Nguyễn Quang Hưng
New Member
Chào các bạn trẻ,
Hôm nay giới thiệu với các bạn về 1 tay mathematician trẻ tuổi (chinese origin, sinh ra & lớn lên tại Úc, sau đó study & PhD in Princeton): Terence Tao.
Tay này từng 3 lần thi toán quốc tế (IMO), lần đầu vẻn vẹn 11 tuổi giật Bronze, 12yo hắn giật Silver, 13yo hắn đoạt Gold. 21 tuổi hắn xong PhD, 25yo professor at UCLA.
Ai quan tâm hơn nữa đến tay Tao này, his recent research, publications thì vào webpage của lão ấy:
BTW. Trước đây co' lão Wolfram, 15yo đã có paper in High Energy Phys.,
20 tuổi xong PhD in Theo Phys, sau hắn bỏ đi làm Mathematica Package
trở thành multi-millioner, mới đây hắn cho ra New Kind of Sciences.
Đây là 1 genius dạng khác hẳn Tao.
Terence Tao (chinese) was born in 1975 in Adelaine, Australia. He received PhD in Math from Princeton Univ. in 1996 (21 yo) under advisorship of Elias Stein. He has been at Univ. of Cali, LA, as Hedrick assistant prof. 1996-98, ass. prof. 1999-2000, and prof. (2000-). He has also held visiting positions at the MSRI, Univ. of New South Wales, Australian National Univ.
Tao's research can be devided into 3 areas: real variable harmonic analysis (exp. estimates for operators and connections with geometric combinatorics), nonlinear evolution equations (exp. global behavior of rough solutions), algebraic combinatorics (exp. Littlewood-Richardson rule and its generalization, its application to linear algebra, algebraic geometry, representation theory).
Most recently, Tao received the Bocher Memorial Prize 2002 for his fundamental breakthrough on the problem of critical regularity in Sobolev Spaces of the wave maps equations,
1) "Global regularity of wave maps I. Small critical Sobolev norm in high
dimensions", Inst. Math. Res. Notices, 2001.
2) "Global regularity of wave maps II. Small energy in two dimensions",
Comm. Math. Phys., 2002.
Hôm nay giới thiệu với các bạn về 1 tay mathematician trẻ tuổi (chinese origin, sinh ra & lớn lên tại Úc, sau đó study & PhD in Princeton): Terence Tao.
Tay này từng 3 lần thi toán quốc tế (IMO), lần đầu vẻn vẹn 11 tuổi giật Bronze, 12yo hắn giật Silver, 13yo hắn đoạt Gold. 21 tuổi hắn xong PhD, 25yo professor at UCLA.
Ai quan tâm hơn nữa đến tay Tao này, his recent research, publications thì vào webpage của lão ấy:
BTW. Trước đây co' lão Wolfram, 15yo đã có paper in High Energy Phys.,
20 tuổi xong PhD in Theo Phys, sau hắn bỏ đi làm Mathematica Package
trở thành multi-millioner, mới đây hắn cho ra New Kind of Sciences.
Đây là 1 genius dạng khác hẳn Tao.
Terence Tao (chinese) was born in 1975 in Adelaine, Australia. He received PhD in Math from Princeton Univ. in 1996 (21 yo) under advisorship of Elias Stein. He has been at Univ. of Cali, LA, as Hedrick assistant prof. 1996-98, ass. prof. 1999-2000, and prof. (2000-). He has also held visiting positions at the MSRI, Univ. of New South Wales, Australian National Univ.
Tao's research can be devided into 3 areas: real variable harmonic analysis (exp. estimates for operators and connections with geometric combinatorics), nonlinear evolution equations (exp. global behavior of rough solutions), algebraic combinatorics (exp. Littlewood-Richardson rule and its generalization, its application to linear algebra, algebraic geometry, representation theory).
Most recently, Tao received the Bocher Memorial Prize 2002 for his fundamental breakthrough on the problem of critical regularity in Sobolev Spaces of the wave maps equations,
1) "Global regularity of wave maps I. Small critical Sobolev norm in high
dimensions", Inst. Math. Res. Notices, 2001.
2) "Global regularity of wave maps II. Small energy in two dimensions",
Comm. Math. Phys., 2002.