Quiz cho nhung ai interested in Management

Phạm Nguyệt Minh

New Member
To do this quiz, rank the following 12 selection criteria with respect to their relative importance in selection a worker for an oversea asignment. E.g: Rank of 1 should be given the most important criterion and a rank of 12 to the least important criterion. Let's do it, and explain your decision on your two most important and your two least important.
Selection Criteria
Cultural Empathy
Diplomatic Skills
Emotional Stability
Language Skills
Overseas Experience
Past performance
Personal Motives
Technical Skills

I will give you the rankings of the Fortune 500 firms of USA at the end of the month.
Tuy nhiên chị kô specify worker là để representative hay là ordinary workers thôi? nếu higher management level thì nó lại khác còn lower level thì lại có tiêu chuẩn khác chứ?
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