[Ragnarok] Khoảng khắc chơi Ragnarok
Lang thang internet vào trang http://iro.ragnarokonline.com, và vào forum tham quan thì mình thấy cái này hay hay về Rok và quyết định mở Topic trong diễn đàn về cái này
Đây là 1 bài viết của 1 game thủ nước ngoài - Kad , nội dung bằng tiếng Anh, các bạn thông cảm và tham gia bình luận nha .
Nội dung :
Since I joined Valkyrie (guild), I've been invited to some of the MVPs parties. They're all very good players, and also very nice! Even if They're 'the big guild', they're pretty tolerant at me learning.. even when I do things like dieing at phreonii, or eating the dragon parts (for abyss quest) >.<.
^Would you kill that puppy? It makes me feel bad for killing anubii all this time
First Kutlanaux as a priest:
Getting everything ready for it, I thought we'd die several times!
The killing part: Doddler has found a perfect tank aid move in counter attack, while everyone helps the damage numbers fly. Being able to make as many charas needed is great, linking wizz kills the gem price that would be spamming SW (however, the linker on this screenshot isn't an slave).
Victory! theres a frozen boy inside there? he doesn't do anything ... or maybe I did something wrong ^^;;... anyways, it was pretty coo
This one shows my lunatic pet, ""It's over 9000!"". He's a lunatic MVPer build /nodnod.
Atroce is daily killed until extinction. Thanks to Gravity's convext mirrior, it has broken the unfair monopolies! (actualy, poor atro dies almost the minute it is born, because guild camps it ._.; )
^another atroce. First times it killed me, now everything goes smoothly
It's a... Valkyrie? They're not as scary as they said
...until something goes wrong and everyone goes boom!
But this one was a blue skkeigold
Amon Ra, the most boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring MVP on the earth. Right now I hate it, have killed it (well, not me, the wizzy) over 8 times in the last hours I think >.<.. and it spawns in 15 minutes again
Please, please, please, buff GTB valk's drops! getting insect feelers doesn't mke you feel like killing it again
My favorite MVP, Moony flower
I wanna take her home, and make her my pet! ... I know she won't bite me after a while, right?.. but currently, is the only one that still randonly kills me
Who what where howz??? I'm the MVP!! Wizzy died at the same time as Edga, and I rodded it once so... I'm the player alive who did the most damage, woo!
First time we find competition, at Phreo
But as you can see here... it's hard to call some people 'competition':
They took years to cast, and their SG rtickled (not trying to be mean, but I swear it's true). Tey were there when we got in, and we got it first
Mặc dù không hiểu rõ hết thông tin trên , nhưng có thể thấy thế giới Ragnarok thật hấp dẫn phải không .
Để tìm kiếm thông tin tiếng Việt của Ragnarok thì vào đây :http://ro.playpark.vn/
Và tham gia diễn đàn Ragnarok : http://forum.playpark.vn/forumdisplay.php?f=495
Lang thang internet vào trang http://iro.ragnarokonline.com, và vào forum tham quan thì mình thấy cái này hay hay về Rok và quyết định mở Topic trong diễn đàn về cái này
Đây là 1 bài viết của 1 game thủ nước ngoài - Kad , nội dung bằng tiếng Anh, các bạn thông cảm và tham gia bình luận nha .
Nội dung :
Since I joined Valkyrie (guild), I've been invited to some of the MVPs parties. They're all very good players, and also very nice! Even if They're 'the big guild', they're pretty tolerant at me learning.. even when I do things like dieing at phreonii, or eating the dragon parts (for abyss quest) >.<.

^Would you kill that puppy? It makes me feel bad for killing anubii all this time
First Kutlanaux as a priest:

Getting everything ready for it, I thought we'd die several times!

The killing part: Doddler has found a perfect tank aid move in counter attack, while everyone helps the damage numbers fly. Being able to make as many charas needed is great, linking wizz kills the gem price that would be spamming SW (however, the linker on this screenshot isn't an slave).

Victory! theres a frozen boy inside there? he doesn't do anything ... or maybe I did something wrong ^^;;... anyways, it was pretty coo

This one shows my lunatic pet, ""It's over 9000!"". He's a lunatic MVPer build /nodnod.

Atroce is daily killed until extinction. Thanks to Gravity's convext mirrior, it has broken the unfair monopolies! (actualy, poor atro dies almost the minute it is born, because guild camps it ._.; )

^another atroce. First times it killed me, now everything goes smoothly

It's a... Valkyrie? They're not as scary as they said

...until something goes wrong and everyone goes boom!
But this one was a blue skkeigold

Amon Ra, the most boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring MVP on the earth. Right now I hate it, have killed it (well, not me, the wizzy) over 8 times in the last hours I think >.<.. and it spawns in 15 minutes again

Please, please, please, buff GTB valk's drops! getting insect feelers doesn't mke you feel like killing it again

My favorite MVP, Moony flower
I wanna take her home, and make her my pet! ... I know she won't bite me after a while, right?.. but currently, is the only one that still randonly kills me

Who what where howz??? I'm the MVP!! Wizzy died at the same time as Edga, and I rodded it once so... I'm the player alive who did the most damage, woo!
First time we find competition, at Phreo
But as you can see here... it's hard to call some people 'competition':

They took years to cast, and their SG rtickled (not trying to be mean, but I swear it's true). Tey were there when we got in, and we got it first
Mặc dù không hiểu rõ hết thông tin trên , nhưng có thể thấy thế giới Ragnarok thật hấp dẫn phải không .
Để tìm kiếm thông tin tiếng Việt của Ragnarok thì vào đây :http://ro.playpark.vn/
Và tham gia diễn đàn Ragnarok : http://forum.playpark.vn/forumdisplay.php?f=495