photopost vs 4images

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H-A-O đang có kế hoạch xem xét phát triển và nâng cấp hệ thống album. Có thể xem xét cả khả năng đổi chương trình quản lý (nếu cần thiết).

Nếu bạn có kinh nghiệm về các chương trình quản lý ảnh, xin cho ý kiến.

PS. Hiện nay H-A-O đang sử dung 4images.

Ai đã dùng photopost và 4images có thể cho vài nhận xét về 2 chương trình quản lý ảnh này không?

4images đã viết:
Here you see overview of the feature those 4images offer:
More extensively, password-protected administration range over that the entire system to be maintained can
Baking UP function for the data base
Installer for a simple installation of the software

As many as desired categories and Unterkategorien can be put on and interlocked
Collection of the Klicks on a category
Optional description text for each category
Indicate the Unterkategorien under the main category. Number of indicated Unterkategorien adjustable

According to standard integrated picture and file formats:
jpg, GIF, png, aif, outer, avi, mid, mov, mp3, mpg, Southwestern German Broadcasting Corporation, wav, RA, rm, zip
Extension by any Datieformat
Upload of the files browserbasiert over the administration range or by ftp
Automatic Thumbnail production over the administration range (Vorraussetzung: ImageMagick , GD or NetPBM )
Automatic conversion of dimension of picture area over the administration range (Vorraussetzung: ImageMagick , GD or NetPBM )
Evaluation function by visitors for each picture
Individually activatable comment function for each picture (further information see below)
Downloadfunktion for each picture with counting function
Indication of description text, Keywords for each picture
E-Card function

Individually activatable comment function for each picture
Support of BB code (pictures merge by BB code in the comments optionally capable of being turned off) of
HTML code in the comments can be prevented
Spam control
Badword function
Automatic making up of long words (number of characters adjustable)

Complete user administration with registration function
Extensive power administration for individual user and groups of users
Shining box function for registered users
Upload function for user
Module to the announcement the user the straight on-line are
New type character function
Coded storage of the passwords in the data base

Design and layout can be adapted over Templates to the Design of the own Website
Treatment with any HTML editor or over the administration range
Standard Template luggage including

PhotoPost đã viết:
User Features

Users can upload photos to a category or to their own gallery
Users can create their own subcategories/subgalleries within their gallery
Users can upload multiple photos within a zip file
Users can upload more than one file at a time (can be disabled by admin)
Post comments about photos
Users can create personal albums
Search by keyword
Rate photos on a scale from 1 to 5
Edit or delete user's own comments
Edit the description of user's uploaded photos, or delete their photos
Move their photos from one category to another
Image manipulation: When using ImageMagick, users can rotate CCW, rotate CW, Flip and Flop an image after it has been uploaded (by editing a photo).
Users can choose to be notified of new posts to their photos or photos to which they want to subscribe (email notification).
Send a photo as an e-Card (greetings card / post card, etc)
Choose how many thumbnail images to display per page
Sort thumbnail display pages by alphabetical, most popular, most active, by date, and by number of views
Uses time offset and 'posts per page' user preferences from vBulletin user DB (when in use)
Member Galleries section displays disk space used by each user so they can keep track of their disk usage
Private Personal Albums - Private Albums are assigned a unique URL which the person can share with friends and family for restricted access.
New Comments/Photos indicator - for users who are logged in, the arrow for comments and posts will glow when new items have been posted since last visit to the category.
View Recent Uploads - A link to show the posts in the past 1, 7 and 14 days.
View All Uploads - can be viewed and then sorted (for exmaple to see the most popular uploads in all groups)
My Favorites - Users will have the ability to "tag" images for their own "My Favorites" feature. Viewing My Favorites shows the tagged images in a gallery format.
Registration System Features

Supports user groups and admin editing of user groups to enable specific permissions for different users (disk space allowance, file upload size restrictions, uploads, comments) - this could be used to enable premium access such as more disk space for paying members
User profiles
Encrypted passwords
Supports COPPA (can be disabled)
Auto verify user email address
Admin editing of user levels and profiles
Ban users
Allow/disallow new user registrations.
Allow users to change passwords.
An automated "I Forgot my password" feature.
Delete a user and all of user's photos and comments
Admin Features

Easy web-based setup
Templates for all user-interface pages (allowing custom HTML throughout)
Unlimited categories and sub categories
Multiple image uploads via FTP with automatic thumbnail generation. Upload hundreds or thousands of images via FTP then import them into PhotoPost all at once.
Approve/Reject uploads before they are viewable by users (can be disabled)
Bandwidth/diskspace friendly: choose to save user uploads (of any size) as thumbnails only, turning off large images.
Supports user groups and admin editing of user groups to enable specific permissions for different users (disk space allowance, file upload size restrictions, uploads, comments) - this could be used to enable premium access such as more disk space for paying members (this is functional with any user database - internal, vbulletin, UBB Threads, DCForum, InvisionBoard or phpBB)
Set the size of thumbnail images
Move photos from one category to another
Set user disk space limits
Set max file size (in bytes and in pixel width/height) of uploads
Password protect categories
Custom defined fields (6 custom fields to collect and display different information from the photo uploader besides description, title, etc, such as camera type, car engine size, etc - totally up to the admin)
Stylesheets with GUI/Admin panel editor
Sticky photos / photo sorting to allow admins to determine the order in which photos appear in a gallery
Moderators are allowed to approve images but not modify admin panel settings
Admin can email users
Sticky photos - select certain photos to always appear at the top
Exempt admins from diskspace/file size limits
Exempt admins from upload approval process
Option to email admin when there are new uploads
Turn Off Boards. Will be able to "turn off" the boards for periods of maintainence or backup
Font selection - ability to specify main font for use throughout program (includes use of SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE tags which can have sizes customized)
Manage Albums. Gives the administrator the ability to edit/delete user Personal Albums
Personal Albums can be turned OFF by admin
Configure colors/fonts
Specify header/headtags/footer include HTML files for all categories or individual categories
Create and rename categories and category descriptions
Ability to edit the config-inc.php file from the admin panel GUI interface. No notepad editing required.
Admin statistics page including size of data directory, users, albums, who's online, admin log, etc.
Tell-a-Friend feature to let your users spread the word about your galleries.
Change the display order of categories
Enable/disable user editing of photos and posts.
Allow/disallow unregistered users to upload photos and post comments
Set number of comments per page
Set number of thumbnail columns in the thumbnail display screens
Specify unique header/headtags/footer files for each category/subcategory.
Allow only administrators to upload to a category/subcategory.
Purge Photos feature - allows admin to remove files that exceed a specified age.
Admin password can be changed using install.php installation script if it is ever lost or forgotten.
Allow unregistered users to send ecards.
New easy upgrade script to help navigate the upgrade process.
Unzip functionality now built into code, no external application needed
Fix thumbnails/database. A "scan database" admin function which will fix images with no thumbnails (creating new thumbnails), remove database entries with no image and fix the username associated with an image (in case a BB has allowed a user to change their ID).
Watermark tracking tracks which images have watermarks added to them
User Views - tracking the number of images a user views (displayed in User admin)
Scan DB will also add watermarks to all your images if selected
Bulk Move. The ability to move all of the images from one group to another.
Mass Move/Delete.
Deleting a category deletes all photos and comments within that category and all of its subcategories, simultaneously.
Option to turn OFF rating of photos (turns off display, too)
Other Features

MySQL database driven
Can integrate with vbPortal
Can use vBulletin 2.0.3 (and all newer versions) user database
Can use UBB Threads v6.x user database
Can use InvisionBoard User Database
Can use DCForums User Database
Can use PHP Nuke User Database
Can use phpBB or phpBB 2.0 user DB

Supports database prefixes to allow the use of one MySQL database when table names would otherwise clash.
Globals-inc file to facilitate Hacks
Multi-language support via template files. Packaged with English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish, Hungarian, Islenska, and Norwegian languages.
ZLIB compression support to speed page loading, reduce bandwidth
Option to require users be registered to view images
Optional integration with BotBuster to protect bandwidth
UBB/VB Code (linkify, bold, etc) for Descriptions and Comments
Traffic tested on sites with over 14M monthly page views
Dynamic titles for pages to improve search engine indexing
Slideshow display of images in condensed format
New Help system. Popup windows with help topics. Topics will be in HTML format in a help directory and editable by the administrator
Configurable date formats and time offsets per user
GD2 support for image resizing, watermarks and on-the-fly watermarks (or use ImageMagick for all but on-the-fly)
ImageMagick support for image resizing and watermarks (or use GD2)
Video Uploads. Support for multimedia files. When PhotoPost detects the upload is a multimedia file (.mpg, .avi, .asf, .wmv, and .mov), it will prompt the user for a thumbnail to be uploaded or use a default image.
Support for Jpegtran to remove XML data from jpegs created by PhotoShop 7 (to fix the Adobe/ImageMagick broken image browser problem)
Supports JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIF file formats when using ImageMagick, or JPG and PNG formats when using GD
Automatic thumbnail creation
Thumbnail display pages show details for each photo such as filesize, user name, date, number of times viewed, and number of comments.
Images stored on disk in a directory rather than in the database, which allows them to be cached by browsers, saving bandwidth.
Number of photos and comments limited only by your server's diskspace and MySQL's record limits
Support for short URL's for photos to make them easy to email and copy/paste (i.e.
Tested in Unix/Apache environments
Tested in Windows 2000 and NT w/ IIS and Apache
Tested on OS X servers.
IP caching
prevents multiple views and voting in a configurable timeframe
Known to work on RaQ 3/4 systems
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
vBAdvanced Gallery đã viết:
  • Fully integrated with vBulletin.
  • Unlimited* categories & sub-categories.
  • Unlimited* file uploads.
  • Automatically resizes images and creates thumbnails using the GD library or ImageMagick.
  • Support for multimedia and any other types of files. Also allows you to add new filetypes.
  • Ability to make any category a "Members' Category" in which any uploads to the category or sub-categories created will automatically be placed in a sub-category named after the user who uploaded the file.
  • Ability to allow as many uploads at a time as you would like**, along with bulk uploading from your server.
  • Ability to limit how much disk space a user's uploads may consume on a per-usergroup basis.
  • Image manipulation options to allow you to rotate and flip images.
  • Set filesize, width, and height limits on uploads on a per-extension and per-category basis.
  • Watermarking of images. May be done permanently or on-the-fly.
  • Slide show.
  • Film strip to show X number of previous/next thumbnails when viewing large images.
  • Allow your users to send e-Cards to their friends.
  • Printer friendly version of images.
  • Allow users to send images to their friends.
  • Display 'Direct Link Code', 'BB Image Code', and '<img> Tag Code' on the showimage page to allow your users to quickly link to / post images.
  • Option to use .htaccess protection to help keep your private categories private and to prevent image leeching).
  • What's New & What's Popular sections.
  • Allow users to comment on uploads.
  • Allow users to rate uploads.
  • User Favorites.
  • User Subscriptions.
  • User Albums where your users can create and manage their own categories. Optional settings to allow your users to edit, delete, empty, password protect, and allow/deny other users from viewing, uploading, replying, and rating uploads.
  • Advanced searching features along with cached searching for faster results.
  • Choose what information to show with thumbnails of images (User, date, filesize, dimensions, views, replies, description, and last post).
  • On/off indicators to show your users which categories contain new images since their last visit.
  • Password protected categories.
  • New and/or random images on your gallery index page.
  • Ability to add custom fields to collect and display more information about the files being uploaded.
  • Ability to allow your users to select the number of images to display per page, plus other advanced sorting options.
  • Sticky files.
  • Shows the number of replies and uploads per category.
  • Shows the number of hits, posts, last person to reply to uploads, and etc for each upload.
  • Advanced sorting options in each category.
  • Allow users to report broken/problematic images.
  • Mass move uploads from one category to other.
  • Category permissions where you can set different permissions for each usergroup on a per-category basis.
  • Completely template based so it is very easy to change the look and feel.
  • Moderate images and/or posts before they will appear on a per usergroup basis.
  • Ability to choose moderators to moderate each category.
  • Options to mass edit/delete uploads.
  • Optimized to handle thousands and thousands of images without a performance hit.
  • Installer that will install all of the templates, phrases, and all database modifications.
  • And MUCH more!
Coppermine đã viết:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 03: Endless Features!
CPG is so fully featured it's not enough to fully list them here. Feel free to have a go with the demo - change the themes, add some comments, see it in Hungarian!

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
    [*]arrangement of pictures in categories and albums;
    [*]picture information stored in database;
    [*]users can upload pictures with web interface of ftp (and admin can batch-add to database);
    [*]full multimedia support
    [*]creation of thumbnails and intermediate size pics;
    [*]search feature;
    [*]last added;
    [*]random picture;
    [*]user management (private galleries, groups);
    [*]integration of user management with various bbs (like phpBB, YaBB SE, SMF, Invisionboard, vbulletin);
    [*]caption, title, description and user defined fields for each picture (searchable);
    [*]easy install (installer provided);
    [*]multi-lingual: Arabian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (both Big-5 and GB), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German (both "Du" and "Sie"), Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian (both with and without diacritics), Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Uighur, Vietnamese; if your language is not on the list, you can easily create a translation for your own language;
    [*]user comments;
    [*]e-card feature;
    [*]slideshow viewer;
    [*]all features customizable with web interface (admin section);
    [*]template system;
    [*]user membership in multiple groups;
    [*]upload approval notice for admin;
    [*]EXIF/IPTC support;
    [*]language selection option in template;
    [*]image rotation;
    [*]multi-pic upload;
    [*]separation of the breadcrumb block so that it can be placed independently of category in the template;
    [*]option to choose max height or width for thumbnails will help in creating nicer looking thumbnail rows and cols;
    [*]option to display a clickable flimstrip of thumbnails below the image display;
    [*]option to show first level albums of a category instead of just statistics of the category;
    [*]option of turning on OR off the showing of "Private" Icon to unlogged / unprivileged user;
    [*]title option to sort in albums;
Vấn đề là lý do chuyển đổi là rì ấy chứ??
hứng lên thì làm.
như cái hồi xóa bình luận trong đấy thôi mà B-)
Đặng Trần Hiếu đã viết:
Vấn đề là lý do chuyển đổi là rì ấy chứ??

không nhất thiết chuyển đổi, chỉ là so sánh xem có những điều gì tốt hơn mà mình có thể tận dung hay không

hệ thốn hiện tại không có moderators, các việc quản lý đều thông qua admin => không set cho thành viên quản lý/xét xóa ảnh ở một album nào được. các chức năng khác xem xét thêm
Vấn đề là lý do chuyển đổi là rì ấy chứ??
Lý do đơn giản là để quản lý tốt hơn :D 4images có vẻ hơi yếu khi edit, mỗi lần edit lại phải search :| thủ tục trong control panel hơi lằng nhằng :D
Muốn được đúng ý mình nhất thì chỉ có tự làm.

Để download thử từng cái 1 về dùng xem cái nèo hay nhất. Riêng cái Coppermine thì chắc chắn là ko nên dùng. Ở VNOSS đang dùng cái đó, khó chịu vật.
Em thấy anh Hiếu chắc là đủ trình tự code cho Hao được đấy :p
Đặng Trần Hiếu đã viết:
Muốn được đúng ý mình nhất thì chỉ có tự làm.

Để download thử từng cái 1 về dùng xem cái nèo hay nhất. Riêng cái Coppermine thì chắc chắn là ko nên dùng. Ở VNOSS đang dùng cái đó, khó chịu vật.

Đúng, muốn được làm đúng ý mình thì có thể tự làm, nhưng vấn đề là ở chỗ, thời gian để làm được một sản phẩm tương đối hoàn chỉnh (kể cả debug) không phải là nhỏ, mà thời gian đó còn cần sử dụng vào các việc khác cần thiết hơn.

Hiếu vẫn còn cái project danh sách đang nằm đó chờ đấy nhé :>
em cũng đang cần 1 cái chương trình để quản lí ảnh nhưng mà như cái 4images như HAO thì em thấy xem ko tiện lắm mà quản lí cũng ko tiện :D
Đúng, muốn được làm đúng ý mình thì có thể tự làm, nhưng vấn đề là ở chỗ, thời gian để làm được một sản phẩm tương đối hoàn chỉnh (kể cả debug) không phải là nhỏ, mà thời gian đó còn cần sử dụng vào các việc khác cần thiết hơn.
Làm thì em làm sẵn từ hơn 1 năm trước rùi. Vấn đề là debug. :))
Hiếu vẫn còn cái project danh sách đang nằm đó chờ đấy nhé
Mấy hôm nay modem hỏng. Toàn phải ra ngoài hàng Net ngồi đây nì.
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