The International IT-gifted Youth Camp

Ngô Vũ Đức

New Member
Xin cha`o ca'c ba.n dang la` ho.c sinh ca^'p 3. Hie^.n ta.i truong cua minh dang co mot truong trinh summer camp cho hoc sinh chuyen cac khoi IT related. Hien han nop ho so chua qua. Neu co ban nao quan tam va muon co mot ky nghi he bo ich, tat nhien la khong mat tien ve va an o, thi tham khao thong tin sau day.

PS. Cac ban cu gui di, rat de duoc, hien tai o ben truong cua minh co 40 anh chi dang hoc sau dai hoc. Tuy nhien quan trong nhat la co recommendation letter tu truong cua minh, con ve thong tin va fame cua truong minh thi khong phai ngai, rat nhieu anh chi em ben nay cung hoc truong minh.

The International IT-gifted Youth Camp will be held on 7th-11th of August, 2006 in the Creation Hall at ICU. About 60 Korean high school students who are interested in and have talents in the IT field will attend this camp. We will invite 10 international students who show special talents in IT or computer related skills.

We would like to emphasize that there is no fee charged to your students or to your school for participating in this non-profit event. We will also provide on-line classes (Java) for camp participants to improve their IT knowledge and skills after camp. On-line classes will be provided in every other week from September to December 2006, in total of 8 weeks. We hope this program will serve to develop knowledge and skills in IT and to promote a positive attitude toward IT.

Since space is limited we encourage all interested schools to recommend one or two students as early as possible. The final deadline for applications is 16th of June 2006. The application can be submitted by email, fax or mail. For more information see the attached file. Application processing will take some time as the Institute for IT-gifted Youth assesses each application individually. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail or call me.

For further information on the International IT-gifted Youth English Camp, please email to [email protected]. You may also refer to the institute homepage:

Institute for IT-gifted Youth, ICU (Information and Communications University)
Mailing Address: 130-6, Munji-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-732, Korea
Tel: 82-42-866-6951,2
Fax: 82-42-866-6954
E-mail: [email protected]

Noi dung attached file:

Camp Program Information

 Theme: For the Future World IT Leaders
 Period: 7th-11th of August, 2006
 Location: ICU (Information and Communications Univ.), Daejeon, Korea
 Participants: 70 students (60 Koreans and 10 international students)
 Fee: Free
 We provide a round trip airfare, housing, and food
 Language: All Lectures are given in English
 Organizer: Institute for IT-gifted Youth, ICU
 Supporter: Center for Daejeon Regional Human Resources Development
ICU (Information and Communications University)
 Camp Schedule
Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
8:10 – 9:30

Arrivals Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:30-11:30 Ubiquitous World
[Prof. Leonardo Chiariglione]
(ICU) Speech by Game Programmer Medical Image
Data Visualization
[Prof. Park Jinah] Project Presentations &
Closing Ceremony
11:30-13:00 Registration Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:00-15:30 Opening Ceremony Object-oriented Programming for Robots
[Prof. Ko, In-Young] Object-oriented Programming for Robots
[Prof. Ko, In-Young] Visiting
IT Research Institute
[ETRI, KT] Going Home
15:30-18:00 Object-oriented Programming for Robots
[Prof. Ko, In-Young]
18:00-19:00 Dinner Dinner Dinner International
19:00-21:00 Meeting with ICU students Free time Free time
21:00 ~ Light Off
* This schedule is subject to change.

 Contents’ Information
 Lectures: Object-Oriented Programming for Robots by Prof. Ko, In-Young
 Instructor : Ko, In-Young, Assistant Professor at ICU
 Education : 2003/Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Southern California, USA
 Research Interest : Web Engineering, Semantic Web, Web-based Information Management
 URL:
 E-mail: [email protected]

 Theme of Special Speech: Ubiquitous World and State-of-art IT
 Instructor : Leonardo Chiariglione, Chair Professor at ICU
 Education : 1973/ Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, University of Tokyo 1973
 Research Interest : Digital Media
 URL :
 E-mail : [email protected]

 Instructor : Park, Jinah, Assistant Professor at ICU
 Education : 1996/Ph.D in Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA
 Research Interest : Multidimensional Data Analysis and Visualization, Biomedical Applications, Scientific Visualization
 URL:
 E-mail: [email protected]

 Visit: Visiting the world’s renowned IT organizations (ETRI, KT)
 ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
 Management Object : Contribute to the nation and prosperity humans through creative development of core IT technology
 URL:
 KT Corp.
 The vision of KT: 'The Value Networking Company' - embodies a strong commitment to maximizing customer value and pursuing corporate growth by optimizing customized solution offerings.
 URL:
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