IDIOMs collection

Lương Quốc Tâm
(Luong Tam)

New Member
Hôm nay vừa kiếm được quyển sách về Idiom xong :) Bây giờ đem share với mọi người đây :) Mỗi ngày sẽ post vài idioms cho đến hết nhé :)>-
Hope it helps !

Cấu trúc sẽ thế này:
- Idiom
- Meaning
- Example

1. 'at a boy (that a boy)
- good work, well done
- Whenever I win, Don says, " 'at a boy! Good game!"

2. 'at a girl (that a girl)
- good work, well done
- When Judy gets good grades, her mom says, " 'at a girl, Judy!"

3. 'fraid so
- sorry, but it is true; believe me,
- "Did he spend all of our money?" "Yes, 'fraid so."

4. 'round the clock
- all hours, twenty-four hours
- We worked 'round the clock to harvest the crop before it snowed.

5. a babe in arms
- a baby, a child who is still wet behind the ears (=still quite young)
- Dar was just a babe in arms when we emigrated to Canada.
6. a babe in the woods
- a defenseless person; a naive, young person
- He's just a babe in the woods. He needs someone to protect him.

7. a bad taste in my mouth
- a feeling that something is false or unfair, a feeling of ill will
- I left the meeting with a bad taste in my mouth. There was a lot of dishonesty in the room.

8. a bad time
- a lot of teasing, a rough time
- The class gave him a bad time about his pink shorts.
9. a ball-park figure
- a number that is near the total; approximate figure
- Fifty is a ball-park figure. It's close to our class size.

10. a bar fly
- a person who often goes to bars or lounges
- Every evening Penny goes to Lucifer's. She's quite a bar fly.

11. a bar star
- a girl who goes to bars to drink and find friends
- Lola was known as a bar star at Pinky's Lounge.

12. a bare-faced lie
- a deliberate lie, a planned lie
- His statement to the police was false - a bare-faced lie.
Giúp ngay đi em ạ chờ đợi gì nữa. Nhìn cái avatar là biết Mr Tâm đang say xưa làm chuyện khác rồi :D
1,the whole caboodle (also:the whole kit and caboodle):everything
2,be in the cahoots (with sb):be planning or doing st dishonest with sb else
3, have your cake and eat it( also :have your cake and eat it too):ẹnoy the advantages of 2 things that cannot exist together (được cái này mất cái kia)

Hôm nay tạm thế này đã rồi em sẽ kiếm nhiều cái hay ho hơn, Ok???
Ấy chết quên mất mấy cái ví dụ rồi, xin lỗi mọi người nha,lần sau sẽ bổ sung,hì hì :D
1,a share/slice of the cake:a share of benefits or profits
2,(above and) beyond the call of duty:used for describing a greater degree of courage or effort than is usual or expected in a job, etc.
3,call sb's bluff:give sb the chance to do because you believe they'll not or cannot do it
Còn đây là 1 English cartoon khuyến mãi thêm đó
ấy chết, hè hè hình như có trục trặc kĩ thuật với cái English cartoon thì phải
vấn đề nóng hổi cần giải quyết đê!!

Bà con ơi , sao em thấy chuyên mục này ( idioms) vẫn còn chưa hấp dẫn lắm phải không ạ??? Em định sẽ tiếp tục chuyên mục này bàng cách cung cấp các idioms theo chủ đề, mọi người thấy thế nào, em nghĩ như thế sẽ đỡ nhàm chán hơn việc cứ viết như 1 quyển từ điển phải không ạ!!!!Nếu đồng ý thì mọi người dzỗ tay ủng hộ em dzới nhen.
Anh đang vỗ cả 2 chân đây này mà chú em có thấy được đâu :D

Này, giữa 2 cái thẻ
Xin chào mọi người, đầu tiên sẽ là color idioms nhé:
1,BLACK AND WHITE:think of everything ỏ judge everything as either good or bad.
example:"he tries to see everything in black and white although he knows this is impossible"
2,BLACK darken by putting out or dimming electric lights. lose consciousness.
eg:1. During the war people in the cities were forced to black out their windows so that the enemy aircraft could not see them.
2.Suddenly the man blacked out during the parade and had to be helped to a qiet place.
hôm nay tạm thế thôi nhé!!!!
sorry nhá bà con, dạo này tui bận túi mắt túi mũi luôn cho nên hơi bỏ bê cái dzụ này, thành thật xin lỗi nhé
bây giờ sẽ là new colour:BROWN
Meaning:to be bored with, annoyed at something.
Example:I'm brown of with this place.There is nothing to do here.
Thế thôi, chúc mọi người một ngày thật dui dẻ:p
Em, cho anh hỏi có cái idiom nào có nghĩa là "học sinh giỏi" ko?
Chi dzẫy trời, ờ mà cũng lạ thiệt, đễ em kiếm thử cái đã. Nếu có thì tốt mà không có thì....hè hè....thì thôi vậy. Ráng đợi nhen
chào Nhân sư huynh, bữa giờ muội tìm cho huynh thử xem "học sinh giỏi" là gì nhưng mà lật hết các hang cùng ngõ hẻm , lật đến cả cái gáy sách luôn mà vẫn can't find anything( 8-| ).Thôi huynh đành dùng tạm " very good student" vậy.Chúc anh vui vẻ và là " học sinh giỏi".
Còn bây giờ là color idioms with "BLUE":

-TO BLUE PENCIL SOMETHING: to censor something (kiểm duyệt).
eg:Reports on the mistreatment of the political prisoners were blue pencilled by the authorities.
-A BLUE-EYED BOY: critical description of a boy who has been singled out for special favours by someone in authority( người được ưu ái).
Eg:John is a real blue-eyed boy the team manager always gives him special treatment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THE END <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hơ, em là con gái à???

Bữa giờ mới để ý, chẹp, cái dấu mũi tên chĩa xuống dưới đất màu hồng trông dễ thương thật :D :*
trời!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vậy mà không thấy hả??thất vọng quá, cái màu hồng dễ "xương" vậy mà...
thôi kệ, tiếp tục loạt idioms này bằng "GREEN" nhé:
green:to be inexperienced and/or immature
He's a bit green - he still believes that someone is going to come and help him out of his situation. He doesn't realise he has to do it himself.
the grass is always greener (on the other side)
when a place that is far away or different seems better than the place where we are now
He must be crazy to leave the company; he's got a great job and a great salary. He really should stay where he is but he can't see it - the grass is always greener on the other side.
green with envy:to be very jealous and full of envy
I was green with envy when I heard that she was going on holiday to Spain for a week while I had to stay and work.
Hết- ai có nhu cầu gì về topic của mấy cái vụ idioms này thì cứ liên lạc với tui há
Bảo ngồi nghĩ ra idiom thì khó quá :D

Học giỏi thì em chỉ biết có từ "geek" thôi anh ạ :D, còn 1 từ nữa nhưng em quên mất rồi :D
Vừa nhớ được 1 câu khá hay :D "OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES:D" chả biết giải thích thế nào :(. Babes (trẻ con) thường chỉ nói sự thật :D, nên anything come from the mouth of babe được coi là rất hồn nhiên và honest:D ko hiểu nói thế có ai hiểu ko :(
In this story will find Idioms with Colours. An idiom is a fixed expression with a certain meaning. Here are some examples:
«If you keep spending your money like this you will be soon in the red.» — «Oh come one, we all tell a white lie sometimes, don't we?» — «When I left the house this morning the street was covered with black ice all over.»

Now read the short story and try to work out what the expressions in italics mean.

«A Silver Lining»
In a rash moment I said I'd buy my wife a car for her birthday. The trouble was she had set her heart on a particular colour — white. It had to be white at all costs. I pointed out till I was blue in the face — almost going out of my mind, that white was a very difficult colour to keep clean.
But she was adamant and so in the end I decided to surrender — to show the white flag, as it were. We looked at dozens of white and off white cars but none seemed to be worth buying.

Now, I'm a bit green — rather inexperienced, about buying cars. I'm the perfect customer as far as the secondhand car salesman is concerned. Take the first place we went to. The manager rolled out the red carpet — gave me preferential treatment, when he saw me coming. He started by showing me the most expensive models he could find, some of which made me turn white with envy — I was quite envious of anyone who could afford to buy one. But as soon as I mentioned the sort of age for the car I had in mind, he started to give me black looks — started to frown. I can't describe the language he used when I gave some idea of the price I was thinking of because it would be red-pencilled — censored. From the beginning I was therefore somewhat browned off — fed up. Once in a blue moon — very rarely, I thought do you come across a genuine bargain. I mean some of the dealers are thoroughly dishonest or is it that they are simply telling white lies — only half-truths? The trouble is you have to buy a car in order to find out. At one garage I actually caught one of the salesmen red-handed — in the middle of his act, just as he was gluing back a chip of paint that had fallen off. I put a black mark against his name — didn't think much of his reputation. But what really made me see red — get angry was when I was told that I would only get an old wreck for what I was prepared to pay. Perhaps I was being a bit moderate but then I didn't want to end up in the red — in debt to the bank. The only way to deal with these salesmen is to put on a bold face. It doesn't matter if you have a yellow streak — are a coward. You don't have to accept the first price and whatever you do don't give the green light — permission to continue with the sale until you're absolutely satisfied.

One weekend I decided to leave my car at home and go by train to a large car centre. I was feeling in the pink — very fit as we approached the man standing by the sales office. He had one of those arrogant expressions that act rather like a red rag to me — somehow provoke me. I told him straight that I knew his centre had been black listed by motoring organizations — no longer approved by them and therefore it was no good him trying to white wash — excuse all the stories I'd heard. That wiped the arrogant expression of his face. The only trouble was that I discovered that I'd not been talking to the sales manager but a fellow customer. In my confusion I tripped over a spare tyre, rolled over and ended up in a ditch.
When I got home I was black and blue all over — covered in bruises.

By the sixth weekend of looking I was understandably feeling rather blue — somewhat depressed. I'd even considered getting a car through the black market — by some dishonest means.
But every cloud has a silver lining — things improve in the end. And that Sunday was a red letter day — a special day to remember, since we finally found a car. We were out driving in the countryside when out of the blue — totally unexpectedly, we saw a notice advertising cars for sale in a farm yard.
We saw a man in a brown study — deep in thought sitting in a small hut. He was the farmer cum salesman from whom I eventually bought the car. He quickly dispensed with all the red tape — all the formalities and very soon I had it in black and white — in writing that the car belonged to me. It's quite a good car and it's white or to be more accurate, it's more what you would call two tone.
You see with the white there's quite a bit of brown — known less colourfully as rust.
Author: Alan Townend
Câu chuyện trên cũng là 1 cách rèn luyện và tích lũy thêm 1 vốn idioms kha khá đấy phải không ạ?????
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