi ma sau nay chung ta se vun dap cho gia dinh rieng cua chung ta. Nhung doi voi Trinh, du the nao di nua thi bo me van la nguoi quan trong nhat va khong co gi co the so sanh duoc tinh yeu cua Trinh danh cho bo me minh. I love you Mom and dad, You have made sacrifies for me many times and given so much of yourselves that telling you " I love you" hardly seems to be enough..... How do I tell two people who have always been there for me and stood by my side without question :" Thank you" for loving me the way you do? How do I thank them for giving me strength when I was weak and showing me encouragement when I felt lost? I can't even begin to find the words to express what my heart feels for the two of you. Maybe there aren't any words that can say what I really feel deep down inside. I am blessed to have two parents who know what it means to love... to show their child right from wrong and to instill decent values..... to give their child a wonderful childhood full of memories that are as precious now as they were back then. I hav ea wonderful family because I have amazing parents. I love you more than words could ever say. But since words are all I have, just remember.... I love you both very much and my feelings go far beyond these few words.