Oh men, not groupwork again!!!!!

Mai Phượng Linh
(I don't know)

New Member
Does anybody have trouble with groupwork in school? I do. I mean I’m fine with tests, have no problem with oral presentation, alright with written report but when it comes to groupwork, ah ah ah ah ahhhh…….. things just get frustrated. The thing is in groupwork, parners share their grades and I just can’t seem to find the right partners to work with. Today, I open this topic not to whinge about my problem but in order to share some of my…..failing teamwork experiences. I would really appreciate if you can provide some tips on this for me. [-o<

1- Grade 11th
The task was to make a 5-minute movie video about the Watergate incident in American history in a group of 4 or 5. Well, my group included my best friend (like an instinct, I grabbed her right away after the teacher announced the task), another class mate (she seemed to participate in class eagerly so I assumed she would concentrate in her job), a boy (we included him because he got the camera) and a foreign exchange from Germany. We were given time in class to do research and extra time outside class to make the video. Now the problem started. Because it was outside of class, there was no teacher to supervise, no-one to push us to work effectively. We were making a video, right? and the whole class was gonna watch it so to some of us, especially my best friend and the other girl, appearance was far more important than planning on the content of the video. By that time, I realized that the fact that someone participates in class enthusiastically does not mean that he or she cares about the grade. We wasted a lot of time on jerking around and repeating filming them just because they wanted to make sure that they would look good on the video. Besides, my friend was quite opinionated and the other girl was very bossy so of course, they turned to bitch each other most of the time. The other boy and the Germany girl were very sweet and they got intimidated by this. Being fed up with watching this ridiculous scene, I gave them a few suggestions and then ended up….bitching them 8-} infront of the other two. This slowed down our project and after all, we had to arrange to meet each other about 3 times (each time took like 4 hours including nights, hell, even my host parents got irritated with this).

Needless to tell, our results was not satisfied at all. More important, it also affected our friendship a bit. Bad news was we only got 75%, good news was only one other group of the class got better result than us. :))

2- Uni_Prep-Sem1

Now I’m Uni student (well, kind of) and study with international students. My task this time was to choose a group to make a written report about a industry in Australia. Once again, I grabbed my most close mates: one girl who studied very well in accounting and maths and one boy who has spent 4 years in Australia. I assumed that their English was gonna be excellent, or at least, above the average of the rest of the class. (The thing was the girl did well on Maths and acc does not mean that she would be good at writing and the boy may have exceptional oral English skill does not mean that his writing ability would reach average level). Our teacher suggested us to break the report into 3 parts, each does his own part and then combined together so I just followed along. Because my part was the introduction and background information, I did not need to read the other partners’ work to do my job. In general, my way of working was quite independent, big mistake. Because my partners were doing the rest of the report, it was very important for them to read the previous sections to understand the whole report (I mean, how do you write conclusion and have no idea about intro and body). Well, apparently they did not do that and I myself did not make sure that they would read it, either.

In the end, our report collected a lot of grammar mistakes, paragraphs structure was not coherent and some sections did not link together at all.

3- Uni_Prep- Sem 1
This time was a groupwork report on McDonalds based on primary and secondary research. I found my guyfriend a lazy, lay-back kid and did not mean to include him in my group this time but he invited himself into the group. He was one of our close friends so we did not know how to kick his ass out of the group without hurting him. However, to make sure that everything would be correct, I checked every single section of the report, changed, fixed, did not realize that I was actually…. redoing the whole report. 8-} My female partner was mainly responsible for the layout (and she did a terrific job) and gave some ideas. The boy did absolutely nothing, well, he did but it was not counted. I found that he tried harder than last time but it still did not work, his writing skill was inadequate for Uni-level. Even the girl got mad at him and called him "bộ độ" (means “stupid” in their language, I really cracked up after hearing this so many times :)) ). Our teacher was surprised at that and combining with what she saw from teaching experiences, concluded that Asian girls often tend to yell at the boys (how embarrassed :embarasse , not all of us are like that, you know ;;) ). Oh, I forgot, he actually volunteered to pay for the printing cost :p :mrgreen: .

Our report got a much better result that time but in term of teamwork, we failed. Teamwork means working together, not one works extra time and does everything. [-x

4- Uni
I finally step in Higher Education now and I’m very concerned about this . I haven’t found the key to do successful teamwork yet so once again, I would really appreciate to get some advice from teamwork experts here. Like how do you deal with problems such as:
- is that a bad idea to include your close friend in a groupwork?
- how do you exclude an un-invited person in a polite way?
- what is the way to express your opinion without being judged as a bossy person?
- and so on if you can think of.
TA. :beerchug:
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Ha, I haven't got any reply yet. :eek: Oh well, I guess I posted it on the wrong site then. 8-|
You've come to the right place, Linh. It's summer. I guess most ppl are enjoying themselves in the sun (or suffering the heat should I say :))) rather than surfing the net. Wait a bit longer and I am sure they'll come and share the experiences ;)

I got to go now. Will be back to tell you my stories :D
Nah, i think our mod is just a bit too optimistic here.

Linh, I've been here for quite a long time and what i can say about people in here is they are impassive in a... very friendly way :D
thanks u guys for encouraging me. :) The thing is it's winter in my place at the moment and school starts this week.
Anyway, I'll wait. :-B :x . TA.
You're right, Nhân. I am quite optimistic :D 55 ppl read the topic but only 3 replied.

I havent experienced teamwork until doing my MSc degree. Every single course-unit has a group project. I quite enjoy groupwork ... the tasks are somewhat less hard since everyone is responsible for different parts of the whole project and the marks are usually higher than individual coursework :D

We dont choose our own group members but are allocated randomly each time. It's fairer this way I suppose. There was once that we could choose on our own ... my oh my I didnt like it at all. I joined this group when they said they needed one more person. It turned out 3 of them spoke the same language which was, of course, not English [-x Thus after most meetings, I was left with "what's going on? what probs do we have?" It annoyed me more when they turned to me and said "so you know what we have to do, rite?" How on earth could I know if you discussed in an alien language X( As a result, I became uninterested and unproductive. I bet they thought it was a mistake to let me join the group :D So as of my experience, dont join a group when more than half of the members are close friends. You'll be left out :-s

Each of my course-unit has a system of individual contribution assessment, that is, each member will assess the contribution of others of the group. For instance, if you are awarded a +/- by other members, your final mark will be added/substracted 1% from the total group mark. The extreme is ++/-- being equivalent to 10%. You have lower marks if your group members dont think you are productive enough. I think this is why my groupwork experience turns out to be a success :D
Here are some general rules for group work (copied from my lecturer :D)

- Fix a schedule of meetings.
- Ensure you attend every group meeting.
- Agree an agenda for each meeting.
- Do not allow one person to monopolise the meeting, though avoid unnecessary interruptions. If necessary suggest giving others a chance to speak. (However, it's good to have a leader in a group, at least someone who can take control of the whole situation. E.g. what has and has not been done? Who is behind the schedule and needs to catch up with everyone else?)
- Encourage everyone to participate; invite ideas from quiet individuals.
- Try to be constructive and only criticise ideas, not individuals.
- Stick to a timetable for meetings and for assigned tasks.
- Ensure everyone understands what your goal is and how you have agreed to achieve this. Document this in writing.
- Make notes (minutes) of each meeting, or at the very least, make a formal note of agreed actions and of which team member is responsible for each action. Circulate these details to all group members.
- Think about how the overall exercise can be divided into smaller tasks.
- Coordinate the tasks:
 which tasks need to be completed before subsequent ones?
 who wants to do which task?
 how do you assign tasks that nobody wants to do? ("oẳn tù tì might be a solution here :)))
 is the workload equally shared?

Good luck with your study :)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
.. :)) .. I got some problems when working in group as well ,, everything was wrong with me but made my partner very satisfied 8-} .. :| .. I mean my partner and I had different views, ideas, interests, etc ... I think that is the main reason which causes problems in any workgroup. :)) .. My partner was a boy .. :| .. he liked football, action movies, robots, cars .. most of his favourite things were what I wasn't interested in :| .. ironically, we had to work togerther for a project. :)) .. and I believe you know what the result would be .. :)) .. :D .. I hoped I had been able to work alone.:( ..
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Chu Vân Hương đã viết:
You're right, Nhân. I am quite optimistic :D 55 ppl read the topic but only 3 replied.

Oh well, sad but true. 8-|

Chị Hương, thanks a lot for your advice. I always love to listen to people talking about their experiences and tips. Next week, I'll have to pick my partners for marketing class and I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed that everything is gonna be fine. :)>-

Talking about chosing partners. I remember my anatomy teacher in high school only allowed student to pick partners who have the same grade or one level above or below him to avoid "one person ends up doing everything" situation. That means she only allowed an A students to work with another A or a B student. That may sound a bit grade discrimination
but I think it's easier to manage.

Thủy: Thanks for your contribution. I feel the same way like you: " I hoped that I had been work alone" :)) But life sucks, just have to accept it, hu hu hu....My teacher said that he would reduce 25% of the grade if any one attempts to work alone.
Grouping students according to their grades? It's unfair in a way as the C-grade students dont have the chance to learn from better-grade students. Anyway good luck in choosing your partners. And dont try to work alone. What is the point of having groupwork then? Learn how to encourage and push the lazy ppl to work (shouting might do the trick sometimes, in case they are such a pain :)) :p)
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