A little riddle.

Nguyễn Đức

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What does Ceiling Bright Mountain mean?
Tran Minh Son, can not think of a better one ;)... bb
oops, I've searched in Google :oops:

Another idol, Duc, besides Toan Vi dai:D
:roflmao: I should have thought of that! I was sooo close .. already tried to translate the words into Vietnamese, but couldn't make out the meaning.. arghhh.. *slapping on my forehead* So I gave up - was going to ask for a clue when Dao Binh gave the answer ^_^

But, Đức, what's he got to do with this forum? If I were you, I'd have asked for 'naked bright mountain' :oops:
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
Nhung, you are a very very bad friend:D
Anyway, Tran Minh Son never browses this board:D
Let's talk ill of him:D

Ah now I know who Dao Binh is. She is a girl that chose to study Chemistry at Tong Hop instead of Engligh at Hn-ams. And she is a very special friend of Tran Minh Son :D. That's why she got the riddle right.

Tell me I am wrong, Binh
Chỉnh sửa lần cuối:
I don't even know who Tran Minh Son is, unfortunately.
Naked doesn't quite hold up in terms of translating the word- then it has to be half-naked :)
I AM NOT A GAL!!! LOOK AT MY GENDER!!!!! I'M A GUY!!! Thought u were smarter, Linh!!! *disappointed... and pissed off!!!!!*
oops just for fun, don't get red like that. I've taken revenge ha ha ha
As TMS's gf has different name.

Don't go. I luv you very much:D
Another Singligh word, Binh? In AE or BE, guy means both boy and girl:D
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