to thu tra loi cau hoi dau tien cua Van Trang nhe, sai sot o dau mong moi nguoi gop y.
To post bang tieng Anh nhe vi rat nhieu tu minh ko biet tieng Viet minh dich ra la gi, thoi post bang tieng Anh cho do hieu nham
Generally, banking consists of 2 branches: 1) commericial banking and 2)investment banking. In Vietnam, we haven't really got investment banking yet. In fact, Citigroup, HSBC, ING, although internationally, they do operate in ib industry but they haven't really provided ib services in vietnam.
Khach hang cua commercial banks gom co ca individuals va corporations nhung ma commercial bank chi cung cap very basic service cho corporations thoi nen tat nhien tien cung heo hon
Khach hang cua investment banks chu yeu la corporations hoac extremely wealthy indiviudal nen xien cung rung rinh hon :>
Commerical Banking
Nhu phan lon cac dich vu cac ban da de cap o tren eg take deposits, short-term loans, mortgage, etc
Investment Banking
Typically, an investment bank has 5 main divisions
1. Corporate Finance: generally speaking, they provide advisory services in 3 areas
- Merger and Acquisition: when a corporation wants to enter an M&A deal, they go to an IB for advice eg how much to bid for the target, what's the bidding strategy, whether or not they should enter the deal. The target company can also hire an IB for defending strategy
- Raising capital: when a company wants to raise funds to finance investment, they go to an ib to seek advice on how to raise finance eg issuing equities or bonds or privately place a loan with a bank. Whether to issue bonds or equities depend on many factors eg taxes, current market condition, exisitng capital structure, etc
- Restructuring: when a company is not doing well, again they seek advice from ib on how to get out of trouble
In this division, banks earn money through
fees which can be a beautiful sum of money B-)
2. Equities
Equities department generally consists of 3 lines: Sales, Trading and Research
Basically, sales people constantly keep in touch with their clients eg pension funds, investment fund, unit trust, people who have money to invest. The role of sales people is to understand clients' need eg their required risk and return and then advice + persuade clients to whether buy, sell or short stocks.
Once sales people manage to persuade their clients to buy or sell stocks, they pass on the order to traders. The role of the trader is to watch the market to find the best timing for buying or selling stocks. The money the bank makes comes from the
bid-ask spread
Research just provides the information on differnt stocks.
3. Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC)
It consists of the same lines as Equities and functions similarly. The only difference is that Equities cover stocks while FICC covers fixed income eg bonds, then currency and commodities eg oil.
IB makes most of their money in Equities and FICC due to high risk high return.
4. Research
Again, just provide necessary info for other departments
5. Asset Management
Basically you manage portfolio for pension funds, life insurance funds, extremely wealthy individual, etc. You constantly adjust your portfolio as market moves by selling/buying stocks, bonds, currency, etc
Not quite sure how you get paid here? a lump sum amount or royalty? don't know.
All in all, i think investment banks are one of the major vehicles of financial market (along with hedge funds, mutual funds, venture capital funds, etc).