Virtual Campus Tour

Hồ Lê Việt Hưng

Ban quản lý diễn đàn
Let's introduce our college (from our own perspective) . First, this is Colgate:


(You might be familiar with this picture, right?) But the good stuff is coming up.
Colgate University's campus is divided into two different parts: Upper Campus is where most academic buildings and several residence halls are located, while Lower Campus host administrative buildings, sport facilities, fraternities and sororities, Case Library, and a beautiful lake with two swans of the same sex :??

This is Upper Campus. McGergory Hall: home of the Mathematics/ Computer Science Department:

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Lathrop Hall: Physics and Geology

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Olin Hall: Psychology and Biology

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Persson Hall: Economics, Political Science

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Lawrence Hall: English, Classical Studies and Foreign Language

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Little Hall: Art, Music and Theatre

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Alumni Hall: Philosophy and Religion

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Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Wynn Hall: Chemistry

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Rascall Hall: History and Education

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A view of Lower Campus

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Admission Office :) The used-to-be most important building in my life

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Is true, sorry, I'll post some of my own later :)
Campus của Colgate chia làm 2 nửa, một trên đồi 1 dưới đồi à :D thế thì đi lên đi xuống mệt chết.

Amherst đây, vài cái do mình chụp nhưng chủ yếu là không phải. Campus to, giá mà vài cái gothic buildings nữa thì đẹp hơn :) Nghe nói Williams và Midd đẹp lắm.

1. Converse Hall (Administrative offices & some classes.)

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