Sorry mọi người vì đã ko theo topic này. Em mới biết là cái link kia ko available nữa! Thấy có nhiều người view, chắc tại cái tên topic nghe kêu.
Back to the questions:
1. Match and cigarette-lighter are both acceptable
2. Sister Giao gave the correct answer!
3. As I remember, the answer is something like: “the man is in a hotel. He dials the next room’s number. (there’s someone snoring)”
Em có save được cái trang đó vào máy. Post lên đây tiếp mấy câu.
4. A cat jumped from the window of the top floor of a 32 storey building, but it did not die. Why ?
5. A man walks into to a store and sees a sign that says "3 for $1". He says to the clerk that he will take one hundred and the clerk says "that will be one dollar. How is it possible?
6. Why is a river so rich ?
7. I jump into the water. Guess one kind of job.
8. Mary and Jane were born on the same day of the same year of the same father and the same mother. They look almost exactly alike, yet they are not twins. Why ?
9. An organism, when in the morning, it has four legs, when at noon, it has two legs, when in the evening, it has three legs. What is it ?
10. A man is walking down a street planning on getting his hair cut. There are two barbers on the street. The first barber has excellently cut hair and a spotless room, while the second barber's hair is ragged, and his room is covered in hair. He chooses the second. Why?
11. As I was going to St.Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks. Every sack had seven cats. Every cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks, wives- How many were going to St.Ives?
12. In a distant kingdom, a king had a very beautiful daughter . When she fell in love with a peasant boy, the king was extremely upset. However, for fairness, he let the boy choose from two pieces of paper. One would have the word MARRIAGE and the other would have DEATH. When the boy passed the castle he heard the king remark to an adviser that there was no need to worry about him marrying the beautiful princess because both slips would have DEATH written on them. Since he was clever, the boy instantly saw a solution. Later that day, the two were married. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???
13. A man wants to cross the bridge without paying the fee to the guard who sleeps in the middle of the bridge. The guard wakes up every 3 minutes and there is no possibility of crossing the bridge in less then 5 minutes. If the guard will catch the man without the money , he will send him back .How can the man cross the bridge?
14. I live in a house where each side of the house faces south. Where do I live?
15. A man makes over a million dollars a year. Yet he hardly has enough to feed his family of 4. Why?
16. Two people are up on the roof of a house , cleaning a chimney. Suddenly they both fall from the chimney down in the fireplace. One of them is dirty, while the other one is clean. The clean man goes to the bathroom and cleans himself while the dirty one just gets back to work. Why?
17. There is a man in a empty building and he's about to kill himself. so he jumps out of a 32 story high rise. on his way down he hears the phone ring and begins to yell nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooo why?
Có những câu em vẫn chưa ra, bây giờ cũng chẳng tra lại answer được. Post lên, hi vọng có anh chị em nào ở đây trả lời được!