Duz anyone know nything bout Lycoming Coll?

Trần Anh Dũng

New Member
Co ai co tin tuc tot xau gi ve truong nay chi bao cho em voi, cam on rat chi la nhieu.
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Bác có vào đâu thì bác cũng nên nhìn thoáng + nghĩ rộng 1 chút. Không thì quá là tự chửi mình... Thấy ông bác hơi bị coi thường nhiều thứ rồi đấy!
chú Dũng phải bỏ cái kiểu suy nghĩ kia đi thì mới được . Chú học tốt thì ở đâu chú cũng sẽ học tốt, không phải cứ dựa hơi mấy cái ranking mà làm nên được trò trống gì đâu . Chú nói thế người ta đọc sẽ nghĩ là chú khện lột, coi là mình giỏi, mấy cái trường hạng bét không xứng với chú ...
Lycoming hình như ở PA thì phải . muốn biết về trường thì vào website của nó mà xem thôi, thông tin có thể không hoàn toàn khách quan nhưng cũng cho chú biết phần nào . liên lạc với admissions office mà hỏi thông tin .
hờ,sory DŨng nhé,thấy bài mình post chuối quá nên edit lại :D ...congrat :D
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Tr?n Anh Du˜ng đã viết:
Vao duoc cai truong hang bet nay. No cho aid nen phai vao thoi. Co ai co tin tuc tot xau gi ve truong nay chi bao cho em voi, cam on rat chi la nhieu.

in case u can't find a better one, just send ur deposit before the national deadline, but still remain on the waiting list at Carleton
General Information
Founded: 1812
Religious affiliation: Methodist
Academic calendar: Semester
Undergraduate student body: 1,429
Setting: Urban

Fall 2003 Admissions
Application deadline: 6/1
Application fee: $35
Selectivity: Selective

U.S. News Ranking
Rank: Liberal Arts Colleges–Bachelor's, third tier

2002-2003 Expenses
Tuition and fees: $20,112
Room/board: $5,624

Academic calendar: Semester
Summer sessions: Two summer sessions of six weeks each.
Degrees offered: bachelor's

Majors and Minors
Most popular majors:
20% business administration, 18% biological and physical sciences, 18% psychology, 11% criminal justice, 8% art

Majors offered:
Accounting, Actuarial Science, American Studies, Art History, Art Studio, Astronomy, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, French, German, History, International Studies, Literature, Mathematics, Medical Technology, Music, Near East Culture/Archaeology, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology/Anthropology, Spanish, Theatre

Minors and miscellaneous programs:
Minors offered in most majors and in foreign languages and math sciences. Courses offered in earth science, education, Greek, law, speech, and statistics. Scholars Program.

Academic Programs
Pre-professional programs: pre-law, pre-medicine, pre-veterinary science, pre-dentistry, pre-theology, pre-optometry

Combined-degree programs: 3-1 medical technology programs with Abington, Divine Providence, Lancaster, Robert Packer, and Rolling Hill hospitals and other approved hospital schools of medical technology. 3-2 engineering program with Pennsylvania St U. 3-2 forestry/environmental studies program with Duke U. 3-4 podiatry program with Pennsylvania Coll of Podiatric Medicine. 3-4 optometry program with Pennsylvania Coll of Optometry.

Cooperative education programs: engineering, health professions, natural science

Consortia: N/A

Academic offerings (% 2001 graduates participating):
cooperative (work-study) plan, cross-registration, double major ( 19%), honors program ( 10%), independent study ( 13%), internships ( 11%), student-designed major, study abroad ( 1%), teacher certificate program ( 20%)

Additional academic offerings (% 2001 graduates participating):
internships and coops (41%), senior capstone (60%), service learning (80%), study abroad (18%), undergraduate research/creative projects (35%), writing in the disciplines (100%)

Special Requirements
General education/core curriculum required? Yes
Minor required for: Not required
Physical education requirement? Yes
Religion/theology courses required? No

Getting Away
Domestic exchange student programs: Washington Semester (American University), UN Semester
Domestic exchange programs with: N/A
2001 graduates who participated in domestic exchange: N/A

Study abroad countries/schools: Exchange program abroad in England (Westminster Coll). Study abroad also in France, Germany, and Spain.
2001 graduates who participated in study abroad: 1%

Instructional faculty: 84 full-time, 31 part-time
• men: 68% full-time, 55% part-time
• women: 32% full-time, 45% part-time
• minorities: 5% full-time, 0% part-time
• international: 1% full-time, 0% part-time

Full-time instructional faculty who have earned a Ph.D. or other terminal degree: 86%
Student-to-faculty (undergraduate only) ratio: 14/1
Classes taught by graduate teaching assistants: 0%

Class Size
Fewer than 20 students: 59%
20 to 49 students: 39%
50 or more students: 2%

AP and IB Credit
Advanced Placement tests may be used for: Credit
Scores accepted: 4 or higher
Restrictions: N/A

International Baccalaureate exams may be used for: Credit and/or placement

Freshman Retention Rate
Average freshman retention rate: 78%

Graduation Rate
Four-year graduation rate: 59%
Five-year graduation rate: 69%
Average six-year graduation rate: 71%

Graduate School
Percentage of graduates who pursue further study: 20% continue immediately; 28% continue within 2 years
Graduate schools most often attended by recent graduates: Pennsylvania State University, University of Pennsylvania, Syracuse University.

Basic Services
Nonremedial tutoring: Yes
Placement service: Yes
Health service: Yes
Women's Center: Yes
Day care: No
Health insurance: No

Remedial learning services offered:
reading, writing, math, study skills

Counseling services offered:
birth control, career, personal, academic, psychological, religious

Career Center
Career services include: internships, career/job search classes, interest inventory, on-campus job interviews, resume assistance, alumni services, interview training
Graduates who enter job market in field related to major: 92% within one year
Firms that most frequently hire graduates: N/A

School has a library on campus? Yes
School is a member of library consortia? N/A

Additional library facilities:

Museums or special academic buildings on campus:
Language lab, tissue culture lab, TV studio, planetarium.

Computer Resources
Students required to take a computer course? No
Students required to lease/own a computer? No
Number of computers available to all students: 180
Internet access available to all students? Yes
E-mail accounts available to all students? Yes

Computers available for student use in:
residence halls, library, computer center, student center

Campus Housing
Does school offer housing to students? Yes
Students who live in college-owned, operated, or affiliated housing: 79%
Students required to live in school housing: All unmarried students under age 23 must live on campus unless living with family.
Campus housing available for all unmarried students regardless of year? Yes
Does school provide assistance in finding off-campus housing if on-campus housing is not available? No
Types of campus housing available: coed dorms (67%), women's dorms (10%), sorority housing (7%), fraternity housing (6%), single-student apartments (10%)

Nearest airport location(s) (miles): Philadelphia (160)
Nearest passenger train station (miles): Harrisburg (90)
Nearest bus station (miles): Williamsport (1)
Public transportation serves campus? Yes
Are all students permitted to have cars on campus? Yes
Students who have cars on campus: 55%

Student Employment
School employment is available? Yes
Undergraduates working on campus during 2000-2001 academic year: 33%

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
Army ROTC: Offered off campus at Bucknell U.
Navy ROTC: Not offered
Air Force ROTC: Not offered

Is alcohol permitted on campus for students of legal age? Yes, but some restrictions apply.
Additional policies: class attendance policies set by individual instructors, hazing prohibited

Clubs and Organizations
Number of registered organizations: 63

Student activities:
choral groups, concert band, dance, drama/theater, jazz band, literary magazine, music ensembles, musical theater, pep band, radio station, student government, student newspaper, television station, yearbook

Number of honor societies: 16
Religious organizations: United Campus Ministry

Minority student organizations:
Multicultural Awareness Organization, Prism

International student organizations:

Other organizations:
band, a cappella choir, drama group, artist and lecture series, language clubs, special-interest groups

Greek Life
Number of fraternities: 4
Number of fraternity houses: N/A
Fraternity members: 21%
Number of sororities: 4
Number of sorority houses: N/A
Sorority members: 21%

Athletic program offered? Yes
Athletic Director: Frank L. Girardi

Athletic facilities:
gymnasium, swimming pool, basketball and tennis courts, fitness and weight rooms, football, and soccer fields, sauna

Conference memberships:
NCAA Division III, Middle Atlantic Conference

Students participating in varsity and/or club intercollegiate sports: 33%
Students participating in Intramural and/or Recreational sports: 65%

Men's varsity sports:
basketball, cross-country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field (outdoor), wrestling

Women's varsity sports:
basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field (outdoor), volleyball

Club sports for men:
crew, karate, water polo, winter track

Club sports for women:
crew, karate, water polo, winter track

Intramural/recreational sports:
basketball, football, indoor soccer, softball, volleyball, water polo, wilderness club
Lycoming PA á? Tôi biết một chị Việt Nam học ở đấy. Tên là Như, cũng dân trao đổi, YIM: chip2112nguyen
Hi vọng chị í có thể giúp bạn.
Chà, cảm ơn anh Hưng nhé. Thong tin day du ghe.

Neu co the, anh cho biet source duoc khong ạ?

Anyone who hates going to big public universities can apply here, there's plenty of time.
It's amazingly, nah, strikingly easy to get admitted. I sent in my app a week ago. My 12th grade transcript hasn't even arrived; and I got an email from the dean him self saying I'll get my acceptance letter next week.
I was like whoa! This guy's kidding?

Well it's not too bad of a school. In fact I'm greatly relieved now that I have somewhere to go to without paying so much. It's money that matters the most, not fame. I called it "hang bet" to feel better. :p

So, if you are planning to go to a univ next year paying more than 10k or so, try this college out, you may get a better deal. I could really use some company. hừ hừ...
Chú ý định viết là hạng best nhưng do chế độ gõ Tiếng Việt nên mới thành hạng bét :cool:
Khờ khờ khờ... yeah that was so funny it's not even funny.

Hớ hớ thanks tho, I do feel reel good now.
Source: US News premium :D. (khoảng $10)

It is credible
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