Nguyễn Quang Hưng
New Member
Đê? ca'c ba.n hiê?u thêm đa`o ta.o Computer Science cu?a chu'ng ta la.c hâ.u ra sao, tui cho ca'c ba.n biê't thêm vê` (pure) CS courses at Berkeley 3 na(m tru+o+'c đây.
CS Classes
EECS1 - Introduction to EECS
CS3S - Intro to Symbolic Programming (Self Paced)
CS3 - Introduction to Symbolic Programming
CS9A - Intro to FORTRAN for Scientific Computation (Self Paced)
CS9B - Pascal for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS9C - C for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS9D - Lisp and Functional Programming (Self Paced)
CS9E - Productive Use of the UNIX Environment (Self Paced)
CS9F - C++ for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS39A - Introduction to Computer Animation
CS39E - Freshman Seminar
CS39J - The Art and Science of Photography
CS39G - Interactive 3D Graphics and Virtual Environments
CS61A - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS61B - Data Structures
CS61C - Machine Structures
CS70 - Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
EECS120 - Signals and Systems
EECS150 - Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
CS152 - Computer Architecture and Engineering
CS160 - User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation
CS162 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS164 - Programming Languages and Compilers
CS169 - Software Engineering
CS170 - Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS172 - Computability and Complexity
CS174 - Combinatorics and Discrete Probability
CS182 - Neural Basis of Thought and Language
CS184 - Foundations of Computer Graphics
CS186 - Introduction to Database Systems
CS188 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence
CS198 - Interactive Software Design (CS98)
CS198-1 - CS98-1/CS198-1: Programming Problems Course (CS98)
CS198-4 - From Electrons to E-mail: A Detailed Overview of Computer Science
CS199 - Independent Study
CS 250 - VLSI Systems Design
CS252 - Computer Architecture (Spring 2002)
CS254 - Topics in VLSI Systems Design
CS260 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
CS261 - Security in Computer Systems
CS262 - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
CS263 - Design of Programming Languages
CS264 - Implementation of Programming Languages
CS265 - Advanced Programming Language Implementation
CS266 - Introduction to System Performance Analysis
CS267 - Applications of Parallel Computers
CS268 - Graduate Computer Networking
CS284 - Computer-Aided Geometric Design
CS285 - "SOLID MODELING" Solid Free-Form Modeling and Fabrication
CS286 - Implementation of Database Systems
CS287 - Advanced Robotics
CS288 - An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Natural Language Processing
CS289 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
CS294 - CS 294 Course Descriptions
CS294-1 - Software Development
CS294-3 - Digital Documents and Services (INFOSYS 296A-2 )
CS294-4 - Techniques for Automated Deduction
CS294-5 - Machine Learning and Multivariate Statistics
CS294-6 - Strategic Computing and Communications Technology [Spring 1997]
CS294-7 - The Probabilistic Method
CS294-8 - Formal Techniques for Software Reliability
CS294-9 - Document Image Analysis
CS294-11 - Combinatorial Games (aka Math 275)
CS298 - CS 298 Course Descriptions
CS298-1 - System Seminar
CS298-5 - Multimedia and Graphics Seminar
CS298-9 - Plasma Theory and Simulation Seminar
CS298-11 BISC Seminar
CS298-13 - Digital Library Seminar
CS298-22 - Berkeley Programming Systems Seminar (Fall 2002)
CS298-31 - Human-Centered Computing Seminar
CS301 - Teaching Techniques for Computer Science
E77S - Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving (Self Paced)
CS Classes
EECS1 - Introduction to EECS
CS3S - Intro to Symbolic Programming (Self Paced)
CS3 - Introduction to Symbolic Programming
CS9A - Intro to FORTRAN for Scientific Computation (Self Paced)
CS9B - Pascal for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS9C - C for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS9D - Lisp and Functional Programming (Self Paced)
CS9E - Productive Use of the UNIX Environment (Self Paced)
CS9F - C++ for Programmers (Self Paced)
CS39A - Introduction to Computer Animation
CS39E - Freshman Seminar
CS39J - The Art and Science of Photography
CS39G - Interactive 3D Graphics and Virtual Environments
CS61A - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS61B - Data Structures
CS61C - Machine Structures
CS70 - Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
EECS120 - Signals and Systems
EECS150 - Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
CS152 - Computer Architecture and Engineering
CS160 - User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation
CS162 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS164 - Programming Languages and Compilers
CS169 - Software Engineering
CS170 - Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS172 - Computability and Complexity
CS174 - Combinatorics and Discrete Probability
CS182 - Neural Basis of Thought and Language
CS184 - Foundations of Computer Graphics
CS186 - Introduction to Database Systems
CS188 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence
CS198 - Interactive Software Design (CS98)
CS198-1 - CS98-1/CS198-1: Programming Problems Course (CS98)
CS198-4 - From Electrons to E-mail: A Detailed Overview of Computer Science
CS199 - Independent Study
CS 250 - VLSI Systems Design
CS252 - Computer Architecture (Spring 2002)
CS254 - Topics in VLSI Systems Design
CS260 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction
CS261 - Security in Computer Systems
CS262 - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
CS263 - Design of Programming Languages
CS264 - Implementation of Programming Languages
CS265 - Advanced Programming Language Implementation
CS266 - Introduction to System Performance Analysis
CS267 - Applications of Parallel Computers
CS268 - Graduate Computer Networking
CS284 - Computer-Aided Geometric Design
CS285 - "SOLID MODELING" Solid Free-Form Modeling and Fabrication
CS286 - Implementation of Database Systems
CS287 - Advanced Robotics
CS288 - An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Natural Language Processing
CS289 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
CS294 - CS 294 Course Descriptions
CS294-1 - Software Development
CS294-3 - Digital Documents and Services (INFOSYS 296A-2 )
CS294-4 - Techniques for Automated Deduction
CS294-5 - Machine Learning and Multivariate Statistics
CS294-6 - Strategic Computing and Communications Technology [Spring 1997]
CS294-7 - The Probabilistic Method
CS294-8 - Formal Techniques for Software Reliability
CS294-9 - Document Image Analysis
CS294-11 - Combinatorial Games (aka Math 275)
CS298 - CS 298 Course Descriptions
CS298-1 - System Seminar
CS298-5 - Multimedia and Graphics Seminar
CS298-9 - Plasma Theory and Simulation Seminar
CS298-11 BISC Seminar
CS298-13 - Digital Library Seminar
CS298-22 - Berkeley Programming Systems Seminar (Fall 2002)
CS298-31 - Human-Centered Computing Seminar
CS301 - Teaching Techniques for Computer Science
E77S - Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving (Self Paced)