Hot news from Finance English Club on Saturday:21.3.09,

Phạm Nhuệ Giang

New Member
Finance English Club ( FEC )

Welcome you to Finance English Club starts on Saturday 21th March from 2pm to 4pm at No 7A-Lane 850 Lang Street.Fee for attend: free.

Our program''s contents are:

14.00-14.15: Receive form to join FEC

14.15 - 14.45: Warm up; Sharing your success by Mr Son- FEC’s President

14.45 - 15.45: Learn about writing in business by Mr Quoc ( MBA , United States )

15.45 - 16.00 : Break

16.00 - 16.30 : Fun Financial Games : By Ms Tinh

Topic for discussion : Cultural Differences in Business .

Cultural Differences are extremely important in doing business, although they may not appear to be so. They have an indirect impact on the outcome of your communication with people as they have a direct impact on how people communicate. That''''s why we should deal with this topic first thing.

A few questions for you to brainstorm:

- What are the characteristics of some typical people/group of people in the world?
- Ways of addressing people in communications?
- How do people''''s priorities differ from one culture to another, in regards of communications?
- What are considered taboo?
- What can you write that will command respect and trust and help you persuade?

We can talk about some popular foreign cultures such as American, European, Japanese, Chinese and compare them with that of Vietnam.

Mr Nguyen Tien Quoc’s background :

Mr Quoc had completed a degree from Foreign Trade University in Vietnam and worked in IndoChina Research Limited Company for two and half years. Then he decided to go to Japan and United States for further studies . He has earned himself a Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) at University of Notre_dame in Indiana, United States. With deep knowledge in business communication and working experiences , he’s able to help you in writing and communication.


Welcome to our Finance English Club



For futher information:

-- Pham Nhue Giang
Customer Service
Babylon Co.,Ltd
Add: 7A--Lane 850 Lang Street

Is the application form only available on 21th, mar then?(Can we have it a little sooner) :)
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Hi Nga,

FEC open from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday every week. So if you are busy today, you can attend next week.

Ms Giang-0913376679:-c
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