"Night Fever" Hội Ngộ UK, 2006

Nguyễn Vân Mai

Hội Ngộ UK 2006

Re: "Night Fever" - Hội Ngộ UK 2006

H-A-O, UK would like to invite you and your partners/ friends to our coolest and funniest Xmas and New Year party ever. Dress to impress and bring yourself to enjoy the most unforgettable “Night Fever” with lots of fun, lots of laugh and lots of interactive activities.

Date: Thursday 28/12/2006
Time: 6:30pm(*) till 2am
Venue: AMP 255 Mare Street
London E8 3NS
(View map for direction or click here to plan your journey)

All we ask for contribution is:

Student: £10 (**)
Non-Student: £15 (**)

And what you get are:

+ Food and Drink plus a glass of Champagne to celebrate with HAO, UK at one of the most superior party venues in London.

And what you can enjoy are:

+ Open Mic Show Case: no pressure, no audition, and no X-factor judgements. Bring along your own backing tracks, musical instruments, or use our karaoke system with thousands of songs to choose from. Sing like you never sing before on real stage with the best sound system guaranteed. All you need is to register with Dang Van Ha ([email protected]) in advance.

+ Play the funniest Show Games all together as we’d make sure you will laugh on the ground.

+ Meet with the “Celebrities” so prepare to reveal their up, close and personals.

+ Disco after show with the best selected DJ in town

...And lots of prizes, awards, presents and surprises for you.

So what are you waiting for??? Whether you are HAOers, Amsers, members of SVUK or friends around the world, come to our party so you can sing like no one listen, eat all you can, and dance till you drop. But most of all have a super great and unforgettable night with us.

Đặng Vân Hà (Scotland): 07809214869
Vũ Hoàng Yến (London, LSE): 07894232264
Trần Bích Thủy (New Castle): 07706042281
or [email protected]

HAO, UK would like to express our greatest thanks to the generous sponsors of: Mr Nguyen Tuan Anh (Former Amser), Mr Nguyen Viet Anh (Loong Kee – Former Amser), Mr Cao Hong Quang (VTV4) and Mr Huynh D. Vu (AMP Director) in either cash or presents to our party.

H-A-O, UK Director

(Signed, sealed)

(*) Polite people won't be late. Strictly no admission after 7pm
(**) Last day to accept payment is 20/12/2006. No tickets at door and we only sell a certain amount of tickets (food and seats constraint) so make sure you buy in advance to avoid disappointment
(***) We do assign different people to different tables as we see it’s best for our interactive activities and making new friends. But if you want to be seated with someone you know, please say so when you buy tickets.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Important information about your contribution and participation in Hội Ngộ UK 2006

To confirm your participation and make payment, please contact us by tel, email, YM:

Đặng Vân Hà : 0780 921 4869 ([email protected]) - Scotland

Vũ Hoàng Yến : 0789 423 2264 ([email protected]) - London

Trần Bích Thủy : 0770 604 2281 ([email protected]) - Newcastle

or [email protected]

We can only accept bank transfer or cash (in person). Please contact us to get the bank details or arrange alternative method of financial contribution.

Student: £10 (**)
Non-Student: £15 (**)

We’ll email a letter to confirm your attendance and financial contribution. Plus a Reservation Number.
As you come to the event, please bring along your ID and your Reservation Number to check in.

The last day to confirm your participation and make payment is 20th December 2006.

Thank you for your attention and look forward to see you in NIGHT FEVER!!!
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối bởi người điều hành:
Since there were a few questions about the contribution and group tickets, we would like to confirm:

HAO Party is always a non-beneficial event, your contribution (£10) is only to cover food and soft drink (Fixed price), apart from that you will have free champagne, free DJ and free Entertainment with us.


If you book in group of 8 or more (and willing to share the same table), apart from a free bottle of champagne, you will get another bottle of wine, absolutely FREE
This year, the number of ticket sales was already twice the number BTC expected (which was three times more than last year). We have tried our best to book a much larger venue than last year. But still, due to limitation in seat and space available, also to ensure everyone has a chance to be interactive in our program, we would really regret to announce that:

Ticket sale is now officially closed.

To all ticket holders: Due to the huge amount of attendees this year, please make sure you arrive at the venue on time (6.30pm) as we can reserve your seat for 10 mins only.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
We would really happy to announce our celebrity guests joining HAO party this year (*):

Mr HAO Runner Up 2006: Phạm Anh Tuấn

Young Talent: Trịnh Mai Trang

(Click here to read about Trang)

and a few others we would like to keep secret till the last minutes for our "Meet the Celebrities" show.

Also, according to very high demand, we will have "Present Exchange" game again. So please bring along a small present to make sure we surprise each other this Xmas.

(*) do có sự cố cá nhân Miss Huyền kô thể tham dự chương trình theo như đã hẹn
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Re: Đăng ký: Hội Ngộ Uk 2006

Đến hôm nay chị/tớ/em mới có thời gian vào HAO post bài đc, xin mọi người hết sức thông cảm.

Thay mặt BTC xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành đến tất cả mọi người đã đến tham dự chương trình Hội Ngộ UK 2006 - NIGHT FEVER. Hi vọng tất cả mọi người đều có được những giây phút vui vẻ, đầm ấm tràn ngập tiếng cười trong dịp Noen và năm mới này.

Hội Ngộ UK 2006 đã đón chào 1 con số thành viên tham dự khổng lồ, gấp đôi dự tính của BTC. Ngoài các HAOers đến từ khắp mọi nơi trên UK, chúng ta còn có các HAOers đến từ Pháp, US, Canada và thậm chí cả... Việt Nam (nghe nói có 1 Amser từ VN sang chơi chỉ để dự Hội Ngộ :D). Xin cảm ơn sự nhiệt tình của tất cả mọi người.

Cảm ơn 3 nhân vật nổi tiếng Phạm Anh Tuấn (Mr HAO 2006 Runner-Up), Trịnh Mai Trang (Winner of Young Talented Musicians Competition) và Đàm Hoàng Anh (Cầu thủ xuất sắc SVUK Cup 4) đã "gan dạ" tham gia chương trình "Người Đương Thời" và thổ lộ những điều chân thành nhất về bản thân minh.

Cảm ơn các bác ở venue AMP đã hỗ trợ về mặt âm thanh ánh sáng cùng dàn karaoke rất xịn, bạn DJ cũng kô thể chê đc.

Và last but not lease, cảm ơn tất cả mọi ng đã tham gia BTC (HCKL + hội nhà Thành Đức), without your enthusiasm and constant support, we could never make it a Night Fever.


1 số ảnh đã đc upload trong album. Nếu ai có thêm ảnh xin mời đóng góp cho album nhé :x
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