TOEFL problems

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Please help me solve these problems:
1. Each year millions of tons of fertile topsoil that could produce good crops washed away by rains.
B should be “tons” and D shoulf be “were washed”. Which is correct?
Is it OK if we use would in this case?

2. Visibly only though large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there is very little atmosphere.
Should B is “it has”? Why they use “visibly” in this sentence? Is is a type of short-forms?

3. Toward the end of his life, John Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the use of watercolors, of which he excelled.
What does “toward” mean? May I use “in” instead of “toward”?
The answer is D. It should be “at”, isn’t it?

4. Early signs characteristic of the acute phase of viral hepatitus in adults are abdominal pain, nausa, and feverish often accompanied by chills.

5. Few sunstances look less alike than coal and diamonds, yet both are fashioned from same elemental carbon.
D should be “the same”, isn’t it?

6. Stars emit radion waves, which they may be detected and studied using radion telescopes.
I think in this sentence there are 2 mistakes: “which they” should be “which” and “using” should be “by using”.

7. The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll,..... carbon dioxide and water reacr to form carbohydrates.
A. whose presence B which is present C presenting d in the presence of which
I can’t understand this sentence.

8. Copper was the first metallic used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility through the ages.
Why do they use “the ages”? I think it must be “ages”.

9. .... that distinguish human beings from mother primates are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on 2 legs.
A. Many of the physical charateristics
B. Of the many physical characteistics.
C. The physical characteristics
D. There are many physical characteristics
I think in this sentence both A and C is OK.

10. Being chemical compounds, minerals have characteristic shapes and colors, whereas do rocks not.
I don’t know which grammar rules they test in this sentence. (whereas do not rock)

11. ... ballet dancers learn five basic positions for arms and feet.
A All of B of every C all D every
What is the differences between “all” and “all of”?

12. Appointments to the US Supreme Court and all lower federal courts .... be the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
A making
B to make
C are made
D have made
I don’t know this grammar rule.

13. Human do not constitute the only species endowed with intelligence: the higher animals also have considerably problem solving abilities.
Once again, I dont’ understand this sentence (and which is its problem?).
Thanks you very much!
Gee, while you're at it, why not post all four choices for each question? How the hell can people help you if they don't know what the choices are?

Anyways, here are my suggestions for some of those questions:
1. "were washed"
2. what are the other choices? "visibly" here is an adjective pertaining to Pluto.
3. Toward sounds right. "at" sounds wrong. At the end of ones life, one freaking dies. Other choices...
4. Replace "sign characteristics" with "symptoms"
5. yeh
6. "which they may" --> "which may"
7. A, B, C... What is D??? the answer must be D
8. yeah
9. Answer should be C, since were not all that different from primate. Remember that black people do look like monkeys in apperance, so other than standing straight being the difference, there ain't much else.
10. Whereas rocks do not. (omg)
11. All. We have "all of us/them/you," but with specific nouns, use "all."
12. Are made by. "by" not "be." You can't even copy the questions right.
13. Where the hell are the choices? It could be either "higher-developed" or "considerable."

good luck. You need a lot of it.
Gee, while you're at it, why not post all four choices for each question? How the hell can people help you if they don't know what the choices are?

Anyways, here are my suggestions for some of those questions:
1. "were washed"
2. what are the other choices? "visibly" here is an adjective pertaining to Pluto.
3. Toward sounds right. "at" sounds wrong. At the end of ones life, one freaking dies. Other choices...
4. Replace "sign characteristics" with "symptoms"
5. yeh
6. "which they may" --> "which may"
7. A, B, C... What is D??? the answer must be D
8. yeah
9. Answer should be C, since were not all that different from primate. Remember that black people do look like monkeys in apperance, so other than standing straight being the difference, there ain't much else.

2. Visible, not visibly. My bad.
11. ... ballet dancers learn five basic positions for arms and feet.
A All of B of every C all D every
What is the differences between “all” and “all of”?

"All of" must be followed by "the"
Hey "greatgrandson" ur wrong! Havn't u heard ppl sayi "all of us":)
to "khach": hav u taken the TOEFL? If not, i advise u 2 take it t Sommerset, albeit not very large, but it seems better there.
Gd luck 2 all those who r gonna tk TOEFL.
And allow me 2 show my sympathy 2 those taking TOEFL 2day! Including me:((
Watz wrong dad?

greatgrandpa: i forgot about the case of a pronounce following.
But otherwise that's right!!!
Here's my try:

1. Each year millions of tons of fertile topsoil that could produce good crops are washed away by rains.

"Could" is used to indicate certainty, not as the past form of "can"; thus, using "would" is inappropriate in this sentence.

2. Visible only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there is very little atmosphere.

Consider these following single sentences:
Pluto is visible only through large telescopes. It has a yellowish color, which indicates that there is very few atmosphere.

Now join them together by subordinating the first one. As both share the same subject, we have:
Being visible only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there is very little atmosphere.

Since "being" makes the sentence a little clumsy, omit it, after which we have the original sentence.

3. Toward the end of his life, John Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the use of watercolors, at/in which he excelled.

"Toward" in this sentence means "close to a point in time".
"In the end" is not suitable. If you want to change "toward", "at" must be used. However, the sentence will convey an odd idea.

4. Early signs characteristic of the acute phase of viral hepatitis in adults are abdominal pain, nausa, and fever often accompanied by chills.

5. Yes. But make sure you didn't make any spelling mistakes.

6. Stars emit radion waves, which may be detected and studied using radion telescopes.

Although I see this kind of phrase quite often, "using radion telescopes" is grammatically inexplicable to me.

7. D

The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll, in the presence of which carbon dioxide and water react to form carbonhydrates.

Buddy, you made many spelling mistakes in your thread.

"React" is the main verb of the adj clause. "In the presence of sth" means "with sth in the same place". The clause means when carbon dioxide and water are with chlorophyll in the same place, they react to form carbohydrate.

8. Copper was the first metal used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility through the ages.

There's no problem with "the ages". "Age" in this sentence refers to a particular period of history. Presumably, there have been definite ages to date. If you use "ages" without "the", it's informal English and you're referring to a very long time.

9. C

The physical characteristics that distinguish human beings from mother primates are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on 2 legs.

A is also correct, but not the best choice. Remember that "many" is used mainly in questions and negative sentences.

10. Being chemical compounds, minerals have characteristic shapes and colors, whereas rocks do not.

Inappropriate inversion.

11. C

All ballet dancers learn five basic positions for arms and feet.

Redbreast (a weird nick) had a great explanation.

12. C

Appointments to the US Supreme Court and all lower federal courts are made by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Totally agreed with a guest on this.

13. Humans do not constitute the only species endowed with intelligence: the higher animals also have considerably problem-solving abilities.

Make sure you didn't make any spelling mistake, buddy.
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Watz wrong dad?

greatgrandpa: i forgot about the case of a pronounce following.
But otherwise that's right!!!
or possessive pronoun :D
All of my friends are funny :))
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