American history

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Hà Ngọc Bích

New Member
This is some interesting questions about American history. Plz suggest ur ideals and prove them.

1- What do u consider the characteristics of an American hero? Who're some of ur heroes in American history?
2- Describe three things you remember learining in an American history class. Why do these particular events "stick" in your memory?
3- What questions do u have about American history that you feel have never been anwered in a history course?
4- Why do many American history textbooks exclude anything that might reflect badly upon our national character?
5- What is connection between history and racism?
6- How has ur social class shaped ur historical perspectives?
7- What are the historical causes of poverty
Tao chả thấy mấy câu này hay ho khỉ gì.Hê hê hết việc làm rồi hay sao mà post mấy bài này hả mày:nono:
Almost all your questions can be answered through the book "Lies my teacher told me" by James Lowell, a Columbia grad.

Some suggestions: american textbooks are not "history," but their authors' interpretation of what happened in the past. History is written by the dominant in specific times in our society.... for eg...the points of view towards John Brown have changed at least 3 times, from good to bad, and to good again after the 1980s.... Also, national heroes, like George Washington, or Christopher Columbus.... are often glorified, but indeed, the first was a slave- owner, and the latter a harsh/greedy exploiter of the Native Americans.....

I dont feel like American history courses can provide me an objective narration of what actually happened in the past, as the hero-making tendency is the common disease of most textbooks' authors and publishers (and those permitting them to be published).
My, what's ur university that u intend to go this fall? " Lies my teacher told me" is my summer reading assignment but i didn't finish reading that book yet. I had my orientation on July, 27th so the time is too hurried to read it.
Did u read it? How is the book?... Write me back ASAP. .......thanks
I read that book a year ago... U should have read at least the first chapter. There's one chapter about Vietnam, should read that too... The one about Woodrow Wilson is also a good source of reference for your future paper :) (if u take us his )..

If you dont have time to finish it off... Just read the chapters i have suggested and the afterwords on the back...

Jeez, I wish some one could tell me about these books. The title "Lies my teacher told me" is intriguing.
Did you make those questions (first post) up or are they quoted? If they are, mind telling the book's title?

About social class... I'd say they're as boring as those in VN. Well I don't know about AP ones, but I took Gov and o man it sucked.

To number 1:
I simply think American generally idolize the individuals who had great impacts on American life; not only because they made big changes to the nation or something like that, but also cuz they pose different lifestyles and ways of thinking and acting. Each American has his/her own hero(es), that could be the reason why Americans are famous for their attitudes.

It's a little hard to figure out an answer for Q#4, I don't even get the question.

Are you guys going for social study in college???

The real truth about American heroes is always exluded from most textbooks, esp...those used in public schools (administered by federal aid). If you read the very end of "lies my teacher told me," James Loewen explains the process through which a textbook is published.

Bad reflection upon long-considered national heroes may hurt the American pride on their "heroic" ancestors,and the whole idea of exceptionalism... Chapter I, Lies my teacher told me gives the answer to #4: the process of hero-making/heroification$ glorification....

Chapter II is also worth reading (about Christopher Columbus)... The chapter about Vietnam includes 3 very famous pictures of the war; one was of Kim Phuc running naked from the ruin... (this pic was on exhibition at Metropolitan Museum-NYC)

Even if you dont study US history, "Lies my teacher told me" is indispensible for the understanding of modern American society.

James Loewen, who is pretty in his second childhood, also has the other famous book, "Lies across America," which is categorized according to American geography... Another good one, too...

History questions are fun...hope we can have a History Board on HAO...
To Hoang Long-Amherst: R u a his. major?

There's a ground-breaking story about Amherst I've just read...hehe....that could ruin ur reputation :D (if u have any ;) )
4- Why do many American history textbooks exclude anything that might reflect badly upon our national character?
Although many American history textbooks exclude anything that might reflect badly upon our national character but when your view regarding these national characters mainly depends on your instructor. What do you think influence you more? the stuffs you read or what you are told my your teacher? But anyway, what My said is true. They like to portray those national heroes well as they are the symbols of America.
History is my hatest subject cause i have to read and remember a long chapter. If anyone can answer some questions plz reply to let everybody knows ur ideals.
To My: Did u have test in this book? What did u have to do?.....
no test....

My ideal: Hamilton.... who saved America from the national debt after the war...
One of mine: mít tơ Pho (Ford), who invented the "chain production".

Besides being cool, the invention is quite a smart way to exploit manual labor, and it kinda changed not only how factories in America worked but the whole world. Thanks to him, we can eat yogurt nowadays at low price and with considerable safety. :d

One of Mr. Ford's phylosophy: no worker shall walk, bend down, look down or up, turn around or... run? (no sources, I guessed)
Hehehe... tao type nham. Con khi na`y, ma`y vao williams ha??? sao hoi ma o tra loi ha???.. .....kieu vat....
He, con dien....may cau tren kiem tra dau nam ha? cho may chet hi'hi' :mrgreen:

Tao bao la`y... Muon tra loi doc 2 chuong dau, ca phan gioi thieu, va phan cuoi thui... hehe...neu luoi hon thi nho thang nao cung lop doc ho cho, he'he'...

Con quyen nay nua, check it out:

Dont know much about History, day du hon thi phai...

The nha', g'luck...

p/s: o NJ a? Hom nao sang choi phat nhay..
The mày ở dâu?..... tao cu 2 con roommate cua tao o chiu duoc???..... dg tu nhien cancel, bay gio tao phai ti`m roommate loan len, ma` 3-9 vao hoc roi. Cu o chiu duoc, ma`y wen ai o PA, dg can tim roommate o???
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