Dear Mr. Respected Member,
I would like to say that all feedbacks are carefully read and answered. So, welcome your complaint.
As I said before I am a nasty moderator and like moving posts around if IMO they are improper. I think I am just enough, because I never delete any posts, but move them to a suitable place where some kinds of people can enjoy them. As for your post, it has been moved to a very nice place, hasn't it? Or you think this board is not suitable for your post? Is it clear for you now?
Yes, you showed up in the Recursive Story thread and were welcomed with nice and interesting stories, even intimately called ass. Here is the meaning of "ass":
1.animal resembling horse with long ears: an animal resembling a small horse with long ears, sometimes used as a beast of burden. The donkey is a domesticated descendant of the wild ass. Genus: Equus
2.offensive term: an offensive term for an unintelligent, thoughtless, or ridiculous person (offensive)
Encarta® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Just another small remind that you call yourself Tuanbass, I just write it in a different way.
If you feel being unfairly treated (even after reading my explanation), you are free to go. And thank you very much for your concern about the inactivity of Eb. Of course, I do greet all members but not everyone likes this place. Is it the same with all other boards?